Quidditch Day BBBB Basket Thread (Refers Back to Quidditch Day Thread)

Jul 07, 2007 12:51

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Alicia Spinnet, Orla Quirke, Fleur Delacour, Lavender Brown, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Cedric Diggory, Dennis Creevey, Greg Goyle, Marietta Edgecombe, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Status: Public
Summary: The Basket's Thread
Completion: Incomplete

A Tisket, A Tasket )

justin finch-fletchley, fleur delacour, marietta edgecombe, parvati patil, nymphadora tonks, alicia spinnet, july 2005, place: quidditch pitch, padma patil, cedric diggory, dennis creevey, greg goyle, orla quirke, lavender brown

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shh_orla July 7 2007, 20:59:59 UTC
Orla was late. Again. But she figured better late with a basket of goodies than not at all, when she'd committed to doing this. She was wearing a sleeveless paisley print top, with a pair of cutoff denims. Sigmund and Kinsey had watched her get ready, being stuck in the bedroom because she didn't trust them not to get into the basket she'd fixed. She had vagueld recalled needing something for the fliers to grab to get her basket, so after a quick look in the closet, she found a sun visor from her university, left over from when Miles used to drag her to sporting matches.

She found a the place where it seemed all the scarves were hovering, and after a moment's thought, sent her visor levitating up. She just hoped it wasn't a disappointment to whoever got it. At least she knew some of the fliers and stood a chance to share lunch with them.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 00:29:18 UTC
Shortly after finding a vantage point for watching the race, Marietta spied Orla hanging up some sort of hat without a top on it. She liked where she'd been standing but she decided she would rather watch the race with a friend. Making her way over to Orla, she said, "Mind some company?"


shh_orla July 8 2007, 00:32:42 UTC
Orla turned and grinned. "Of course not!" She gestured towards the racers.

"Who are you favoring for this?" She asked.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 00:47:53 UTC
"You mean favouring to win the race?" Marietta watched the flyers for a moment. "Probably the Weasley girl. She's always been very fast. If I recall correctly, she scored more than 15 goals in one game my last year at school. She's an excellent flyer. What about you? Are you hoping anyone in particular grabs your bonnet?"


shh_orla July 8 2007, 00:53:21 UTC
"I think I remember the game you're talking about." Orla commented. She looked at the people queuing up to race. She shook her head."I don't really have a preference. Seems like a lot of couples are doing this." She had seen Padma, Parvati, Fleur, Lavender, and a rather shameless Cedric hanging around the basket area. "I just hope whoever it is is both hungry and not terribly discriminating." She gave a wry smile. She could cook alright, but didn't have a whole lot of fancy recipes around for a basket.

"How about you? Who are you hoping for? Or not hoping for, if that's the case?" She asked curiously.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 01:01:35 UTC
"Oh I'm not hoping for anyone in particular," she said, trying not to sound too skeptical. "I'm hoping Vincent Crabbe doesn't get my bonnet though. I have a bit of...history with him, not all of it good. If for some reason he happened to grab my bonnet we could have a somewhat unpleasant reunion."


shh_orla July 8 2007, 01:07:47 UTC
Orla quirked her head to the side. "Unpleasant? That doesn't sound idea. If he gets yours, you can always claim its mine. We could trade." Given the festive mood of the day, Orla had no problem running interference for her new friend, and besides, she was curious what might be so bad about Vincent Crabbe. His name was familiar, but she didn't quite know from where.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 01:18:23 UTC
"No, far from ideal, unfortunately," Marietta replied. For the first time since meeting Orla, Marietta thought that perhaps she might want to make use of the other woman's professional perspective some time. In the five months she'd been in Stoatshead Hill, she'd had a handful of dates, none of which had gone beyond snogging and minor groping, and one supposedly professional encounter that had ended with scorching sex. Obviously she was doing something wrong, she just didn't know what. Perhaps Orla could lend her a sympathetic, or at least objective, ear. "Thank you, Orla," she said, finally pulling away from her ruminations and back to the present. "If that does happen, I'd be grateful for a trade."

The flyers were on the part of the course where they had to pick up flags. "Oh, this looks exciting and dangerous," she said fearfully, hoping she wouldn't see any crashes.


shh_orla July 8 2007, 01:30:08 UTC
Orla craned her neck to see what portion they were coming up on. She cringed, thinking of all that could possibly go wrong. "This can't be good." She fretted.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 03:01:14 UTC
Watching the flyers, Marietta grimaced as a couple of flyers almost bumped in the flag-capturing portion of the course. It really was a difficult race course.

"No, I don't suppose it could be," she said, biting her lip. "It seems likely someone will get hurt before this is over. I hope there's someone from the hospital to take care of any injuries."


shh_orla July 8 2007, 03:21:25 UTC
Orla winced as she saw Dean nearly wipe out. It was a very good thing she hadn't wanted to test her skills that much. She'd have killed herself by now.
"Me too." She looked around, and saw a few people that could help if needed. "I think I saw Parvati and Lavender- they both work at the hospital. Thank goodness they're here." She would hate to see any accidents beyond their control or aid.


shh_marietta July 8 2007, 03:45:34 UTC
Glancing around the sidelines, Marietta found the Patil twins and Lavender Brown. She would never have pegged either of them for a healer or mediwitch and yet both of them were healing professionals now. "Let's hope no one needs their services," she said softly, "simply because I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt." Not even Vincent Crabbe.


shh_orla July 8 2007, 04:24:08 UTC
Orla nodded, absorbed in watching the flight. When an older gentleman nearly lost his broom trying to grab a scarf, she gasped, grabbing hold of Marietta.


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