Who: YOU
What: Sock Hop!
Where: HS Gym
Warnings: IDK kids making out, fights in the parking lot
[ The school gym is decorated with streamers and things hanging from the ceiling.
The dance floor is open until midnight, and it's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday. But forget about those songs for the moment, because there is live talent* singing the playlist to the right on a makeshift stage to the far right of the gym. Do you love him, now that he can dance**?
In addition to this, there's refreshments all along the tables, so get your best poodle skirt and take off your saddle shoes and do The Twist! Do The Bop! Do The Mashed Potato! Do The Hand Jive***! Dances not allowed are: The Locomotion, The Lambada, The Electric Slide, The Macarena, The Cotton-Eyed Joe or the Dougie. Leave your 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s at home baby and hand me some skin 'cause this joint is jumping out of this world****. ][*Kakashi is singing
**The first song is from '62 but Kakashi really wants to know if you love him now that he can dance ):
***This is Kakashi's favorite because he is very good at it.
****Ok no I have no idea what I'm saying. ]
[ OoC: Additional note; Kakashi will be making clones for the songs that require bands and be using henge to transform into the likeness of a woman to do the songs sung by women! ]