RP: Island getaway

Sep 23, 2007 19:01

Date: 23 September 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith
Location: Mandy's flat and her family's home in Northumberland
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy needs to check on the wards around her family's home. Zach comes along for help and company.
Completion: Incomplete.

It had felt terribly lonely to visit the deserted place in the spring. This time, she was bringing a friend along for company. )

september 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: outside shh

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shh_mandy September 29 2007, 18:44:15 UTC
She was lost in thinking back and looked up nearly in distraction when Zach brought her hand to his lips, smiling happily as he kissed her fingers. "Yes, you can check on the toes later. Just to make sure," she agreed, inching closer to him as they walked, her hip brushing along his.

She followed him up the path, her hand still held in his, and walked straight into him when he suddenly stopped and turned. In the next second she was caught in a close embrace, and he looked down in her face and grinned at taking her by surprise, and just as she was starting to laugh, he grew serious and dipped his mouth to hers. The kiss was more passionate than she'd expected, deliberate and hard but charged with a tenderness that had her closing her eyes and clutching at his shoulders, her chest constricting with all the emotions closing in on her.

"Thank you," she replied, her voice a hushed breath over his lips. She looked at him in wonder as he stepped back, looked at Zach at her island, and let out a sigh.

It felt so right that he was here.

"Come." She smiled over her shoulder, walking ahead of him to the entrance of the house. "Let's put the bags inside." She walked up the front steps to the door, got her wand out and lowered the wards before letting them in with a quiet "Alohomora."

The silent rooms with drawn curtains and dustcovers didn't trouble her as much as last time, partly because she was prepared, but largely, she thought, because she had company. Zach set the bags down in the small hallway while she walked around and pushed the curtains aside in the kitchen and living-room. And then she went to the staircase leading up the other floor, glancing up and then back at him again, her smile both shy and teasing as she caught his gaze on her. "Want to see my room?"


shh_zach September 29 2007, 19:08:09 UTC
Dizzy from the kiss, he smiled at her and then followed her up to the house, waiting patiently as she opened the door and took down the wards.

The furniture was covered with white sheets and the place seemed dim, but that was made better when she opened the curtains, letting light suffuse through the room. The wooden floors were a rich brown and the walls were light and covered with family photos, some of which had the dark eyed little girl that he'd imagined outside. Even empty, the house gave the feeling that it was a warm place, and he understood why she liked it so much.

Dropping the bags, he looked up as she spoke and smiled wickedly. "Yeah," he said softly, licking his lips and walking toward her. Reaching up, he cupped her face, stroking both his hands through her hair as he looked down into her eyes. "Show me."


shh_mandy September 29 2007, 20:24:07 UTC
That smile. He could turn her mind to mush and her heart to racing delight with it. And that was even before starting on what it could do to her body.

She turned her cheek into his hand for a moment, closing her eyes and kissing his palm, before looking in his eyes again. "All right." Taking him by the hand, she walked up the narrow, winding stairs. "Watch your head," she warned automatically where the stairs turned. "The ceiling's pretty low right here."

She led him down the narrow hall upstairs, painted wooden doors leading off to bedrooms on either side. Hers was at the end, the maiden's bower, as it had been humorously named by the family. Her hand rose to the door handle and slowly pushed it down, eased the door open. Her heart beating faster, she stepped inside the room with its lace-covered bed and crocheted pillows, its lace-curtained window facing blue-grey sky and sea. She turned and saw Zach stand in the doorway, and felt her face suffuse with an unexpected heat. "I've never had a boy in here," she told him softly.


shh_zach September 29 2007, 20:49:23 UTC
Her hand was warm in his and she tugged him forward, leading him up the spiral staircase. He ducked his head when they came under the low part of the ceiling and followed her into the hall.

There were doors on either side of them, but they passed them all, going to the room at the very end. She opened the door slowly and stepped inside and he looked around.

He remembered when they were young, his sister's room had been frilly, like this. Soft pale shades of pink and white lace.

There was a doll sitting on the dresser beside the window and he looked up as Mandy turned around, looking flustered. "Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and stepping further inside. "That's good. Good girls shouldn't have boys in their rooms, alone. What would your parents say?"

He curled his fingers around her hips and tugged her close against him, lifting one hand to tilt her chin up and kiss her, a sweet, chaste kiss on her lips before turning her to face the window, walking them both over to look out, reaching over her shoulder to push the curtains fully open. "Nice view," he said, brushing her hair to the side and kissing her neck gently. He pressed his growing erection against her arse, one hand going to her hip to pull her against him, the other flat against her belly, sliding just under her shirt and pushing the material up slightly as he brushed his lips over her throat. God, she was warm.


shh_mandy September 29 2007, 22:22:18 UTC
There was something in Zach's eyes as he stepped inside. Something about the raised eyebrow, the sensuous set to his mouth, the teasing challenge in the words. She stood nailed to the spot and just felt the beat of her heart and the heat in her face and the twisting, soft hunger inside.

