It's true that, as a whole, this week I've been pretty sporadic, but it might get worse, as, in about an hour or so, I'll be in transit for a very long time, for a (much needed) weekend of luxury and sin with
mouthy_merc. Granted, I know her and I know me, so we probably won't really ever be too far from computzors, but my characters will still all be pretty quiet this weekend, especially today and Monday, the Days of Driving, appropriately in my (new!) car named Wade. The only exception to this is Minsc, who is the only one of them turning into a convenient animal. Roomies and significant others can mod at will when needed; the crew at 25 Uni are not only welcome but encouraged to mention or do anything you want with the giant black bear with a purple tattoo and a hamster on his head chillaxing in your living room.
Yay, trip! Now, if only Michigan was a smaller state (seriously, you never realize how freaking big it is until you live on the wrong damn side of it).