Who: Gin & Suì-Fēng
What: Suì-Fēng is doing some feline baby-sitting for Gin. Gin hasn't realized she's charging in patience.
When: Backdated to Aug 13.
Where: Room 5-7
Warnings: Cattiness. (Y'see what I did there?)
[After disentangling the cat from his hair long enough to tell the door to let in a cocky looking Asian woman-
"A woman? Really? Oh I have to tell the other doors~!"
Gin went back to swearing at the cat he had ended up naming after... a blanket. (In his defense, the cat had picked the name.) By the time Suì-Fēng would get there, Gin had healed up the worst of his scratches and was now waving a rolled up Lightning Post at the cat which had taken refuge on top of a cupboard in the kitchen. The scene, comical already, was not helped by Ukitake's two cats lounging about on top of the counter with humorous mews.
Clearly, karma was taking a huge chunk out of his debt today.]