Nov 03, 2012 19:31


(That is to say, Guards/Watchmen and Justice.)
Blood (pinkhairedchild) Blood’s place on here nearly goes without saying. Stoneface is fiercely protective of this little girl. She pings him for, of course, his son, just through the virtue of being small. Besides that, she’s capable - moreso than some adults, he wouldn’t hesitate to say - and a good Guard, even if she’s a bit on the violent side. If anybody tried to hurt her, he’d go berserk. Fortunately for him (and unfortunately for her enemies), she is more than capable of taking care of herself.

Krile (feathered_earth): Although Stoneface is extremely fond of Cara, he’s a bit torn about her. She pings him for himself as a young man in Night Watch and this is a two edged blade. Her idealism is uplifting, but for Stoneface, grounded in realism, a dangerous thing. Still, it’s not something that he wishes to crush, even if he thinks it’d probably be a bit healthier for her to go easy on the good cheer. Her incessant good mood irritates him to the point of whacking her on the back of her head occasionally, but in all, he likes her a great deal. She’s very strong and capable, and on top of that, works like a dog. He worries about her.

Sky (blue_shields): Ah, Sky. He’s loyal, trustworthy and duty-bound. If this isn’t indication enough, Stoneface likes him a great deal and believes he’s got a lot of potential, even if his temper gets away from him sometimes and he’s guilty of saying the wrong things. However serious he may be, Stoneface enjoys his company on the basis that he seems perfectly fine with standing in silence. Sky's relationship with Companion baffles him a bit, but Spike’s happier now that he’s getting laid, so that’s that. After Inara's disappearance, he spends more time worrying about Sky now that he doesn't have the presence of a lover to bring him back to earth. His opinion is still the same, he just believes that Sky requires a bit more guidance for him to reach his full potential and to stop him from going crazy.

Handmaiden (ice_echani): Handmaiden’s rather… austere exterior put him off at first, but after they became sparring partners, he realized that that’s just her face. She’s a good guard (are you seeing the patterns in what designates whether he likes a person or not?). After revealing more of her vulnerable side to him after the fire, as well as her control over the Force, he feels a kinmanship with her over the Beast and will be keeping a closer eye on her. Now that he has chosen her as his second in command, it's clear that he trusts her with his life and indeed, with the Watch. He now understands her far better than he used to and enjoys her company, no matter how strange. He does, however, still feel betrayed by the fact that the cause of her death wasn't something she told him.

Bastet (felinemystique): He respects and trusts her, which is shown well enough that he’ll take orders from her. Bastet is capable without being weighed down by incessant seriousness and frankly, possesses more power than one would guess at first glance and that’s reasonable enough for him to like her. She manages to survive in Edensphere with a good combination of seriousness and humour and it's quite refreshing seeing one so down-to-earth He questions her taste in companions, however, as they all appear to have a screw loose.

Justice (extantlaw): Justice is one of the first people Stoneface met in ES. Unfortunately, said meeting was as a corpse. Stoneface met up with him after he was reborn and took on the task of finding out who killed him, and… got nowhere. Justice found out who killed him, and said that he would tell Stoneface if he promised not to take any action. Knowing his own personality well enough, he said no, on the grounds that he’d go and try and do LAWFUL GOOD anyhow. Nevertheless, a bond was born, and although Justice is not nice, he is a sharp, lawful sort of man, and that resonates with Stoneface more than anything else. There’s a massive ping for Vetinari here, but Stony likes and trusts him anyhow.

Rosalind (blindedmewith): Rosalind has now joined the ranks of Little Girls Stoneface Seems To Collect. If he was completely honest with himself, he'd admit that he feels quite guilty about letting her into the Watch, considering her age and apparent lack of experience. He only really did it because nobody else seemed to know forensics, and they needed somebody. On a more personal level, he's very struck by how young she is (Mr. Stoneface), but appreciates her enthusiasm on the subject of forensics, even if he finds it very odd. He will admit, however, that he finds her to be quite endearing.

Youth (spandexisyouth): Youth pings Stoneface madly for Carrot, and he can't help but like the man. Like Carrot, he's all smiles and friendliness until you walk straight into a steel wall and wonder, "Where the hell did that come from?". Youth seems to be a dedicated father (and frankly, Stoneface envies the fact that he has his family here), good to his friends, and only foolish as long as there's not a task in front of him. Stoneface thinks highly of him.
EDIT: He also thinks that Youth can be extremely childish and quite irresponsible now, and sometimes questions the man's logic. His opinion of him hasn't diminished too much, but sometimes he has to stop and think, "Where the hell is he getting this from?".
EDIT 2: After receiving Gai's memory, he's even more uneasy about Gai. Their relationship has been readily mended by this point, but he will still think upon the fact that this man is an assassin. Should he have existed in Discworld, he could have very well killed Vimes. This is not a comforting thought.

