RP: Brewing Changes

Mar 06, 2008 14:43

Date: 6th March 2006
Character(s): Parvati Patil
Location: Hammerside
Status: Private
Summary: Parvati takes stock
Completion: Complete

This cold or flu or whatever it was had gone on far too long, and Parvati was forced to think of other options.  Of course, there was always the possibility that she didn’t have anything really wrong with her, that this was part of the stressful schedule she was working, along with the time spent with her sister and her best friend, planning their weddings.  How it had all come to this, she couldn’t imagine.  Lavender, marrying her first boyfriend, the one who broke her seventeen-year-old heart, years later.  Her sister marrying a Slytherin.

And here she was, living with Dean, after everything that had happened.  It was strange how life had become a series of circles in so many ways.  The circle of her family had seemed to become narrower, in spite of the fact they were adding Marcus to it, mainly because her parents seemed to have tightened the circle to exclude Dean.  Oh, they were polite enough, but the idea that Marcus with his fair skin and pureblood family was more welcome than Dean made her want to write them completely out of her life.

With Dean, she’d acquired a substitute family made up of all the residents of Hammerside and just about anyone who met him, actually.  He had so much love to give, and he’d changed her life.  A year ago, she was…what was she doing?  Getting ready to go out with Charlie, possibly.  Having no idea that everything was about to go all pear-shaped yet again.  So many weeks of darkness, and Dean became the light at the end of the tunnel.  Her safe haven.

She thought about the girl she was then, afraid to face what happened to her.  She was stronger now, in every way.  And while things weren’t perfect, she was hopeful.

And also a bit scared, as she stirred the potion in the cauldron, waiting for the clear liquid to turn orange to indicate its readiness.

Dean was so quiet lately, and she knew deep down that it was partially her fault.  He put up with double dates with people who were full of wedding plans, probably wondering why she was still so hesitant to make a permanent commitment.  Probably blaming himself, as he had a tendency to do.  As if there was something lacking in him.  It was ludicrous.   She was the problem.

As the potion turned orange, she held out a finger, using a minor hex to make a small cut, deep enough to drip blood.  It was ridiculous, it was physically impossible that such a minor blood loss would  have any real effect, but she felt like fainting.  This had to be finished before Dean got home; if he saw it, he’d know at once what it was.

Three drops of blood into the cauldron, and then she sucked her finger into her mouth, tasting iron.  The reaction was not immediate; at first the orange grew rusty, then dark red, then purple, and finally bright turquoise.

She’d known, deep down inside, known it for weeks now, but still she blinked, wondering if it was all her imagination.  The scent was impossible to ignore, though; sweet and a just bit cloying.  She imagined Lavender mixed this potion a lot more often than she did, given her line of work, but Parvati herself had done it often enough.

She may have stood there staring into the brightly coloured potion for seconds or hours, she didn’t know.  There was a moment of panic where she wondered how she could stop it all, dreading the finality, the inevitable scenes from her parents, the fact that her life was never going to be the same again.  The moment passed soon enough, and though she was still dizzy with shock, there was something welling inside her unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

She went to dump the contents of the cauldron into the sink and changed her mind, setting it aside.  Maybe he’d want to see it.  She certainly didn’t know how she was going to come up with the words.  It might be easier to let him find out the way that she had.

Walking to the sofa seemed to take forever, as if she was walking through water.  She was grateful to get off her feet, and her hand went to her stomach in an unconscious gesture as she tucked her feet under her.  He’d be home any minute.  Was she ready for this?  Was he ready for this?  It didn’t matter, she supposed.   Her heart hammered as she heard his familiar stride at the door.  Of course, her heart always sped up when she heard him coming.  But tonight, it was so full of love and hope and fear and wonder that it felt as if it would burst out of her chest.

place: private residence, parvati patil, march 2006

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