RP: Arts Festival, Day Two

Aug 12, 2007 01:36

Date: 11 August 2005
Characters: Su, Roger, Hermione, Justin, Kinsley, Dennis, Wayne, Daphne, Rabastan, Narcisssa, Caradoc, Arabella, Angelina, Tony, anyone and everyone
Location: Streets of Stoatshead Hill [Arts Festival Area]
Status: Very Public
Summary: It's Day Two of the Arts Festival
Completion: Incomplete

Come One, Come All )

justin finch-fletchley, caradoc dearborn, su li, wayne hopkins, angelina johnson, dennis creevey, rabastan lestrange, roger davies, kingsley shacklebolt, anthony goldstein, daphne greengrass, arabella figg, narcissa malfoy, place: streets of shh, august 2005, hermione granger

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Re: Vendors shh_justin August 11 2007, 23:22:36 UTC
After spending the better part of the past week trying to make his flat look as though someone lived in it besides dust mites and rodents, Justin finally decided it was time to confront the furniture issue. The chair Connie had transfigured for him was excellent, but he figured a new table and maybe even another chair would suit the virtually empty flat.

He'd been hearing about an arts festival going on in town, and while he'd never been particularly interested in artistic things, there were apparently vendors there selling their wares for hopefully cheap prices. Sure enough, after wedging his way though the loads of people enjoying the festival, he came upon a stall that seemed to be selling everything from wooden toys to desks and chairs.

Justin first noticed a train set, which reminded him so much of his old train set back home that he was tempted to buy it on the spot. Fortunately, his tiny bit shred of self-control stopped him. His priority was furniture. Maybe he'd be a pathetic 25-year-old man with a train set on his next paycheck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sensed movement. He turned to find a very nice rocking chair, occupied by a brunette who didn't appear to be a customer. She seemed to enjoy the chair, though, and Justin inwardly commended her on her very effective advertising. He fancied himself in the chair, rocking back and forth leisurely, enjoying a pint and some fudge.

"Oi, that's a really nice chair..." Justin spoke up, starting towards the woman. "How much are you - Hermione?"

He broke into a smile, finally recognizing who was rocking happily in the chair. "How are you? I haven't seen you around at all, are you the one selling all these?" He waved a hand at all the beautiful furniture and finally noticed a bloke standing proudly among the furniture. He recognized him as Roger Davies. Justin recalled Zach telling him that Roger was a builder. He grinned, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"So this is all your handiwork? It's all brilliant."


Re: Vendors shh_roger August 11 2007, 23:54:39 UTC
Roger looked up as a sandy-haired bloke came over to his booth. He was already fairly surprised that he had people coming to look, and even buy. He'd already set aside a chair for Wayne. It was a good day, as far as he was concerned.

"Ah, yeah, this stuff's mine," he said, offering a hand. "I'm Roger Davies. And thanks, I'm glad you like it. Are you in the market for any furniture?"


Re: Vendors shh_hermione August 12 2007, 00:10:21 UTC
"It's a very nice chair, though I'm afraid this particular one is sold," she said with a slight smile as she looked at the man. It took her a moment to place him. "Justin? Goodness, it's been ages."


Re: Vendors shh_justin August 12 2007, 00:40:37 UTC
Justin shook Roger's hand. "Yeah, I remember you from Hogwarts. You played Quidditch. I'm Justin."

"I'm looking for furniture, yeah," he nodded. "My flat's sort of...let's just say if someone tried to burglarize me they'd feel sorry for me and end up actually just leaving a few chairs behind. Right now I'm looking to buy a table, since mine is sort of, uh, a pile of dust and splinters. And I wanted a chair..."

He smiled at Hermione softly, admitting defeat. "But it looks like the one I had my eye on is taken. Yeah, it's been a long time - how've you been, are you two in business together now?"

Justin looked over to where more people seemed to be admiring Roger's work. "Uh, think I could steal one of you away to show me a table, if you've got some? Looks like there's a load of people I'm going to have to fight for this stuff."


Re: Vendors shh_roger August 12 2007, 01:02:51 UTC
"Good to see you again, Justin," he said with a grin, nodding at Justin's next words.

"A table? A good start for furnishing an empty flat. I've definitely got some here for you to look at." He was reminded that now that he had a few pieces, he needed to try and put a catalog together.

When Justin glanced toward Hermione and conceded the chair to her, Roger smiled. "If you really like that style, I've more than one," he said. "And I can custom build. As for the table, yeah, just over here, I've a few on hand." He led Justin over to one of the two he'd bought. One was a coffee table, and one a small kitchen table.

"I can certainly do larger tables than these if you need," he began, "but these are just examples of the sort of work I do."


Re: Vendors shh_justin August 12 2007, 01:58:55 UTC
Justin looked at the two tables he'd pointed out. "The little ones a bit, uh, little. But that one..."

He looked at the taller table and pressed the heel of his hand down on it, testing its strength. It was rock solid, and it looked nice as well. The color even matched doors to his cabinets. He thought. Maybe. Close enough? If the colors clashed horribly enough to annoy him, he'd just find a spell to change it. Or maybe ask Connie to do it for him.

"This is wicked," he said, using his foot to lightly tap one of the legs. They were firmly held in place, not even the slightest bit loose. "I definitely don't need a larger table. I've got a small flat, see, and I live alone. Well, I've got an owl but the only use he's got for a table is to crap on it."

Justin stepped back slightly and cocked his head. "It looks good, its really sturdy, and big enough even if I have company. You know, I wondered why furniture and stuff would be sold at an art festival, but I suppose this fits the bill as good as anything else here..."

He slapped a hand on the edge of the table. "I think I'd like this one. How much for it?"


Re: Vendors shh_roger August 12 2007, 02:14:55 UTC
Roger looked on as Justin inspected the table. "It's ah, solid cherry," he offered, indicating the wood before he put his hands in his pockets and smiled when Justin called it wicked. "Built to last. And I'm glad the size suits."

He grinned at Justin's comment. "Well, I made this stuff with my bare hands, so I figured it qualifies as art of a sort. I thought I'd get myself a booth here and see what happened." He was pretty glad he had.

"I'm really happy you like it," he said, and told Justin the price of the table. This was definitely turning out to be a good day.


Re: Vendors shh_justin August 12 2007, 02:46:15 UTC
Justin had no idea if cherry was a good wood or not, but figured it had to be if Roger saw fit to mention it. He grinned.

"Yeah, definitely art. It was a good idea to set up here. It looks like you're in for some good business. And I'm glad you did, otherwise I'd be eating dinner over the sink again."

He considered the price and did a bit of math in his head. If he bought the table now, he definitely didn't have enough money to buy anything else. Then again, he did want a rocker and since the one he wanted was obviously claimed...

"I'll take it," Justin decided. "I'm also looking for a chair, but I'll have to find you again when I get paid. Preferably a rocker, like the one Hermione's guarding with her life."

He grinned. "I swear, I think she just snarled at that one bloke over there," he joked. "Um, d'you think you could make me one of those? By the time its finished, I'm sure I'll have the money to pay for it."


Re: Vendors shh_roger August 12 2007, 02:55:35 UTC
Roger grinned. "Nothing wrong with eating over the sink. I admit to having done that many a late night. Always good not to have to if you don't want to, though."

Justin seemed to be mulling things over in his head before he said he'd take the chair. "Brilliant," he said, "and I can certainly make you a rocker just like this one."

He chuckled. "Well, she's pretty set on something when she's made a decision, you see," he said, looking towards Hermione with a smile. "And that particular chair seems perfect for her. As for yours, I can have one ready for you. You should stop by my shop one day."


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