On March 13, 2012
unseen1969 reported plagiarism in the Harry Potter fandom,original report
here The report by
unseen1969 was submitted on behalf of
RZZMG on fanfiction.net, author of a story titled 'Collide', who had been advised that another fanfiction.net user
Kaleidoscope77 had posted a story called 'Charms Lesson' where a sex scence from the story 'Collide' was used.
Kaleidoscope77 was contacted by the original author and received a number of reviews and had deleted the story 'Charms Lesson' prior to the original report, however,
unseen1969 has provided screen caps of the stories
here and viewing the part of the stories side by side, I have confirmed it is almost a word for word copy of RZZMG's 'Collide'.
Kaleidoscope77 updated her profile to say
I was doing this for fun, but one of my three ghost writers screwed me.
I might start a new account with revised stories. I may not.
When contacted Kaleidoscope77 stated she had apologised to RZZMG, had removed the story and stated that scene was written by a new ghost writer.
ghost writer
a person who writes one or numerous speeches, books, articles, etc., for another person who is named as or presumed to be the author.
source Kaleidoscope77 replied to my only attempted contact via PM and requested no more contact be made with her and would not answer any further questions. On adding Kaleidoscope77 to author alerts on fanfiction.net, I received a message: I politely asked you not to contact me again. Adding me to your author alerts is a form of contacting me.
I apologized to the author that I offended. I rectified the problem by taking it down. I also told you that I am going to be closing my account as soon as my friend is done with her story next week. There is really nothing more I can do. So, please, leave me alone. If you continue to bother me, I will not be so polite.
Kaleidoscope77 has stated a ghost writer was writing the stories she then published as her own and when publishing 'Charms Lesson' did so as the author and must take responsibility for the published content.
Kaleidoscope77 was be added to the list of known plagiarists