Original case report
hereTaPiR report
here americanhoney139 has been taking text wholesale from many animated movies and repurposing them into stories. This is a direct violation of the FFN no copyrighted material rule. In addition, she seems to have been plagiarizing from other authors on FFN in her other stories.
Sent her a PM, received the following response:
I want to say that I am definitely not the only one that does this. Because
this is FANFICTION, I am not getting payed to write these things and they are
simply for my amusement and the amusement of others. I am, in no way, saying
that I own the rights to those stories or plot ideas. Everyone knows that they
belong to Disney (or Fox in Anastasia case although most people believe it to
be Disney). The song lyrics are obviously not my own, and I say who wrote them
at the end of the story. So please stop focusing on me because I am in no way
plagiarizing something that is obviously not mine and everyone knows it.
Was unable to reply as she immediately blocked account after sending her PM. However, this message proves her as a consummate liar, as it is clear that she has been lifting sections from other people's fanfics and putting them into several of her own. Do believe that is called plagiarizing.
(credit to
roguemudblood and
ms_sarabeth20for first locating the matches)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9000574/1/Somethin-Bout-A-Woman / ORIGINAL RIGHT:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4363230/9/Minuet PLAGIARIZED LEFT:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7740014/1/Finding-the-RAD-in-Herself / ORIGINAL RIGHT:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7130812/2/If-Eyes-Could-Speak Her main contribution seems to be correcting the punctuation in the original. What an effort!
There are many others, but we will not bog down the report with each example.
Given her defiance and repeat offences, americanhoney139 will be added to the list of indefinite plagiarists. TaPiR will follow up with the reporting and reviewing action FFN side.