Oct 28, 2010 21:06
So...I never got around to writing about the fun times I had last week.
Dustin and I met up with Brandi and Ted (and baby K!) at The Anchor. We decided a couple months ago to get Ted an Eye-Fi SD card for his birthday. After yummy food (and beverages) we ended up at their house to watch Shutter Island. Good movie, but it made me really want to watch Inception again. It had been forever since I was over there just to hang out. I got a text from Brandi after I left saying that Ted was talking her ear off about the gift. I'm so glad he liked it. I take some pride in my unique gift-giving skills. Anyway. I've had one of those cards for over a month and it's by far the best camera accessory I own. Love it.
The next day was the Carrie Underwood concert, which I've already written about.
The day after that was another Cheap Date Night. I didn't have to plan any of that night for once, and oh, it was so nice! Briana covered our friends from work, and Dustin handled everyone else. Short tangent: I can't even explain how awesome it is that so many of my friends from different groups have kind of merged. All it takes is a couple of people to go above and beyond. I'm very lucky to have people like that. Basically everyone I hang out with can hold their own. I don't feel the need to babysit anyone and that is so refreshing. Is this what it's like to have "grown up" friends? I love it. :)
Back to the story: I came very close to bailing out. lol. I was feeling weird (see entry from last thursday) and physically feeling kinda blah (sleep deprivation and other fun girl things) and if I would've been able to put up with the harassment - I would have stayed home and went to bed. I can ignore my phone, but it's impossible to hide and/or be anti-social when people know where you live. And I've given too many people crap lately about being flaky to turn around and do the same thing. I'm no hypocrite. I wasn't in the best of moods, not my usual self, but I was there. The group was back at The Anchor for dinner (have I mentioned that it's my new favorite bar?) and I had my first failure. A beer that was recommended to me on Monday that was supposed to be comparable to Woodchuck was just...weak. Lame. I finally decided to try out the grilled cheese, too. Hoping it'd be the best grilled cheese on Earth and was let down. Oh well. There's so much more to try. :) The movie we planned to see was sold out, so we ended up watching The Town. It wasn't at all what I expected it to be, but I liked it.
I was so exhausted after all that went on that I slept until almost noon last Thursday. I don't know how people function regularly keeping the kind of schedule that I had for only 4 days. I was finally feeling better about everything and to top it off I got that first package from my Tumblr Buddy. And speaking of my buddy...I made my first hand-written entry in my new journal. Copied a bunch of my favorite quotes. It's kind of weird to actually write things but I like knowing that it's going to be a collection of wisdom. Overall, a very good week.
Alright. There's plenty more to write about, but I guess I'll save it for another time.
x-posted to Tumblr