This is kind of complicated, so bear with me, OK? OK.
So, a few months ago, I was very active in the Princess and the Frog fandom on After a while I stopped going there, but the other night, I decided to go back to the section and see if there were any good stories I hadn't read, when I clicked on something that seemed eerily familiar.
So, I was like, 'bwuh, I must've already read this!' So I read it again for old times sake, and continued on my merry way on down the section.
THEN I clicked on a story that was almost the exact thing.
After investigating post dates, I have come to the conclusion that the second story I read was the first one posted. The chapter that has been plagiarised in that story was chapter 2, but there was a whole month between the the first story and the second story ('Baby Mine' by PrincessSomething and 'The Cuttest Little Thing!' (sic) by Scatterbrain911 respectively) were posted.
Since Baby Mine was posted in Feb. and The Cuttest Little Thing! was posted in Mar., I actually don't know if this still counts, but I figured that plagiarism is plagiarism and that I'd better join and post. (Which resulted in me accidentally trying to join the mods community instead, since it was about midnight. Sorry, spiralleds!)
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make screencaps, but I will make them if someone tells me how! For now, you'll have to deal with links.
Chapter 2 of Baby Mine by PrincessSomething: The Cuttest Little Thing! by Scatterbrain 911: NOTES: PrincessSomething said in her author's notes that Chapter 2 was based on and was a reference to an episode of Gilmore Girls. I can't comment on the similarities between the fic and the episode, because I don't watch Gilmore Girls, and I'm also not sure if that was the source for both writers.
Of course, there is this in the summary of The Cuttest Little Thing: "Yeah, you've probably read a story like this- either read this or not but ST0P TELLING ME YOU'VE READ A REPLICA!"
It seems that there have also been reviewers who have pointed the similarities out to Scatterbrain911, and also one anon who told PrincessSomething that 'there was a story almost exactly like this one, but I like yours better anyway.'
Thank for looking into this... sorry if it doesn't count, but I'd just feel REALLY bad if I could've done something and I just let it go unnoticed.