Serious business going down...

Jul 07, 2011 03:02

Who: Hot Pants (thinkin_arbys) and YOU!!!! ALL OF YOOOOUUUU~~~
What: Cosplay store shenanigans and/or trauma, because her July job was MORE than it appeared...
Where: The cosplay shop
Warnings: I hope none????

Cosplay: SERIOUS business )

leeron littner, atem, ezio auditore, lady une, finnian, hot pants, miles edgeworth

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Comments 268

Oh look, today is the 7th ;) 11ady July 7 2011, 08:20:38 UTC
[With an armful of documents in hand, Une was making her way to HQ. More often than not, this seemed to be the norm. Keeping things on paper, while sometimes inconvenient, lent her some sense of security since hard copies couldn't be hacked.

Walking down the street as usual, she caught a glimpse of red as she turned the corner.

No, couldn't be...]


XD thinkin_arbys July 7 2011, 08:23:36 UTC
[And Hot Pants is mildly posing for a picture with some alien tourist-type.

Looks pretty in-character for the costume, right?

When they wander off, she glances at the person wat--oh. Oh my. Doesn't she look a little familiar? Just like the picture she was shown...



This is hideous already. 8| 11ady July 7 2011, 08:31:03 UTC
[So much awkward.]

W-why are you-

[Stammering. She never stammered...

But having the past one considered buried staring you in the face was jarring to say the least.]


KUKUKU thinkin_arbys July 7 2011, 15:10:51 UTC
[ :|

>8| ]

I am doing my job. I don't know why they're having me wear this, but it's what I was assigned. Do you want to come in and... buy something?


I PICK THE ... um. 10th! note_atem July 7 2011, 16:40:10 UTC
[Challenge accepted, as usual. And how could he not? As he's walking down the hallway it's very hard to mistake that flaring trench coat. The height might seem a little off, but hey he's not that obsessed with his rival to notice right away it's Kaiba's job to be obsessed.

And as such he has a spark of hope immediately.]



8D YAY! I'm glad people are tagging XD thinkin_arbys July 7 2011, 18:02:18 UTC
[Well, I mean, she was facing away at the time, grabbing a totally stupid prop for a really ugly alien, but whatever...

The bonus is that when she hears someone shouting, she turns around quickly and you get 110% coat flare.

YOU WANT A CHALLENGE, KID? Cause she has no idea what's going on.]


How could I not tag this it's beautiful and terrible note_atem July 7 2011, 18:04:48 UTC

....wait a minute.

Instant happiness drain and angry fais.]

Why are you imitating Kaiba Seto? [Because he's been close with that jerk for a long time through shenanigans and adventures and he can tell now while you're facing him you are not him. SO WHO ARE YOU.]


OH YAY XD thinkin_arbys July 7 2011, 18:17:11 UTC

It's apparently called "cosplay", and it is my job. Are you going to buy something, or just gawk at me? I'm not saying any of the lines they told me to, so don't work yourself up.


the 14th! dexterity_test July 8 2011, 00:07:05 UTC
[ Unfortunately for her, the costume is just good enough for Leeron to confuse her with Rossiu from afar. Now whatever she was doing is being interrupted by Leeron standing really, really close to her. ]

Rossiu, you should have told me you were here~!

[ Except it's not Rossiu. Oops. Still, he doesn't move away. ]

Oh, sorry, sweetie. Thought you were someone else.


XD Sorry for slowness! thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 04:48:20 UTC

"Sweetie"? What kind of a thing is that to call me?


no problem dexterity_test July 8 2011, 06:34:10 UTC
[ He stares at her for a moment. Something seems off, but since bothering a woman wouldn't be as fun proper, he'll assume he's dealing with a man. ]

Hmm~? That's what I call all handsome men. Does it bother you?


thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 20:20:03 UTC
[Welp, at least she passes in this outfit, too!]

Not particularly, as long as you keep your distance.

Do you know this person?


well this is going to end super well on the 8th maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 04:09:59 UTC
[Ezio's passing through the area, mostly exploring when... This. Cannot. Be. Happening. He was almost sure... no. As he approaches, he realizes it is not who he thought it was at first. He crosses his arms.]

Why are you wearing that?


Yeah, she's already about to die. XD thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 04:47:21 UTC
[No, don't recognize her. Don't recog--DANG IT.

She fusses with the wig just a bit and stares him down for a moment.]

I was told to wear it. Is there a problem?


ROFL maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 19:34:43 UTC
I nearly mistook you for an enemy of mine.


thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 19:47:19 UTC
[If she could facepalm, she would. Instead she reaches for his arm--slowly, no sudden moves, she remembers--intent on dragging him off to the side so no one sees her wanting to DIE ON THE SPOT OF EMBARRASSMENT.]]

Please tell me that is some sort of joke.


FAR INTO THE FUTURE! 27th (1/2) kendonobara July 9 2011, 08:59:43 UTC
[Just returned from shopping, carrying a few bags in one hand, and he just...stops.]

[And stares.]

[If it wasn't for the height, he could have sworn it was...]



kendonobara July 9 2011, 09:00:08 UTC
[After the initial shock wears off, Aya narrows his eyes. Now he is not amused.]

What do you think you're doing?


thinkin_arbys July 9 2011, 13:35:58 UTC
[Okay, by this point in the month she is used to the reactions. She doesn't even flinch.]

My job for the month, and it is almost done, so don't get in my way. Let me guess: I'm dressed like someone you know.


kendonobara July 9 2011, 13:37:32 UTC
[Someone wants to play battle of the angry people, huh?]

I wasn't stopping you.


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