Who: Holmes (
yes_mother_hen ), Une (
11ady ), aaaand... YOU?!
What: Holmes and Une, getting themselves into a bit of trouble doing some detectiveworking! The Vogon Poery Slam judges have mysteriously gone missing for the past few weeks... HOLMES SMELLS A CASE. So does Une. FORCES OF JUSTICE, UNITE.
When: At the Vogon Poetry Judging...place.
Where: Today!
Warnings: Uh. Detective...things? HOLMES SNARK. idek guys
[That was a little incident that could have been...handled more 'delicately', to say the least. Holmes had forgotten to bring his gun (or, rather, he's not been given one to spare Room 7-11 from having too many holes in the wall), and so when the little 'discussion' between a particular Vogon who'd seemed to know much about the disappearing poetry judges (because that was the only thing Holmes cared about, in his job description) turned sour...
...well, needless to say that his first reaction was "MISS, DO YOU HAVE A GUN", and the second was "KNOCK IT OUT".
Both reactions were proved affirmative (Une had a gun, they both managed to knock the Vogon unconscious), but the problem now was that they'd gotten very little information prior to the scuffle, and plus they now had to hide a huge alien body before they were caught.
Une speaks first.]
He's merely stunned. When he comes to, he won't be any worse for wear.
[times like these she was grateful her boss advocated the use of non-lethal weaponry.
Holmes looks a little interested in her weapon of choice, but now's not the time.]
But now we've two problems on our hands. Better than none, I suppose.
((OOC: ALRIGHT, feel free to either:
a) happen upon them standing there with an unconscious Vogon on the ground and ask them what's up
b) have been at the Vogon Poetry Slam session that had gone on beforehand and stumble across them