[Fic] John'Verse - Story Eleven - In His Grace (Part 3/3)

Dec 04, 2011 10:30

In His Grace - Part III
Continued from Part II

Castiel stumbled out of the nether very suddenly, into the familiarity of their living room. He reached to his side to catch John as he tumbled down, almost collapsing on the ground save for his father’s sure grip on his arms. So brought forth the third Winchester he raised from perdition. This time, Castiel could only bring the boy close and hug him tight and John, seventeen and nearly taller than him now clung back, sobbing gently on his shoulder. Pure relief.

Castiel stood there, while his son cried and wrapped the boy in his arms and multi sets of wings and closed his eyes, probing into John’s mind and putting the last horrifying months as far back in a box as he could. This he had been unable to do for Dean for Sam but Castiel would toss himself right back into the pit if he couldn’t do it for his boy. John eased then, relaxed the tension fading from his slender body and he finally pulled away a gruff cough slipping out of his throat and ran a hand through his hair. Castiel squeezed his son’s shoulder and smiled tightly before releasing the boy entirely.

“How long as it been… here?” John asked, disoriented and Castiel couldn’t blame the child being off-kilter.

Castiel contemplated for a moment, “About six days.”

“Jesus,” John whispered then rolled his eyes at his father’s quelling glare before flashing a cocky disarming grin that had Castiel smiling back out of habit.

“How are you?” Castiel asked, suddenly serious, eyes flitting over his son looking for any sign of injury, no matter how small.

“Ah… good…” John answered, seemingly confused then he narrowed his green gaze, “You do something?”

“Yes, but it’s for the best. I… I couldn’t live with myself if you retained what you were witness to. I’m so sorry John, I had no idea…” Castiel could only shake his head.

After a chase that took days, Castiel finally found the thread of Jerazol’s Grace and he almost sent John rocketing back home the moment he felt where it was leading him but John stubborn and refusing bound his own Grace to Castiel’s and the only way Castiel could send his son away is if Castiel went with him. John was never to have seen this place, witnessed the torment and devastation that went on down in the depths and bowels of the Earth.

“God can’t touch us here,” Jerazol growled once they found him, surrounded by demons and the empty vessel of Ashriel at his back, wings scorched in death on the stone beneath their feet. Castiel could only blink at the betrayal, it was all too much. To be here now, with his son it was worse than had Jerazol just killed him outright.

Surrounded by vermin and out of the healing power of Their Father’s Grace the battle was hard and drawn out, but Castiel in the end was the victor. The flash of Jerazol’s wide brown gaze still scorched over Castiel’s mind as he struck the Judas down with his angel blade and saw the holy light flare out of him and cleanse their little spot in Hell. A strange and twisted thing; purity amongst evil yet vile with the taint of blood but still somehow more holy than anything else around.

A moment after Castiel heard the rattles and groans and saw the approach of the darkness, he gripped John, dazed and injured, tight and flew fast from their contaminated Perdition before coming to a relief filled stumble into the living room where they now stood.

“We should go see Dad,” John said sheepishly. “I sure he’s pissed.”

“Yes, that is not outside the realm of possibility,” Castiel answered wryly. “The wrath of a Righteous Man be as the hand of God himself.”

“Yikes,” John shuddered.

“Come John,” Castiel said, offering a hand.

John stepped back, holding up both his own, “Maybe you should go first. Alone. Calm him down.”

Castiel smiled wryly, “I think you’ve a much better chance at that than I. Your father won’t hesitate to berate me to his full extent but with you there there’s a greater likelihood of him taking it easy.”

John swallowed, “Right…”

“You two are both chicken shits,” an angry voice muttered lowly from the direction of the stairs where Dean stood three from the bottom arms crossed and drawn, weary eyes flashing.

“Hey Dad…” John began.

“Don’t you fucking ‘Hey Dad’ me you little shit. What the fuck happened?” Dean snarled.

John flinched, “Ah…”

“Dean…” Castiel tried.

Dean snorted, “Yeah cuz that’ll work. Just spit it out and then we can get over it.”

“Jerazol led us to Hell,” Castiel said then braced himself for the verbal vitriol which would undoubtedly follow.

“Yeah, don’t sugar coat it or anything,” John hissed.

“Regardless of how I relayed the information the response would remain the same,” Castiel gritted back, giving his eldest a sidelong glance out of the corner of his eye.

Dean just stood there blinking very slowly before he fled up the stairs and a slamming of a door followed in his wake. Castiel and John stood blinking at each other at the unexpected reaction.

