we may die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain...

May 22, 2007 21:09

so i've been trying to write as of late...but i haven't been happy with anything i've written...i went to my old lyric book to see if i could get any inspiration from stuff i've previously written that was never used in anything...and there was some good stuff in it...it took me back to when i wrote a lot of it, and what i felt at that point...i definitely peaked at a previous time...granted it was heart-wrenching and at the time seemed horrible...but some good stuff came out of that loneliness...

i used to write a lot about things i was going through, and realized that the reason i can't really write anything that's worthwhile as of late is because there's nothing to write about...i don't know that that's a good thing or a bad thing...as a lyricist or a writer standpoint, it's not good...it's better to have some sort of emotion, be it love or hate...but the past few months i haven't really felt anything...it's like i'm just kind of here and that's where it ends....and therefore everything i write is just kind of bleh...don't get me wrong, i am happy...i have great friends and all, but at the same time that's not good for the writer side of me...

then there's the other side, where it's good that i haven't been heartbroken or lonely...granted i've had my guard up for quite some time and a lot of it has to do with growing up and realizing that love is bullshit, at least at this point (not saying that i might not feel differently one day, but as it stands now i believe in the love i have for my family and friends, and the unconditional love of Jesus, but romantic love is bullshit)....once upon a time i was a hopeless romantic, but for a long time that part of me has been standing on the ledge, trying to decide whether to jump or not...and that could be why my lyrics in turn have reflected my feelings, or lack thereof....

it could also have to do with the fact i don't have much of a life anymore...i wake up, go to work, come home play guitar,  watch some tv or read a book, go to sleep, wake up and do it all over again...there's not really any interesting life experiences to write about...and i feel i need to do something about that...

alex (knight) and i were talking about this a few weeks back, about how lately it just feels like i've just started writing...when in reality i have been for years...

i'm sure i'll get out of this rut eventually...

i also need an album to blow me away...it's been a few months since last i became obsessed with an album..

sorry long random whining, just thought i'd share...

i hope all is well with everyone
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