Zach wasn't a boy, no more than she was a maiden, and she'd known what she was doing, taking him up to this room. "I would've liked it if you'd been here with me back then," she said, pausing at the thought. "But we were both rather careful that way, weren't we? Maybe nothing would've happened for my parents to worry about."

She was pulled back to the moment by Zach's hands on her hips, proprietary as he tugged her close. His kiss was gentle but his touch had a confidence that thrilled her as he turned her about and walked her to the window. She felt his warm mouth on her neck, his erection hard against her bum, and breathed fast and shallow, arching back to rest her head in the crook of his shoulder and neck. His hand inched under her shirt, stroking her stomach gently, and she whimpered at the sensation, at the sweet, sullen warmth tightening at the base of her belly.

"It happened sometimes, that I thought about you," she admitted in a whisper, closing her eyes to the sea outside. "That way ... here, in my bed. But it always made me feel guilty, like I was ... taking advantage. You were my friend."


shh_zach September 30 2007, 02:51:13 UTC
"No, you'd have been safe. I'd not have had the guts to touch you then. Not like this."

Her head fell back against his shoulder and oh, the sound that fell from her lips at his touch made him ache. He nuzzled against her throat, laving soft kisses over her pulse point, up over her jaw, against her ear.

God, the way she talked about thinking of him. He wanted her to, wanted to imagine that she'd lain in that bed, her hand sliding beneath the covers, between her thighs, wet from the thought of him.

At her last comment, he lifted the hand on her hip up to touch her face, tipping her chin toward him. "I'm still your friend," he said seriously, looking into her eyes for a moment before kissing her softly. "That won't change. It wouldn't have changed then."

The hand on her stomach slid up higher, shucking her shirt up, and he groaned softly against her mouth as he cupped her breast. The soft lace of her bra slid under the pads of his fingers and he couldn't help grinding against her just a bit, wanting closer, and more and now.


shh_mandy September 30 2007, 11:06:29 UTC
She opened her eyes again at the touch of his fingers under her chin, her mouth curving up to a smile in response to the grave reassurance he gave her. "I know," she whispered, between the kisses, telling him with the tender way she kissed him back that it held just as true for her.

His hand felt large splayed over her stomach, strong and gentle and warm on her skin, and she held her breath when it moved higher with slow purpose, anticipating his touch on her breast with every nerve in her body. The actual touch made her whimper again, louder now, the sound stuttering out of her as his palm cupped her, his fingertips rubbing the lace of her bra against her hardened nipple. So exquisite, the sensation darting in electric jolts down to the wet, aching place between her legs. "Yes," she said, her voice hoarse and shaking. She hooked an arm back around his neck and opened her mouth wide under his, and ground back against him, felt the pressure of his cock straining into her bum.

She wanted his tongue, his clever fingers, craved the heavy heat of him moving inside her. His scent around her, his deeper voice mingled with hers as they both lost control. Wanted him so much that it hurt, and yet the ache of it, the waiting, was the sweetest pain imaginable, so she stayed put, didn't hurry it along with anything but the soft writhing of her body against his and the small pleading sounds she couldn't stop making into his mouth.


shh_zach September 30 2007, 16:40:18 UTC
Her arm twined round his neck, opening her chest to him, and she arched her back, pressing her arse against his cock. Her voice was broken and gruff and the most beautiful noises that she made spurred him on.

He kissed her deeper, opening his mouth wide as well, delving his tongue inside. The kiss was almost desperate, as if this were sustaining them both as much as they air that they breathed.

In a way, it was.

Zach reached both hands around and fiddled with the little clasp on the front of her bra for a moment before managing to get it undone. He pushed her shirt up completely, exposing her to the sunlight that streamed in through the window in front of them. His hands moved to cup her breasts, his thumbs moving over her hardening nipples, feeling the skin pebble and roughen under his touch.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled back, letting go for a moment to pull her shirt off over her head and slide her bra down her arms. Carefully, he placed her arm back around his neck and kissed her throat, her cheek, finally her lips as he let his hands have free roam of her body. She was stretched out, bare to him, and he groaned into her mouth, grinding against her arse, pinching her nipples before letting one hand go down to cup her between her thighs, rubbing through the material of her trousers, feeling her shift to spread her legs for him.

"So fucking sweet," he whispered, thrusting against her again, pushing her just a bit foreward, her nipples pressing against the cool glass of the window as he moved his hand to undo her trousers, sliding his hand just inside.


shh_mandy September 30 2007, 18:58:53 UTC
She groaned into his mouth when he deepened the kiss, her head falling back against his shoulder in perfect surrender, opening to his tongue, arching into his hands. He pushed up her shirt, opened the bra, and it felt so strange, to be standing right in front of the sunlit window in her old room with Zach's hands on her breasts. Strange, but so good she was mewling and squirming from the pleasure, from his deft, gentle fingers stroking and twisting her nipples until the sensation was a keen delicious hum through her whole body.

She barely noticed him taking off her shirt and bra, just mindlessly intent on cooperating so he'd touch her again. Her arm was around his neck again, fingers tangling and closing in his hair while her other hand strayed restlessly back to his hip. He pinched her nipples and she felt warm wetness slide from her in response, felt how swollen and slick she was just as he dropped a hand there and cupped her, long fingers rubbing between her legs.

