When the Eternal's Away, the Fox Shall Play [Open log]

May 30, 2011 16:41

Who: Alice and you!
What: Polly's pet is bored and has decided to steal a day out! Be pestered by her?
When: Today!
Where: The Thor is our playground--so anywhere you like!
Warnings: Mischievous foxes and Mario Land

[Unlike Polly's other pet (a sizeable blue space tarantula named Harold, who is generally content to climb about atop the book shelves) Alice often grows tired of being locked up in their suite while the Eternal is out at her monthly mission. A bored fox--even if it had started life as a rabbit--is a somewhat ominous thing for any owner who values their belongings.]

[By this point--over a year after the non-fox had come into the girl's care--dozens of shoes and quite a bit of carpeting and upholstery has been sacrificed to Alice's restlessness. Given Polly's talent for duplication and affection for the animal, every gnawed thing has been cleaned up and replaced with very little complaint, whereas her former master would have likely thwacked the fox across the nose with his cane for it. Despite this, on some level the ease with which the vixen's work is undone leaves her feeling a little empty inside.]

[So, rather than spend another day pulling stuffing from couch cushions, Alice's focus is on the shadows under said couch.]

[Those who remember the former-rabbit's equally former owner--one Xerxes Break--may remember his penchant for using shadows in place of doors. It is a knack the creature can occasionally still manage, herself. though usually it works best when she is frightened or otherwise not thinking about it. And, right now, she is very much thinking about it.]

[She wants out.]

[It takes her a few passes under the piece of furniture to find the place in her mind that lets the shadow open, but it is not long before the suite no longer contains the non-fox at all. A moment later, she finds herself climbing out of the darkness under a bush in one of the Thor's many parks. With a happy yip, she strikes out in search of adventure.]

[ooc: There's a vixen loose on your ship, Thorians! What do? Action tags for speed, please.]

alice, carpet

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