Dec 05, 2005 16:20
Well, I'm now finished classes for the term, and all that's left is studying for my exams, which I have on the 10th, 14th, 16th, 19th and 20th. They're pretty spread out, which is a nice touch. My first exam is on a Saturday, which is bogus, but iy's for Computer Science, which is the easies course ever, so I'm not worried. That means this week can be used for studying the other, more difficult subjects. The key word of course, is "can", because there's an obvious temptation to slack off for a week. Still, I think I have the self control to get a lot of studying done this week. The other project I have made for myself this week is finishing the first chapter of my aborted NaNoWriMo project. It's been slow going, but I do have at least a general idea of where I want to go with the story for a little bit.It's been an awfully long time since I've written fiction, it's tough to get into. So, my hope is for that to be up by the end of the week, but no promises.
So, I was in Toronto this weekend, mostly for the fundraiser being held by my old high school at Chapters on Saturday. For some reason, I really don't feel like typing up a big account right now. It was great to see everyone again, although I wish it was under better circumstances (that's cryptic on purpose, and I'm leaving it that way). There was a nice assortment of live music, and I especially appreciated the punk band being forced to play middle of the road stuff with the amps turned way down. Oh yeah, and Danny's hour-long (felt like it anyway) reading from Oprah's book, followed by an audible "jesus!" which the microphone caught and broadcast across the store, was possibly the highlight. I bought 4 books to support the school, all from Simon R. Green's "Nightside" series, a fantasy/horror/mystery series that has at its roots a concept similar to something I've been thinking of writing about for a long time (but haven't gotten around to, haha). The books stayed at home though, because if I had them here I would just read instead of studying for my upcoming eams. I'll be sure to let you know how they are once I've gotten to read them :]
I'm sick of consoling people. Especially myself.
day to day