Quidditch Day BBBB Basket Thread (Refers Back to Quidditch Day Thread)

Jul 07, 2007 12:51

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Alicia Spinnet, Orla Quirke, Fleur Delacour, Lavender Brown, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Cedric Diggory, Dennis Creevey, Greg Goyle, Marietta Edgecombe, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Status: Public
Summary: The Basket's Thread
Completion: Incomplete

It had been wonderful, just walking around, watching the people having fun with the various activities around the pitch. Partly because it was something she had been part of setting it up, partly because it was always brilliant watching people having fun doing thing you enjoyed, and partly because she had been watching them first with Oliver, and later with Charlie, once he had shown up.

Inside, Alicia felt almost like she remembered feeling the first time her dad had taken her to a match, and she as happy that she had gotten to share it with Charlie, who seemed to be having quite a time of both watching, but also playing along. They had just helped out Hagrid with a couple of well-aimed drying spells, before he got back up on the platform above the huge pool in the children’s area, when Alicia noticed the time.

It was about time for the Bonnet, Bandana, Basket and Broom race to begin. With a grin at Charlie, she summoned her basket from a small tent that had been set up for official stuff, just in case. “Told you I was going to participate,” she smiled and enlarged the picnic hamper, “I just won’t be flying.” She waggled her eyebrows at him, and they began making their way to the racing area.

People were beginning to gather around both the start- and the finish line, and across the crowd, she managed to make eyecontact with Oliver. She went to the finish line, as he moved to the startline. “Sonorus” she murmured, pointing her wand to her throat, before she turned to face the crowd at her end.

“All right, Ladies! Gentlemen! Anybody with a basket for the Bonnet, Bandana, Basket and Broom race!” She grabbed the grey cap that she had been wearing all day, despite Charlie’s complaints that it was in the way. “I don’t have a Bonnet, but I have a cap, so that will have to for today.” She held it up for anybody to see. “So if you want to give the amazing people at the start line something to fight for, now’s the time for you to put up your bonnet, your bandana,” she grinned and shrugged sheepishly, “or like me; your cap!” With her wand, she levitated her cap up onto the top of the middle pole. “There you go!”

justin finch-fletchley, fleur delacour, marietta edgecombe, parvati patil, nymphadora tonks, alicia spinnet, july 2005, place: quidditch pitch, padma patil, cedric diggory, dennis creevey, greg goyle, orla quirke, lavender brown

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