playing_thefool, and YOU. Probably.
What: Three fools, one birthday.
When: March 29th, after school
Where: Park!
Warnings: Personae, partying, a surprise game, presents, a gratuitous amount of baked goods, Chie's cooking, 50s shenanigans, and more.
Though they had planned this for a while, there really wasn't much to set up for the birthday. Just a few tables to put the food, drinks, and a fair amount of Rapunzel's baked goods on, some speakers set up for music (playing
a usual song from Minato's MP3 player to provide refuge from the 50s elsewhere, though it's set up so that anyone can come freely change tunes), and a few decorations here and there. Not much, but it'd work well.
Minato really wasn't expecting a huge turnout, but after the events of the Sigrun, any excuse to just relax a bit was welcome. The three birthdays were just a really good excuse.
[ooc: Prose or action tags. Don't matter which. Gonna divide the log a little.]