“Oh shit,” John said. Castiel couldn’t even find it in himself to berate his son for the curse because he felt the exact same way.

“Um, perhaps you should try and go to bed John. I think maybe you’re initial suggestion was correct. I should speak to your father alone,” Castiel said grimly. John nodded slowly.

John wasn’t an idiot and he knew his parents’ relationship wasn’t perfect, they had their share of knock-down, drag-outs and perhaps in a conventional household John would be afraid but theirs had never been a conventional household and no one ever really got hurt. He had heard the stories of the time that his father had beat his dad to a bloody pulp because he was going to say ‘yes’ to Michael. Or the time his dad had clocked his father in the jaw for being a dick. And the time his father locked his dad in Uncle Bobby’s panic room and the subsequent banishment his dad performed on his father in a fit of anger and rebellion. He heard how they had been just a short time before John had been born when his father had made a deal with the very devil that his dad wanted to destroy.

When he was older he had heard the raised voices and snarls and shouts and cries from where he was and there were arguments about pointless things. But Dean and Castiel only really knew one way to argue and perhaps that came from them loving each other so much it hurt and didn’t know what to do about it. They were dysfunctional and woefully co-dependent and any psychiatrist and psychologist worth their salt would have a field day on them but they were John’s parents. John’s family and with them was the safest John had ever felt and the most loved he had ever been. So even though he knew he’d probably have to do that muffled in cotton trick with Mary and Jasper tonight, John nodded and stepped around his father heading to his basement bedroom.

“You’ll be okay?” John asked.

“Of course,” Castiel replied with a smile.


“I should kick you out on your ass,” Dean said, the moment Castiel had found him and crossed the threshold of Jasper’s room. Dean was sitting with Jasper against his chest, in their old rocking chair and staring out the window.

“Yes, I imagine you have a banishing sigil painted on our bedroom door at this very moment,” Castiel replied.

“Yeah, I’d have to get Jasper and John in lockdown first though, but it’s there,” Dean said, his voice rough. Castiel was absurdly grateful for the presence of their young son because then at least Dean would stay relatively calm. Castiel wanted nothing more than to go over and sweep Jasper up in his arms and not let go, but Jasper was Dean’s at the moment and Castiel would not intrude when Dean needed their still innocent child so much.

“How could you let him see that place Cas? I mean my God, how irresponsible can you be? Why even bring him along in the first place?” Dean glared, finally turning away from the window though his voice was still soft and calm and almost gentle in the night. Castiel was not stupid enough to think it was for his benefit.

“I know. It was… foolish,” Castiel flinched at how inadequate that word was.

“You know Mary hasn’t left Sam’s side for a moment? She’s been crying herself sick for days, having nightmares about what happened. Mary Cas the one innocent, pure creature that we have left in this family. Sam’s furious that the angels came in here,” Dean continued.

“Yes, I imagine he is,” Castiel agreed quietly.

“He thinks I should send you on a timeout for a while,” Dean replied.

“I see,” Castiel nodded.

“He doesn’t even know about Hell yet,” Dean added.

Castiel swallowed, “Oh, yes, he wouldn’t would he…?”

Castiel chose not to bring up that it was Sam’s idea in the first place to batten down the hatches and let happen what would happen. Of course that was with the one condition that Mary was nowhere near whatever would happen. Castiel also chose not to mention that they had all been dallying in dealing with the situation and completely ignoring John’s insistence that they do something. Pride and overconfidence were again their downfall. Castiel closed his eyes. Bringing any of that up would only seek to incense Dean and that was not at all what Castiel had any intention of doing. Castiel was the biggest, the strongest the oldest and Castiel would take the blame if he must.

“I’m not sure if I’ll tell him,” Dean whispered.

“Dean, I’ll go if that’s what you want,” Castiel said quietly.

“Okay,” Dean said.

Castiel winced and nodded before moving hesitantly forward, “Just let me see Jasper for a moment, please Dean.”

Dean looked like he was about to deny the request but he nodded and stood from the rocking chair handing the youngest over to the angel before leaving the room without another word. Jasper awoke the minute Castiel’s Grace tingled over his skin and Castiel felt a small element of regret for that but he was also glad he could say a proper hello and ultimately a goodbye to the sweet boy he hadn’t seen in months.

“Papa, what’s wrong?” Jasper asked, blurrily rubbing a blue, blue eye.

