The Princess? Yeah, She's in -this- Castle. [REALLY TOTALLY OPEN]

May 29, 2011 12:46

Who: The SDM
What: The Scarlet Devil Mansion got turned into a castle.
When: Anytime during the Drive activation
Where: The Scarlet Devil Mansion Castle, New Gensokyo
Warnings: Copious amounts of Mario mixed with Touhou.

With the latest activation of the Drive, something seems a little... off about Remilia's mansion. Most notably, it's not a mansion anymore. It's a castle. A big, pixelly, ominous-looking castle. Inside is even better, boasting pits of lava, fireballs, swinging fire arms, Dry Bones, pipes, question blocks, and all the like.

But, perhaps the Drive didn't affect it all the way, or the nature of New Gensokyo altered it a bit, but there is something still distinctly Gensokian about the castle: bullets. Everywhere. Fire bullets. They're not traveling very fast, but they are everywhere.

As sinister as it is, there seems to be something even more sinister lurking somewhere deep inside...

[This log is really wide open. Make your own threads, tag other people, have a good time. Some starter areas will go up, but feel free to make your own.]

marisa kirisame, patchouli knowledge

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