I wanna know I belong to you

Oct 16, 2011 15:18

Who: aviolethorizon and chou_no_hime ; CLOSED
What: With the upheavals in the teahouse (mostly because of Chen running amok), a certain Book of Memories has resurfaced from its hiding place. In attempting to help reorganize the last few bits, Yukari and Yuyuko come across it. And Yuyuko gets to see her human life from Yukari's perspective.
When: Today
Where: Tea House
Warnings:  TW for Suicide ; heartbreaking depression ; occasional murder ; angst. Such is the curse of the girl who controls death itself.

The mess had been mostly cleaned up, but there were still loose odds and ends - mostly little stuff - tucked far into corners or pushed aside while more important things like furniture and larger, more valuable things were replaced. The little stuff had mostly sat, unused, until Yukari, realizing that no one else was going to clean it up, and having the strangest fancy to actually clean up the mess, started to place it back. She wasn't sure when Yuyuko had wandered in, but though the ghost princess wasn't particularly helping in her method of replacing upturned items and reorganizing and decorating, she was, as always, very glad to have Yuyuko around for conversation.

The bookshelf was one of the last places needing to be organized; books had  been some of the first things flung about during Chen's rampage, and had not only taken a long time to gather, had also been put by the wayside due to the tediousness of having to organize them alphabetically.

However, that was what Yukari was doing - alphabetically in the traditional way: Author last name, then book title.

At least... until she found a book with no author. No, that wasn't precisely what drew her. After all, there were a few untitled books. No, this was odd because...

... Well she couldn't precisely tell. Especially since the pages all appeared to be blank.

"How... very odd..."

yukari yakumo, yuyuko saigyouji

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