RP: Sunday Surprises

Aug 26, 2007 12:54

Date: August 26, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger
Location: Their house
Status: Private
Summary: Hermione surprises Roger.
Completion: Complete

He was extremely curious what she'd done with the room )

place: private residence, august 2005, roger davies, hermione granger

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shh_hermione August 26 2007, 17:45:19 UTC
It had taken quite a few extra work hours for Santiago and sneaking around to buy paint and furniture without Roger's knowledge, but the room was finally ready. Hermione was rather pleased with it, and she only hoped Roger liked it. She was also happy that it was the first completed room in the house, besides the kitchen, even if it would have been more practical to focus her attention on their bedroom or the sitting room.

The room had originally been a home office for the people who used to live here, but she, with Zach's help, had removed the carpet, fixed the wooden floors beneath, and painted the walls a lovely shade of dark blue. She had started with an empty room and created a space that she hoped would provide a peaceful place for Roger to enjoy his telly watching and relax after a long day at work.

She didn't know much about televisions and the other items that generally accompanied them, so she had researched and checked prices before finding things she thought were suitable. A large media cabinet housed all of those items, and she even splurged on several films that Roger had mentioned or she thought he might enjoy. The work she was doing for Santiago to help pay for the house was easy and paid well, so she figured a few indulgences weren't too bad. Besides, she'd put any money left over into a savings vault for them.

The sofa, table, and chair that she had chosen complimented the simple style of the room as well as their own shared taste. She had also bought a small rug that she thought went nicely in the space. She just hoped that Roger didn't mind the neutral colors, though he didn't seem particularly fussed about such things.

After one more look around the space, and a little more dusting, she felt it was ready to show him. God, she really shouldn't feel so nervous. It was just a room, after all. Shaking her head, she headed downstairs to find him. He was sitting in the kitchen at the large breakast bar he'd built. She took a moment to just admire him, smiling slightly as she stepped into the room.

"Hey, you."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 18:05:15 UTC
When he heard her, he glanced up to see her standing in the doorway and smiling at him. He ran his fingers up and down the water bottle as he looked back at her.


She looked slightly nervous, and he smiled as he stepped down from the stool and crossed to her. He already knew he'd love whatever she'd done. Taking her by the waist, he dipped his head and kissed the corner of her mouth, then her lips. "Thank you," he murmured even though he'd yet to even see the room. He pulled back and tucked her hair behind her ear. "You've got me all excited, I hope you know."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 18:16:43 UTC
A kiss went a long way in soothing her nerves. Or it provided a nice distraction. Either way, she relaxed and reached up to move her fingers through his hair as she returned his kiss. At his words, she smiled. "You're welcome, though you might wait to say that until you see the room," she murmured.

"I'm glad you're excited. I'm nervous," she said honestly. "But not too worried. I think you'll like it. Do you want to see now or do you finish your water?"


shh_roger August 26 2007, 18:44:02 UTC
"What can I say? I'm confident like that," he replied, grinning.

"Nah, don't be. I already know I'll love it." She asked him if he wanted to finish his water first, and he reached back and placed the bottle onto the breakfast bar before he turned back to her with a cheeky grin. "You kidding? Now, please."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 19:12:45 UTC
"Very confident," she said, shaking her head. "It's really infuriating how you manage to make smug sexy."

When he put the water bottle down and said he was ready, she smiled. Stepping forward, she kissed him slowly and nipped at his bottom lip before she took his hand. "Since you said please," she told him, leading him out of the kitchen.

They went upstairs and walked down the hall to the media room. When they reached the closed door, she bit her lip and glanced at him. "I'll let you go in first."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 19:33:40 UTC
"Ah, now you know how I feel," he said with lopsided grin, "because I doubt I'll ever figure out how you make swotty so damned sexy."

He returned her slow kiss, enjoying the way she felt and tasted, then chuckled as he let her lead him out of the room. "I'm nothing if not polite."

As they walked upstairs, he followed behind her, admiring the way her bum looked in blue denim before they reached the landing and she led him to the room. He was already smiling as he opened the door, drawing in a breath as he saw what was inside.

It was bloody fantastic. A media room, with comfortable-looking sofa and chair where he could relax and watch films or Muggle football when he was home. He knew Hermione wasn't much for watching the telly -- there wasn't even a telly in the any of the rest of the house, so this really meant a lot. She'd really made the most of the space, too. The carpet he'd seen before was gone, replaced with gleaming wood, and a rug, and there was a coffee table arranged in front of the sofa. He took a turn about the room, stopping in front of the media cabinet.

He resisted the boyish urge to pump his fist in the air when he saw the telly, with dvd player and speakers that she'd set up in it. When he opened the cabinet and saw the films, his face broke into a grin and he stood.

Crossing to Hermione, he wasted no time in grabbing her by the waist and scooping her up off her feet and into his arms. "Thank you so much," he said into her neck. "I love it. Couldn't have possibly asked for more."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 19:37:25 UTC
When Roger stepped inside the room, she followed and watched him closely to see his reaction. She relaxed when she saw that he obviously did like the room, though his fascination with the telly still didn't make sense to her. "I wasn't sure about titles, so I consulted a book on popular films and asked the opinions of a few patrons."

