(no subject)

Oct 21, 2011 23:01

Who: guardianjoker and yosukecantstop
What: Yosuke is drunk due to the contaminated water supply and Amu ends up meeting him and finding out he's another one of her roommates
When: Backdated to October 7th! Afternoon or something.
Where: Room 4-1
Warnings: none?

[It was by accident that Amu found out the water was affected with alcohol, luckily she was careful enough to avoid drinking it.

It seemed way too early to be part of a drive event, but either way the water was contaminated. She had just gotten back to the room after shopping for a few things she needed and some water bottles since unlike those events that happened at the end of the month, who really knew when this was even going to get back to normal. It was a bit worrying, in fact, she decided that she would check up on Ikuto later in the day...she did still need to thank him for her birthday gift, even if that was sort of belated on her part.

Letting out a sigh, picking up the things she bought as she went to put a few of those items in the kitchen]

hinamori amu, yosuke hanamoron

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