Room 513 of Internation Relations; Thursday Morning [ 02/19 ].

Feb 19, 2009 08:46

Sometimes, there were weird things that happened on this island that were just weird or stupid or annoying, and, other times, there were weird things that happened on this island from which one could learn something.

Turtle Wexler, for example, was beginning to learn what all the fuss about sex was now that she couldn't just have it at her discretion. She didn't want to even think about previous failed attempts earlier in the week, attempts that brought to mind too much of the long uphill struggle to even get to the point of sex. She didn't want to even think about what this whole thing was doing to poor Jeff's delicate mental health.

But she didn't want it ever to be said that Turtle Wexler wasn't determined. She was trying again this morning. She had to. She felt like she was going nutso.

Jeff would wake up to find a girlfriend clinging to one side of him, squirmy and nuzzly and kissing his shoulder.

[[ for the person in the bed with her, plz ]]

seeeeex?, ruining your childhood, bad island. bad., jeff, room 513 is no longer british

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