She smiled when he crossed the room and picked her up. She kissed his cheek and hugged him. "You're welcome," she murmured. "Though should I be jealous of that silly telly?"

"I thought this would give you a nice space for watching your films and programs," she explained. "Like my library you're making for me. The sofa seems to be the right size for snuggling, too, which means you have incentive to persuade me to leave my books on occasion."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 19:49:49 UTC
"They're perfect," he said honestly. "I haven't really had an opportunity to watch a lot of films and such, so I'm going to love working my way through these. And just, god, thank you for taking the time to do this for me."

He hugged her tightly and breathed her in as she kissed his cheek. "I love you," he said simply, drawing back for another kiss before he finally set her back on her feet. "Oh, jealous of the telly? No way, though I hope you aren't upset if I give it a name at some point."

"It's such a great space," he said, "and I definitely want you in here with me, whenever you want and whenever I can persuade you. I bet there's a film or two you'd love, too. That sofa's made to curl up with you in it -- though, that's not all we'd do on it."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 19:56:22 UTC
"Of course you love me. I've just given you a rather nice size telly and film player," she said with a cheeky smile.

When he put her down, she looked up at him and blinked. "You're joking, right? You're not honestly planning to name a piece of electronic equipment. God, do you have a name for your broom, too?" she asked.

"I'm not overly fond of films, never have been really, but I'm open to the possibility," she decided, knowing fully well that snuggling up against Roger would be the part she enjoyed.

"Not all we'd do?" she repeated innocently. "Why, Mister Davies, what wicked schemes do you have going through your mind right now? I'm shocked because I'm simply not that sort of girl."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 20:07:35 UTC
"Well, yeah," he joked, then turned cheeky himself. "The telly is nice, but I would have still loved you, even if it was small." He bent and kissed her jaw, chuckling against her skin as he kidded.

"Nope. Serious as anything," he said soberly. "Could be that I'm just wanting an excuse to christen the room, of course. I'll admit to that. And no, my broom doesn't have a name, and won't until I convince you to go up with me."

"I think there's a few you might enjoy. Especially being such a closet romantic, you might like some of the really old ones. I'll show you one day."

"I'm a wicked sort of bloke," he reminded her, leaning down to nip at her chin. "I've all sorts of naughty games in mind, Miss Granger, and I think I could convince you that you're just the sort of girl I'm looking for."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 20:15:17 UTC
"Alas, your poor broom shall remain nameless then," she said, making a face at the idea of flying, even with Roger.

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm such a romantic. So closeted that I haven't even realized I am."

When he nipped at her chin, she smiled. "Very wicked," she agreed. "I'm intrigued about these games you've mentioned. Tell me more about them. You now have to satisfy my curiosity about them while I sit primly and listen."

She brushed her lips tightly against his before she walked past him and sat on the sofa. Once she was comfortable, she looked up at him. "Convince me, Davies."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 20:43:01 UTC
"You say that now," he said confidently even as she made a face. "But you should know I've put my mind to it, and there's very little I can't do once that happens."

"I know you are. Women who weave romantic tales around silk flowers in old churches are certainly romantic in my book," he said, remembering the day they'd ridden through the country and stopped at the old Muggle chapel.

He grinned. "You want me to satisfy you with my games? I think I'm up for that challenge," he said. "I'm going to have to dare you to just sit primly, though." He returned her kiss and moved his hands along her sides as she moved past him. He joined her on the sofa and turned to her.

"I know you aren't much for games, but there's this one," he murmured, looking her over. "Where I'd kiss you," he leaned forward to brush his lips against hers, "but I can't put my hands on you. And you'd kiss me, but you can't touch me either. The object of the game is that if you touch me first, then I win. And I get to do whatever I want to you." He paused. "And vice versa."


shh_hermione August 26 2007, 20:50:09 UTC
"Satisfy my curiosity, Davies, not me," she declared matter-of-factly. "And I can sit primly quite fine, thank you very much. You're not nearly as tempting as you seem to think."

When he sat down and looked her over, she frowned. "No, I'm not much for games, which is why I'm curious about the ones you seem so fascinated with," she told him.

He leaned forward and kissed her, barely a brush of his lips against hers, and then explained one of his games. It didn't particularly fun to her, considering that she liked touching him far too much, but he was practically challenging her, which definitely made it more appealing.

"We forget the earlier dare regarding my sitting primly," she said thoughtfully, "because I can't very well kiss you without being able to move. I'll have you know, though, that I really dislike losing. Just a warning, of course."


shh_roger August 26 2007, 21:01:28 UTC
"Your curiosity is so much a part of you, Granger, that I figured I could just leave that bit out," he told her, "and you're a lot more tempting than you seem to think, which is why I'd not be able to just let you sit primly."

He smirked. "I definitely don't want you sitting primly for this," he said, turning to her more fully. "For the record, though, you might enjoy losing in this particular instance. Shall we start? Be warned that once we do, I'm going to begin kissing you, at which point the non-touching begins until one of us gives in."

To prove his point, he sent her a lopsided grin as he spread his hands in front of him before he dropped them to his sides. He already badly wanted to grab and stroke and touch, but he'd started this and was now going to have to finish it. He dipped his head and swung slowly forward, placing soft kisses on her nose and cheeks before he moved quickly to nip and tug on her bottom lip.


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