Nov 28, 2007 23:16
I believe that too many massage therapists feel that they need to spend money to generate business. Others believe that certain types of advertising and marketing is too expensive. Well, here are a few great ways to promote yourself but cost very little. Most of these techniques can be done simply by providing your time and some gas/transportation.
*Library: one of the best ways to reach out to the community. Please do not assume just because patrons who visit the library are poor. There are many affluent people that visit the library. First off.. you want to find a library near you that you can start volunteering some time once a month. They usually have a nice conference room that you can use for free or for a small donation. The rooms have tables, chairs, video projection screen, tv/vcr/dvd, dimmed lighting, ect. Very nice. The best thing is.. everything is provided with you to help promote your business. They will put your name/service on their community newsletter, website, ect. They might even make a sign and/or fliers for you. All you have to do is talk to the director and arrange your services. Once you gather a group, you can talk about the benefits of massage, do some demos, and pass out business cards. You can even ask each patron to bring in a used book so you can start a book drive. This is a great way to promote your business.
*signs on cars: you could spend a few dollars and make magnetic signs. Or you could barter for them. Or you could make them on your own with bright cardboards and some good large letters. It's pretty simple and you could stick it inside your rear passenger window. Everywhere you drive, they will see your service and your number. Believe me, no one is going to care how you advertise. They just need to know that you provide that service. Make several signs for your family members and friends to help promote you. If they keep it in their car and they get five calls from that car, give them a free massage. This is a great way to barter.
*barter: barter your massages for other people who do other services for you. For instance, if you know someone who would clean your house, cut your hair, do your pedicure, facial, massages, ect. The more people you barter with, the more people you know that will be looking for your services. They will refer your people and it won't cost more than just a few hours out of the week. Also, you will end up with services for free. It's a win/win situation.