Oct 31, 2005 20:05
I'm totally stressed out today! We're halfway through the semester, and like I predicted, but didn't do anything about, everything is catching up with me. I have two projects due tomorrow, I just finished one, and have to work on the other soon. I have a 20 page report due in 5 weeks! I've only collected the research, I haven't gone through most of it yet, nevermind actually starting to write the damn thing! I told borders I'd work there saturdays and mondays, which I now regret. But I need the money for Christmas, birthdays, etc that are coming up soon. And if I didn't care about my family so much, I wouldn't do it. But I love them and I want to buy them things even if I kill myself trying. I know I'm totally stressed because I now have a fucking coldsore on my bottom lip that hurts like hell! The only time I get them is after I've been really sick (like bronchitis or something), and I haven't been sick since last December. So it's got to be stress! I don't think it would all be so bad if I didn't love Greg so much and want to spend all my time with him. I think that's how I got so behind. That and not wanting to do any work to begin with .I dont' know. All I know is that I have to get this project done tonight!