Apr 28, 2007 02:13
what silly little balls of flesh we all are.
infected worry worts.
things are bad. things are bad. things are bad.
things have been bad before
and i felt it was the end of the world.
at the time.
i can almost laugh now.
so now i am training myself to learn to ignore time
take a breather now and then
this will have been a thing of the past. a learning experience.
nothing really is shit bottom.
oh, no no no.
it sure feels like it is.
and im sure it smells like it, too
we're all in the stinker right now. one way or another. and over time you come to view it as...just different levels.
just something you have to grow accustomed to.
things dont go our way. rarely. when they do its overlooked and left unappretiated.
i guess i just have to learn a little gratitude.