Paladin (mythgravenblade): Stoneface doesn't know Paladin well enough for him to be slotted into the good section, but he certainly likes the man. His formal nature puts him off, but Paladin is so duty-bound, honorable and helpful in times of strife that Stoneface finds it quite impossible to actually dislike him. Paladin strikes him as being very trustworthy, and is one of the first medics he'd turn to in the case of an emergency. His behaviour during the evil twin event was questionable, but not entirely unexpected.
EDIT: Paladin now counts as an honorary watchman for accompanying Stoneface down to the Wilderness to save NPC-watchman. He believes Paladin to be an all around good sort--courageous, strong, duty bound and talented at what he does. In one fell swoop, he's fallen into Stoneface's good graces, and it doesn't look like he'll fall anytime soon.

(Just be thankful you’re not on his bad side.)

Hawk (crimson_seeker): Vimes finds Hawk to be interesting above all, and would very much like to get to know him a bit better. Hawk carries a relaxed sort of vibe along with him that Vimes doesn't see too much and more than that, seems to have rather unique thought processes. The fact that he's a guard counts in his favour - he still trusts in Bastet's judgment half the time, though he often wonders why - and his low-key manner is somewhat refreshing amongst all the different personalities ES holds.

Kazahana (snowburned): Met her while going to the library, and before that, only at the sites of corpses. Awkward. All he knows is that she’s friends with Bastet. For now, he’s perfectly happy to cooperate with her, and is thankful for her presence after the fire, due to how quickly she took control.

Ari (hik_ari_gato): What the hell is that thing. Sorry, Ari. That’s all you’re gettin’.

Companion (galacticgeisha): He met her once, and she pinged him too much for empty headed society ladies who have an inability to come out and say what they mean. He doesn’t dislike her, but he doesn’t like her either. Knows her on the basis that she’s going out with Spike.

Alchemy (ittybityprodigy): Immature, easy-to-anger, overly sensitive, no sense of what’s appropriate given any set of circumstances and really, really fun to tease. Alchemy’s capable of an astounding amount and Stoneface isn’t sure what to think of metal limbs. The kid’s irritating, but one to watch.

Prongs (silver_antlers): Prongs goes in more or less the same category as Alchemy in terms of youth mixed with foolishness. The way Prongs is different, however, is that he’s also massively irresponsible, reacts to situations in ways that are entirely wrong, and… well, Prongs just doesn’t strike him as the brightest crayon in the box, so to speak. Why isn’t he on his bad side? Good question. Prongs seems to have good intentions, which can be very dangerous in some circumstances, but he hasn’t done anything to warrant anything more than a good yelling, and if Stoneface was so inclined, a thumping.

Crow (moonlit_mirage): Crow makes him mildly uneasy. There’s something off, but he can’t put his finger on it. EDIT: Now he's put his finger on it. What's with your dream, Crow? Now Stoneface knows he knows something about the person with the rainbow hair and therefore the Sphere, so he's keeping an even closer eye on him now.

Truth (misterbluesky): Funnily enough, Truth’s INSPIRATIONAL SPEECHES remind Stoneface a bit of Reg in Night Watch. This is not a good thing. He finds that Truth is over sentimental from what he’s seen of him, but doesn’t really have anything explicitly good or bad to say about him.

Ghost (redrobinhood): Ghost is… complicated. On one hand, he’s irresponsible, an unfit guardian, thinks he’s invincible, and, in Stoneface’s opinion, has succeeded in deluding himself with his own and his friends’ immortality. On the other hand, Ghost loves Blood, and Blood loves Ghost, and Ghost doesn’t seem to be a genuinely bad person. That doesn’t stop him from yelling at him, though. In recent days, the two of them have connected through Blood, and Stoneface considers him to be almost like family. Whether it's good or bad, he trusts him. Annnnd now that he's disappeared and left behind the sweetest/saddest damn note, Stoneface remembers him with fondness and regret that he never really got a chance to have a proper man-to-man talk with him.

Skulls (beat_da_button): Stoneface watches Skulls with an eagle eye, although they’ve never spoken. He doesn’t exactly approve of Cara and Skulls’ relationship, seeing as Skulls doesn’t seem to be the brightest kid, and we all know where that got Tatsu.

Apple (crowsloveapples): Stoneface has a soft spot for Apple whenever he sees his writing on the journal. It's clear that he's just a kid and that he's quite well meaning and kind. Whenever Apple speaks about slavery, it makes him very angry, but this anger is diffused by the fact that he appears to have quite a good relationship with the world around him.

Crow (blackbirdxpixie): Well meaning, if not overly formal man. Seemed to be a nice enough sort.

Reed (heretic_hamlet): stoneface can't put his finger on Reed, too busy spending most of his time translating what the man's saying. He's not too close to him, but he finds that Reed is rather trustworthy, and a good watchman.

Snap (snapsnap_boom): Leader of the adventurers, Stoneface is all but forced to interact with Snap. Luckily, he finds him to be a reasonable man, and fitting of the authority he's been given. He has no strong feelings on him, but is happy enough to cooperate with his forces.

Elsa (fourplusnipples): Elsa is from his world, knows of the badge, knows of the city, knows of the man with red hair, knows... okay, you get the point. And the point is, she's from wherever he's from, and she could be a copper. This has piqued his curiosity immensely. He has hired her as a copper, and finds himself fond of her frank attitude. She's sometimes easier to talk to than the rest of his men, as she appears to share his lack of nobility when it comes to the job.

