Quidditch Day BBBB Basket Thread (Refers Back to Quidditch Day Thread)

Jul 07, 2007 12:51

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Alicia Spinnet, Orla Quirke, Fleur Delacour, Lavender Brown, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Cedric Diggory, Dennis Creevey, Greg Goyle, Marietta Edgecombe, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Status: Public
Summary: The Basket's Thread
Completion: Incomplete

A Tisket, A Tasket )

justin finch-fletchley, fleur delacour, marietta edgecombe, parvati patil, nymphadora tonks, alicia spinnet, july 2005, place: quidditch pitch, padma patil, cedric diggory, dennis creevey, greg goyle, orla quirke, lavender brown

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shh_cedric July 7 2007, 18:44:37 UTC
Cedric was not a wearer of hats. Nor did he have a bandana to his name. He had a different idea.

He'd slipped his mother earlier in the day; he was a big boy and could go off on his own, and she was a big girl and knew people here, even if she hadn't seen most of them in years.

Now, he trotted over to the finish line where Alicia was calling for the clothing and baskets, and -- making a very silly show of it -- unbuttoned his short-sleeved shirt and shimmied out of it, like he was doing a strip tease. Maybe Katie would be watching.

Laughing at his own silliness, he Levitated the shirt up onto one of the remaining empty spots, set the lunch basket he'd prepared beneath it, and then trotted off, bare chested.


shh_alicia July 7 2007, 18:58:44 UTC
Spotting Cedric's one man show by the poles, Alicia couldn't help but laugh, completely forgetting everything about the Sonorus she had put on her voice.

"Way to go, Diggory!!" she called out, sending him a thumb up, when she realised that she had just announced him to basically the entire Quidditch Day Area. "Ladies and Gentlemen!! That's the spirit!" Quietly she murmured "Quietus" and jumped down from the small platform to go find herself a place where she could keep an eye on the race.


shh_fleur July 7 2007, 19:14:40 UTC
Fleur could not help but smile and laugh at the spectacle made of Cedric's strip show. She wondered who would catch his shirt and dine with him, although it was a good bet that Katie would win it.

Fleur grinned at the commentary made by Alicia, whom Oliver had introduced Fleur to earlier that morning. When Alicia descended the platform Fleur stood next to her. She had a dog with her, a strange looking older dog that was about the size of Napoleon. The dog carried a disgusting purple toy in its mouth and Napoleon thought the toy was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. Fleur looked up at Alicia.

"Napoleon seems to like your doggie," she said, "Very much so." Napoleon was now licking the dog's mouth and face.

"I wonder what kind of a stir it would cause if all ze ladies with baskets removed zeir shirts for ze race. I theenk ze fliers might injure themselves from ze distraction."


shh_alicia July 7 2007, 19:29:40 UTC
Alicia chuckled, and watched the two dogs. “Looks like it… and it looks like Bert’s enjoying every moment of it.” She held out her hand, and immediately Bert dropped the chewtoy in it, already bouncing on his short legs, yapping eagerly to get her to toss it. “This what you want? This what you want?” she cooed and finally haphazardly threw the chewtoy, watching both dogs dart after it, before she looked back at Fleur, all the while charming her hands clean again.

“Bert likes everybody especially if they’ll give his chewtoy a toss or two.” She smiled at Fleur, still trying to figure out exactly what she thought of the other woman. For now, she had decided to go with alright, though it wasn’t an opinion she was completely settled on yet. “How’s your day been? Wood’s too far gone on the Quidditch for you?”


shh_cedric July 7 2007, 20:05:35 UTC
Cedric was squinting and watching the race. He could make out Katie among the starters and waved, although he wasn't sure that she saw him. He wasn't really paying any attention to the women with the dogs, much less a casually flung toy.

So when it smacked him in the side of the face, he was completely surprised. And when being smacked was followed by two tail-wagging, enormously excited dogs practically running him over to grab the ... purple? ... and slobbery ... chew toy, he made a rather pathetic yelp and held up a hand to ward them off.

The toy had fallen down between his legs and he did not want the dogs and their claws getting too close to the family jewels, so he grabbed it quickly and held it up where they could both see it. They leapt for it, but he tossed it away onto the grass. "Fetch!" he told them, and they were off.


shh_cedric July 7 2007, 19:15:21 UTC
The boom of Alicia's voice behind him almost made Cedric jump out of his skin (since he'd already lost his shirt). Turning, he looked across at her, then laughed and returned her thumbs-up sign. He shouted back, "Got to give the ladies something to race for!" he called back -- although (thankfully) not as loudly.

He plopped down on the grace, leaning back into his arms and enjoyed the intermittent sun and waited for the outcome.


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