On 3 April,
remuslives23 reported that her Harry Potter story
Cold Comfort (posted 16 January 20103) had been plagiarised by Tamaki's Ramen
(FF# 2499876) as
Stony Limits Cannot Hold Out (posted 4 February 2011) in the Death Note fandom.
Upon further investigation,
remuslives23 found that Tamaki's Ramen had plagiarised four more of her stories:
- Break Me, original posted on 16 September 2009, plagiarised by Tamaki's Ramen as Gossamer Veils (Death Note fandom) on 16 January 2011
- Forbidden Fruit, originally posted on 8 April 2010 and plagiarised as A Trick of the Light (Death Note fandom) on 14 January 2011
- Breathe, originally posted on 9 May 2008 and plagiarised as Queen Mab Hath Been With You (Death Note fandom) on 2 January 2011
- And the Water Caught Fire originally posted on 3 October 2009 and plagiarised as Of Foil Blankets and Fire (Ouran High School fandom) on 23 September 2010.
Screencaps for all of
remuslives23's stories are in the original report
I investigated the other stories in Tamaki's Ramen account on Fanfiction.net. Of the remaining four, two all were plagiarised:
Ragtime Tune's story
It Shakes All Over Like a Jellyfish (Bare fandom) was original posted on 3 April 2010; it was plagiarised in
A Manic Sort of Spark (Ouran High School fandom) on 24 August 2010.
Bellmaree's story
Watch Me, Just Watch Me (Spring Awakening fandom) was posted on 26 January 2009; it was plagiarised in
Way Up High Waiting to Be Caught (Ouran High School fandom) on 21 August 2010.
I have attempted to contact Tamaki's Ramen, but there has been no response after five days. I also filed a report with
TaPiR, so I am hopeful that the FF.net mods will react. As Tamaki's Ramen is a serial plagiarist, I am adding them to our list indefinitely.
10 April 2013 ETA: The remaining two stories on Tamaki Ramen's account are also plagiarised.
A Composition of Beauty is a rip-off of
What Love Sounds Like by
It Runs in a Circular Motion is a rip-of of
Heaven Was Mine by Ragtime Tune.