Presidential Debate

Sep 30, 2004 22:25

Wow...right now, playing in the background is possibly the most apalling feature i've ever seen on television. It's the first presidential debate of 2004, and frankly, it's making me sick. Neither candidate has made any valid points that we haven't already heard about 600 times. Now, i'm not a politician...i'm not even a politics fact, politics make me sick....i'm gonna go ahead and say that politcs are a big pile of dog shit...if politics were a person, he'd be that guy behind you at a concert that doesnt know any of the words, yet insists on screaming along in his own random strings of jarbled incoherent nonsense, meanwhile spilling his stale beer all over the back of you and your date's shirts, yet theres nothing you can do because he weighs 350 pounds and from the looks of things could roll over and completely crush a 2000 pound buick, and when you finally get mad enough to turn around and give him a cold glare, he yells in glee and gives you a high five, completely unaware of the fact that at that very moment the one thing you desire most on earth is to rip out his still beating heart and crush it in a cold grip of icy death...THAT MY FRIENDS IS AN ACCURATE METAPHOR....or simile, shit i always get those two confused. Anyway, thats what i think of politics and 90% of politicians...make that fact, if a politician hasn't personally come up to my doorstep, gotten on his knees, kissed my shit-stained boots, and thanked me over and over for being such a smart and loyal constituent, then he is a big pile of rotting cow shit...make that skunk shit...or skunk piss...whichever smells worse. Now, back to the debate thats currently consuming the media in the US. John Kerry or George Bush...which would make a better president?
The answer of course is neither. It is my opinion that this country would be much better off if we were to simply not elect a president this year, and go through the next 4 years with no president. Obviously no progress would be made....but i'd say 4 years with no progress is better than 4 years of either nuclear annihilation (the Bush option) or 4 years of other countries raping us up the ass and no real decisions being made anyway (the Kerry plan). The smartest thing America could do (besides ya know, getting a competant person on the ballot) would be to go the the XXX store on the corner, buy a blow up doll, and let him run the country for the next 4 years. I guarantee we'd be in better shape after those 4 years. Plus, all those slutty white house interns would have something to do.
Now, i will address the problems with each candidate in particular...

DUBAYA: 1) A hick ass texan (I myself am a hick ass, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a hick-ass, however, i dont think hick-asses should be president. hick-asses generally dont do well with foreigners[among other things] and the president must be able to deal well with foreigners...and obviously bush cant as proven by his track record) who has no respect for other nations or cultures, and believes he is chosen by God Himself to be leader of the world.
2) He's a cockey bastard who believes he can do no wrong. Even the best of presidents (aka Teddy Roosevelt & Tom Jefferson) sometimes make the time TR accidentaly got shot by an attemtped assasin during a campaign speech but still finished the speech. His mistake (the only one i can really think of) was not killing the bastard before he could get a shot off. Bush on the other hand has made many mistakes, and if you honestly dont know which mistakes i'm referring to, then you're prolly too pissed already at me to even be comprehending this. Bush has not admitted to a single mistake...he honestly believes he's handled every situation correctly, and that in itself is scary enough to keep any sane person from voting for him.
3) He didnt make Ted Nugent Secretary of Kicking Ass. If the Nuge were in that position, not only would the Iraq situation be resolved, but every Iraqi would now be a peaceful America loving Christian so scared to piss Ted off that they'd do anything he said.

"HEINZ" KERRY: 1) I met him one time, and he didnt get on his knees, kiss my shit-stained boots, and personally thank me for being such a loyal kerry supporter. If he had done that (and given me free ketchup for life) i'd consider voting for him.
2)He wont admit to having changed his mind about a lot of things. I can understand if a person says they changed their "I personally wasnt given access to vital information prior to making my vote on the war in iraq, and therefore I voted incorrectly, and not a day goes by that i dont regret making that vote. If i had been given adequate information in regards to Iraq, you can be sure my vote would have been different"...something like that would be just fine. But when someone tries to ignore certain facts instead of adressing them, that just pisses me off and turns my shit green.
3) He wont make Ted Nugent Secretary of Kicking Ass. If the Nuge were in that position, not only would the Iraq situation be resolved, but every Iraqi would become a peaceful America loving Christian so scared to piss Ted off that they'd do anything he said.

Thats about it folks, thanks for reading, check back often for more crazy rants.
I'm in college with a lot of time and ideas, so here's where i'll be blowing off steam. Oh, and if your asking if i really do feel that way about all those the answer of course is ABSOLUTELY...if i didnt think it i wouldnt write it.

"You go to the box, and you feel shame"
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