"So good," she whimpered. She shifted her thighs apart, her legs shaking a little. His hand went to open the zip in her jeans while he pushed her forward with another grinding thrust of his hips, and a harsh moan escaped her as her breasts were pressed against the glass, cool on her aching nipples. Her hands instinctively reached to brace her against the window and her sobbing breath fogged up the glass as she dropped her forehead to the pane, feeling his hand slide inside her jeans, flirting with the elastic of her knickers.

Shaking with need, she lowered one hand to close around his wrist and then slide down, her fingers lying on top of his larger ones. She pressed down, slid both their hands inside her knickers, then further, felt his fingertips reach her curls, the top of her cleft, and nudge her open, gliding on the flood of welcoming wetness. She didn't know whether the jolt that went through them started from her and him, but she was moaning his name, lips wet on the dewy glass pane, as she pressed against the window and into his hand, shivering with the cool and flushed with the heat, caught in electrified arousal.


shh_zach September 30 2007, 19:26:45 UTC
Her hand slid from his neck as she braced herself against the glass. In the next heartbeat, her fingers gripped his wrist, slid down over his hand, guided him inside of the flimsy material of her knickers.

His breathing accelerated at once and he shifted, spreading his legs as well as he ground against her, rubbing into her arse as his fingers were pressed down over her damp curls and dripping folds.

Fuck, fuck, oh fuck...

"Fuck, yes, show me," he whispered, letting one finger dip inside of her, feeling her own fingers on top of his. With his other hand he shoved her trousers and knickers down over her hips and he pressed his forehead against her shoulder as he looked down between them. Her bare bottom was canted toward him, and his erection was pressed against her cleft as they moved together. She was so fucking wet, and he reached down to open his own denims, pushing them down and letting his cock bob forward, pressing naked against her arse.

"Mandy," he whispered, fingering her deeper, kissing her throat, biting her softly. "What do you need, love? What can I do for you?"


shh_mandy September 30 2007, 21:21:35 UTC
His fingers slid steadily, slowly, back and forth in her folds, grazing her clit over and over, while he pushed her jeans and knickers down over her hips so they lay bunched low on her thighs. She felt the rough material of his trousers slide over her bare skin as he kept rocking and grinding into her, pressing the hard ridge of his erection against the cleft of her bottom, and she slanted the small of her back to meet him, moaning continuously now. When she felt his hand between them, working on the buttons of his jeans, it was a dizzy relief. She wanted it here, wanted it like this, like he did, and she half opened her eyes to take in the unreal blur of sea and sky outside as she waited, lips parted as she panted for him, waited to feel the smooth heat of his cock slide over her skin and press inside.

She wasn't prepared for what he did, making her wait longer, saying her name and asking her, while a long finger slid slowly in and out of her, his palm gently rubbing over her clit. Her breath left her on a choked sob. She knew what Zach wanted her to say. She wanted to tell him, too, and she thought he realised that, or he wouldn't have tried to make her. He knew this wasn't easy for her.

"Please. Want you to--" Her voice broke as she whimpered, fighting the amazing resistance against such simple words. She was too aware of the sweetly pristine room around her, everything proper and neat like she'd been raised to, all the things a nice girl shouldn't say. She pressed her burning cheek against the cold glass, and dropping her gaze she saw her own naked body, his glistening fingers working between her legs, her jeans shoved down on her thighs, and suddenly realised they both still had their boots on; Zach wasn't even undressed, only his denims pushed down on his hips. His lips were moving over her throat, kissing and nipping tenderly, and she arched back as both the roughness and the gentleness of this made something in her shudder and give in, telling him what she needed in a shaking whisper.

"Fuck me." Whimpering again, running hot and cold with excitement and apprehension, before she gasped it out with more force, pushing her bum back against the hard, straining length of his cock. "Please, fuck me. Oh, God. Zach. Need you to, now, please."


shh_zach September 30 2007, 22:43:31 UTC
Her body undulated against his, her soft, warm skin dragging against his throbbing prick. She had no idea how fucking sexy she was, arching into him, her breasts pressed flat against the glass, rubbing, her breath coming in sobbing gasps.

She wanted this as much as he did. He hadn't realized before now. It was odd, because he assumed she was more reserved, more timid, but she wasn't at all. She wanted the same things he did and her asking for it made him gasp and thrust forward, shoving her tighter against the glass.

Fuck me.

"Ohgod," he whimpered, bending his knees and holding her hips as he moved, sliding his cock down underneath her, jabbing upward blindly a few times before taking his fingers from her clit and gasping as he guided himself between her folds. The head of his cock slid in easily, snug inside her tightness, and he pulled her hips back and down as he thrust up hard, biting back the urge to cry out as he took her.

It was awkward as hell, and sloppy, but he couldn't stop, couldn't slow down. His fingers clenched into her hips and his other hand moved on top of hers, forcing her fingers over her clit, back further to feel where they were joined and he sank his teeth into her throat as the pace became frenzied.


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