Bell (grab_my_bells: The only thing stopping him from dropping straight into mildly negative territory is the fact that Youth seems so fond of him. In reality, Stoneface is suspicious of the innuendo he flings all over the place, and thinks him as rather inconsiderate for seeming to completely neglect Lotus' feelings on his father's sex life. He's lied, talked big, and hasn't shown many signs of changing. The only time he's seen Bell seem slightly genuine is when he apologized, which Stoneface grudgingly accepted. Nonetheless, he harbours a lot of doubt about him and really hopes that he's not going to mean bad news for Youth.

Bridge (handy_psychic): Usually, what Bridge did wouldn’t tip him off into the immense dislike section, but seeing as Bridge encountered him as a bad time and struck him as inappropriate, deeply insensitive, and using calamity in order to climb up the ranks… well, he really doesn’t like him. The quick apology did nothing to appease his anger, as he read it as insincere, as rank-climbers generally are.
EDIT: Bridge has now moved up from the bad to the neutral due to good behaviour, helpfulness and genuinely proving himself to be a decent sort.

Nikki (dont_leave_town: Nikki's smart as a whip, and seems to be a good copper so far. He likes the way she thinks, and is rather fond of her so far.

Target (letmefollow): She seems to be a reasonable enough woman, and she's one of the captains of the Adventurers. She has done nothing to prove herself unworthy of respect.

Hawk (crimson_seeker): Hawk seems to be from around the same era as Stoneface and appears to echo some of the sentiments that Stoneface finds familiar. He's a guard, and he's got a good head on his shoulders. Stoneface wouldn't mind getting to know him more.

(Yes, this section is actually necessary.)

Black (hisbutler_bound): Black is extremely polite to Stoneface, but is extremely hostile towards Rogue. He's often seen making thinly veiled threats, which make Stoneface frown, and he knows of his rather terrible memory. He hasn't passed final judgment yet, but he's certainly going to keep his eye on the butler.

Arthur (buchananneket): Fancies himself a detective, proclaimed that Castor was dead which could have thrown the Sphere into a panic, and completely ignored everything Stoneface said. And spoke funny. :|, Arthur. :|.

Rogue (desig_survivor): Foolishly spreaded another person's memories all over the journal, appeared to be starting a mob, and seems to have truly good intentions. This is bad. There's no wickedness worse than that spread by good intentions, Stoneface believes. He keeps his eye on Rogue.
EDIT: Rogue found his cigar case and had the audacity to try and overcharge him, then said that he could melt it down for more cash. The bastard.

Castor (unevoked): Stoneface doesn't have much of a problem with suicide and was relatively grateful that Castor's was so nice and simple, but you've got to wonder about a guy who kills himself and then is reborn and gets right back to work. If you were just going to do that, then why even kill yourself in the first place, Castor? Picking skull bits off the ground isn't his idea of a good time.

(This means you’ve pissed him off. Whoops.)

Zombie (fewterer): Zombie speaks flippantly at the worst of times and strikes Stoneface as callous and rude. He worked for Fenrir and there was that whole bit with his name written in blood in the journals. He’s very suspicious of him.

P/Raise/Dyad (subject_e0057): Knowing about P/Raise’s split personalities and the fact that he led Prongs along with false information, he doesn’t trust the man at all. The fact that he’s next in line if Snap ever disappears for good worries him. He's even more distrustful of him after he saw his crrrraaaazy dream. At this point in time, the man's killed him, disappeared, and returned without memories. Needless to say, Stoneface still hates him.

Juliet (esoteric_rose): Juliet smiled at his memory in the elevator, which clearly demonstrated his men dying. Then, he proceeded to assure Stoneface that he would not commit a crime, then went crazy, assaulted Fred and inadverdently killed himself when he was lucky enough to survive the fire. At this point, he’s not sure if Juliet is more crazy or more stupid, but either way, he certainly doesn’t like him.
EDIT: Krile told Stoneface about seeing one of Juliet's brutal memories, and he asked Juliet to step down from the Candy Shoppe. Juliet complied, but Stoneface still doesn't trust her one iota.

Grace (chaosstorm): This dislike isn’t very serious, but she does irritate the hell out of him. She seems empty headed, full of privilege, and remind him of everything he hates about nobility. He will admit, however, that the fact that she cannot detect his sarcasm is entertaining.

Fenrir (asmodial): Fenrir killed East and Fallen, Stoneface is fairly sure, and then clinically killed OTHER people and fed them to the people of ES. BURNING HATRED, folks.

Aurora/Lithium (earth_uninstall: He complained a lot, and found issue with everything Stoneface said, going as far to say that the Watch was covering things up. Stoneface just really hates him. Now that he's lost his memory... well, bias rules everything! HAET AURORA.

Okay, that was way too long. Regardless, if I missed you - and I probably have, I’m sorry! - just leave me a note here and I shall FIX THE LIST. ♥

relationship post, !ooc

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