Serious business going down...

Jul 07, 2011 03:02

Who: Hot Pants (thinkin_arbys) and YOU!!!! ALL OF YOOOOUUUU~~~
What: Cosplay store shenanigans and/or trauma, because her July job was MORE than it appeared...
Where: The cosplay shop
Warnings: I hope none????

Cosplay: SERIOUS business )

leeron littner, atem, ezio auditore, lady une, finnian, hot pants, miles edgeworth

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well this is going to end super well on the 8th maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 04:09:59 UTC
[Ezio's passing through the area, mostly exploring when... This. Cannot. Be. Happening. He was almost sure... no. As he approaches, he realizes it is not who he thought it was at first. He crosses his arms.]

Why are you wearing that?


Yeah, she's already about to die. XD thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 04:47:21 UTC
[No, don't recognize her. Don't recog--DANG IT.

She fusses with the wig just a bit and stares him down for a moment.]

I was told to wear it. Is there a problem?


ROFL maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 19:34:43 UTC
I nearly mistook you for an enemy of mine.


thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 19:47:19 UTC
[If she could facepalm, she would. Instead she reaches for his arm--slowly, no sudden moves, she remembers--intent on dragging him off to the side so no one sees her wanting to DIE ON THE SPOT OF EMBARRASSMENT.]]

Please tell me that is some sort of joke.


maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 20:06:57 UTC
[He crosses his arms and gives her a look. Just a look.]



thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 20:12:41 UTC

If I'm dressed as something undesirable, you ought to tell me. I'm not discussing this out here; I look like... [A woman. A harlot. A person of questionable taste.]


maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 20:35:18 UTC
Courtesan. [He finishes, without as so much as flinching.] If you have been told to dress as such, who am I to argue with those who have hired you? [... Oh the irony.]


thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 20:39:40 UTC
[Her face goes pretty pale before going a lovely shade of pink, and her eyes widen just enough to show alarm before she gets herself back under control. PLEASE BE JOKING, MAN.]

This is... I mean you can see... too much. You're mocking me.

[No, you know what? She is crossing her arms and trying to look cool.

...Totally not working.]


maestro_ezio July 8 2011, 20:55:49 UTC
I am not the mocking sort. [... Sure.] Courtesans show too much on the whole.

((ooc: does she have the bladed fan with her?))


thinkin_arbys July 8 2011, 21:11:18 UTC
...Somehow I don't believe you. If I could look at your eyes, I'd be able to see you lying. Maybe that's why you hide them.

[Hey, guess who is the least nun-like nun ever? OH! IT'S HOT PANTS!]

I protested this one. I'm not even... I don't look womanly. It's... a terrible fit.



maestro_ezio July 10 2011, 00:53:36 UTC
[Ezio cocks an eyebrow. How does she think she does not look womanly? A woman of rank, no, but a woman yes. As for least nun-like nun... well Ezio's from the Renaissance. The pope was hardly a true pope in his devotions as were most men and women in the Church. Not a problem for him.]

And your outfit that conceals your body is more womanly?

You have a weapon. Your fan is sharper that most knives.


thinkin_arbys July 10 2011, 01:03:51 UTC
[SIGH.] I don't look womanly. Me. Narrow hips, flat chest, strong jaw. I shouldn't be wearing something like this. Why would they think I should parade this around to show people?

[She touches the edge of the fan. She knew it was sharp, but... Yep, just a nick.] So I see.


maestro_ezio July 10 2011, 01:24:32 UTC
[Ezio's not going to argue those points.]

This ship is strange and so are its people.

The girl whose clothing you wear, Fiora Cavazza, she was an enemy of mine once. She became an ally to us, in the end. Without her, my Assassins and I would not have gathered the necessary information and eliminated several Borgia agents.


thinkin_arbys July 10 2011, 02:21:34 UTC
[Srsly, it's the truth. Manly to the end.]

So far, I have heard much worse things said about the people I'm dressed as--pardon, "cosplaying". At this point, I'm surprised this woman wore sensible shoes. It's quite functional, even if it is of questionable taste.

[She casually indicates the pouch on her hip--yep, Stand is in there, safe and sound.]

This Fiora. She fought with such a fan, of all things? Nothing short of ruthless, then.


maestro_ezio July 12 2011, 00:22:19 UTC
[She could have been an Assassin-friendly courtesan. At least Fiora's clothing covers far more than this.]

She worked for Cesare, all of his men and women are ruthless. The cross on her fan is the mark of the Templars. She was a good informant for us, but in the end, Cesare dealt with her as only he knew how.


thinkin_arbys July 12 2011, 02:15:13 UTC
[Do you know how much she cosmically hates Ezio for even thinking that thought? It's a LOT.]

She was a Templar herself? [Because in a sideways manner, these really are her forerunners...]

And she died as she lived, I take it?


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