RP: Inspection time

Oct 01, 2007 09:53

 Date: October 1, 2005
Character(s): Orla Quirke and Roger Davies
Location: Quirky Thoughts
Status: Private
Summary: Time to let the builders take a gander at the house
Completion: Complete

Orla felt a bit silly, making sure she was dressed nicely for Roger to come over and inspect the house for renovations, but she couldn't help it. She remembered being ( Read more... )

place: quirky thoughts, october 2005, roger davies, orla quirke

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shh_roger October 1 2007, 19:54:26 UTC
Roger scanned the storefronts on River Road. It was strange to think of all the times he'd been on this road, but hadn't paid attention to every building he passed. When he spotted the sign that read Quirky Thoughts, he stopped. He'd sent Marcus here awhile back to have a look at the roof, but hadn't actually been here himself. flipping open his notepad, he stepped up and knocked on the door.

He glanced up as the door opened, and offered a grin and his hand to shake; she must have gone to Hogwarts, because he recognized her vaguely, at least by face. "Ms. Quirke? Hullo. Roger Davies, here to take a look at the property."


shh_orla October 1 2007, 20:23:21 UTC
Orla smiled and took Roger's hand. "Hello, Mr. Davies. Come on inside." She led him into the foyer, closing the door. She started, "Er, I'm sure you could tell from the sign that I run a private therapy clinic out of my house. My office for that is in here ( ... )


shh_roger October 1 2007, 23:04:06 UTC
He nodded and stepped inside, following Orla through the foyer and into the office area. "Yeah, I've certainly heard about you; you seem to have the market cornered for that sort of thing ( ... )


shh_orla October 1 2007, 23:16:38 UTC
She felt her face go red at his compliment, and said, "I suppose that's true. Not likely to get another therapist to compete with any time soon." And it wasn't as though another one would show up and reveal any mistakes, professional or otherwise, she'd made in practicing therapy here ( ... )


shh_roger October 1 2007, 23:43:01 UTC
"Don't see many Wizarding therapists, period," he said, nodding, "at least, I've not seen many. Makes you wonder what Wizards do, generally, when they need that kind of help ( ... )


shh_orla October 2 2007, 00:04:08 UTC
"Well, the concept of therapy is generally a muggle one, I've found, but that doesn't mean its not still a good thing to have available for wizards and witches." She didn't really know what had been done before, and said thoughtfully, "I imagine there's a healer or something similar at the hospital, but how they go about healing mental and emotional distress, I couldn't guess ( ... )


shh_roger October 2 2007, 00:41:35 UTC
"Divide the bathroom?" He frowned thoughtfully and craned his neck to see the room. "I'd need to check the dimensions. If it's large enough and there's sufficient distance between the tub and the toilet and sink, then it shouldn't be a problem. Actually, what I could do is install a pocket door, instead of a whole wall, that would slide open and closed."

"Yeah, the center's a good place to hold group sessions," he agreed. "I did the renovations over there, too, and I'm teaching a class on Wednesday nights, basic woodworking. There's a lot of space."


shh_orla October 2 2007, 02:09:48 UTC
"That sounds perfect!" She exclaimed, grinning up at him. He was just as cute as she remembered, and she looked away as heat suffused her face. He likely didn't remember her from school, so she really ought to get past this silliness.

"Woodworking?" She was intrigued. "Using magic or your hands?"


shh_roger October 2 2007, 02:27:08 UTC
"Good," he said with a smile. "Pocket doors save so much space; you'll love it. I like to use them wherever possible. What sort of timetable are you thinking of for the work? I mean, I'd determine how long the job would take of course, but what were you thinking for a start date?"

"I like to use my hands." He smiled wryly. "Makes me feel like I've actually done something. For larger jobs, I use magic of course, but there's nothing like building something with your hands. That's what I teach in the class; basic techniques."


shh_orla October 2 2007, 03:49:08 UTC
"Maybe two weeks from now?" She suggested, thinking through her schedule, giving her time to notify patients, and pack away her books and other loose items.

"Wow. It sounds really interesting. I wish I was better at working with my hands." She smiled a bit ruefully.


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