“Um… I made a poor decision and unfortunately I won’t be here for a little while. But you’ll have your brother and father here. All right?” Castiel said quietly.

“But…” Jasper frowned. “I don’t…”

“I know. It’s difficult for you to understand, but if you ever need me Jasper, call me down. I promise I will be there in moments.”

“I need you now though. Why are you going away?” Jasper frowned more deeply.

“I need to,” Castiel said. He would not blame Dean for this, not to his son, Castiel could never do that to Dean.

“Go to sleep. I’m safe and well and so are your brother and father. Everything will be fine,” Castiel assured. He carried Jasper over to his bed and tucked him under the sheets dropping a kiss on his forehead.

“Papa!” Jasper said urgently as Castiel took a step back causing the angel to stop instantly.

“Yes Jasper?” Castiel asked.

“I couldn’t feel you or John. I… I couldn’t tell where you went. I didn’t know who to ask why I couldn’t. Am I broken?” Jasper said eyes liquid with tears. “The other angel, the one who had me said I don’t have angel powers like John did… Is that why I couldn’t feel you when you went away? Because you were away and I don’t have powers?”

Castiel felt his heart twist and squeeze and shatter into tiny sharp shards in his chest. His stomach rolled uncomfortably as he swallowed down the devastation he felt rolling off of his son. Who needed him so much right now but Castiel couldn’t stay. Dean had told him to go. Damn you Dean Winchester.

“Jasper no, you aren’t broken, you aren’t at all. John had his powers early for whatever reason John had his powers early. Perhaps it was how we lived or my own growing and fluctuating abilities. Perhaps it is because Gabriel brought you to us rather than Our Father. It makes you no less special or important to us Jasper and you will have your abilities when the time is right for you to have them. John was an anomaly, most young angels’ powers do not manifest until the equivalent of 7 to 9 human years. You’re not even seven yet. You have plenty of growing to do.” Castiel smiled and knelt on the floor at his son’s bedside, “And Jasper, I feel you, strong and bright and burning, cradled in my Grace. You are just as much an angel as John is and you are just as loved. Don’t ever, ever doubt that. Now try to sleep my Sweet Angel. You’ve had several rough days.” Jasper nodded and shut his eyes, settling further into his sheets and mattress.

Castiel leaned forward and pressed another kiss to Jasper’s forehead sending a thread of Grace to ease him to sleep. Castiel stepped back and took one more moment to watch his son before he flexed his wings.

Very suddenly a warm, solid body slammed into his back curling strong immoveable arms around his chest and pressing firmly into the skin. The embrace was tight enough to bruise had he been human.

Castiel started and made an abrupt landing on the roof before he could drag Dean up through the burning veil and accidently into Heaven.

“Dean!” Castiel gasped, hands coming up and fluttering to rest over Dean’s hands clenched tightly in his jacket.

“Cas, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Dean whispered against his back. “I was just scared. I… John told me what he did. John told me what you did.”

“Dean?” Castiel ventured.

“He told me he wouldn’t let you do it alone and bound his Grace to you and the only way you’d be able to get him out of there would have hurt you both and then he told me that that’s all he remembers because you took everything else away. I thought… I was afraid he’d have to live with what Sam and I have to live with and I was so angry for you taking him there. But you didn’t on purpose and we were the ones who fucked up, right? We didn’t listen to John and we could have prevented what happened if we listened. Sam and I… we thought too much of ourselves, thought no one would come here or dare to challenge you. So I’m sorry. I just… I thought you died Cas. I thought you and John died and left Jasper and me alone. I thought you left me alone again.”

Castiel closed his eyes tight and grabbed tight onto Dean’s clenched fists and leaned back into the warm reassurance that was this amazing man at his back. He could read the anxiety and fear in him as if it were his own. He could feel the overwhelming relief that everyone was safe and under one roof again and he could feel Dean’s guilt rolling off of him in stomach twisting waves and Castiel settled and stretched out and pressed. Dean gasped as he felt the threads and wisps curl around him and over him and through him and then he felt Castiel turn in his arms and the smaller man seemed to stretch out and fill the entire universe in an instant then warm, black feathers shot through with silver where shadowing the moonlight and resting around him like a lover. Dean felt both sets of massive black wings curl around him and ease whatever tension he had felt wiping everything away in a moment.

Dean glanced up and saw Castiel large and profound and holy before him and shuddered into the heat and warmth and love that echoed there.

Dean nodded and shut his eyes and Castiel smiled.

The End

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