permissions post & power info.

Aug 27, 2011 11:38

Player name: Hoshi
Contact: Messages to this account, and AIM ( mnyuuuu )
Character name: Chane Laforet
Canon: Baccano!

[OOC permissions]

Backtagging: Of course!
Threadhopping: If the situation allows it; not in closed logs.
Fourthwalling: No.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Non-con/rape. I'd like to avoid reading it and I won't RP it.

[IC permissions]

Graphic descriptions of violence and gore: Fine by me. As long as there are no pictures.
Hugging this character: Nonononono. Unless you're Claire Stanfield or Jacuzzi Splot or Nice Holystone and/or want a knife in your ribs.
Kissing this character: Definitely no.
Flirting with this character: ... You can try but she won't respond.
Fighting with this character: Definitely yes! She uses knives and is pretty agile, but not superhumanly strong or anything.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Yes. Flesh wounds, bullet-wounds and cuts are fine, and she'll recover eventually from any broken bones but anything on that level or more severe (e.g. amputation, mutilation, life-threatening internal injury) are a no-no.
Killing this character: No. Well. She'll come back eventually in SP; if you want to try a murder plot please discuss it with me first. I like Chane when she's alive and she might break.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Yes, but she will be able to reply to and reverse-read whoever's accessing her mind in turn.
Using mind control abilities on this character: Yes, but discuss with me first.

Disclaimer: it's difficult to talk to her at first because she cannot speak or use sign language, and is somewhat reluctant to write out her answers in her book-form NV. When it comes to personal interaction Chane ranges from gradual emotional intimacy to quick murder. It's entirely possible that she may try to injure you in self-defense or as part of her job, fatally if her aim is to kill you-- but the death will never be prolonged, if you're worried about torture/maiming.

In any case, she's difficult to get to know. Please contact me first for plotting purposes, whatever your ideas may be ♥ Fill out the form below and comment here if you'd like.

Update: Abilities. Chane's Core-triggered ability is just developing, albeit awkwardly and badly. Her power is that of telepathy and imprinting. This is similar to what we know as telepathy, communicating via words (almost like speech) in another person's mind, but there's a bit of a twist on it.

When her father communicates with her in her own canon he does so by medium of a homunculus who 'divides up her mind' to create a telepathic link between the two, and as well as voice and words being channelled through to one another, sensations such as touch and sight or details of the environment either person is currently in can also be felt, although with no external signs. (e.g. her father may appear close-by in her vision during the communication when he is actually on the other side of the country, or she may appear close to him with the effects of wind ruffling her hair when she is actually atop a train).

Once her power is at its peak/she has optimum control, using her ability will give the recipient a voice speaking in their mind, and she wills it, a scenario or environment-- either imaginary or real-- to accompany it. She can also negate her own voice in the communication, leaving it as the recipient's mental reader voice, so that the feeling or thought she transmits is a sudden, unconnected thought placed in that person's head. This is imprinting. They may or may not be able to distinguish whether the thought belongs to them; ESPers, telepaths, or simply people who don't recognise that train of thought as a natural progression may do this. Otherwise they may believe that the thought belongs to them and take its suggestion.

What she cannot do is read another person's thoughts directly. tl;dr she can 'open a channel' between her mind and another's, allowing them to communicate and reply in a two-way manner regardless of whether the recipient is a telepath or not, and can also limit it to a one-way process so that she only implants voiceless words, emotions, scenarios or thoughts into another's head.

Until she can control her ability perfectly this power will swing between two-way, one-way, voiced and voiceless, intentional and unintentional. Meaning some people close to her may accidentally pick up on one of her thoughts about them as she thinks of them. It is also amplified/made clearer by direct physical contact (any; whether bare skin or through clothes) and depending on distance. So far, her power can only reach out to about the radius of Sector 6 at maximum.


[OOC permissions]:

Offensive subjects (elaborate):
Graphic descriptions of violence and gore:

[IC permissions]:

Hugging this character:
Kissing this character:
Flirting with this character:
Fighting with this character:
Injuring this character (include limits and severity):
Killing this character:
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character:
Using mind control abilities on this character:

!sirenspull, !permissions, character info

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