RP: Let's get this thing going!

Jul 04, 2007 15:04

Date: July 04, 2005
Characters: Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood
Location: The Quidditch Pitch
Status: Private
Summary: Discussing the practical set-up of the upcoming Quidditch Event
Completion: InComplete

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place: quidditch pitch, alicia spinnet, oliver wood, july 2005

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shh_alicia July 4 2007, 18:08:39 UTC
When Oliver put his head on her shoulder, Alicia pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, and cooed softly as he cried his woes to her. She rubbed his back and then laced her fingers with his. “Actually,” she said with a bit of regret as she picked up the well-slobbered remains of a paper bag with two fingers, “I did bring you scones, but somehow Bert got into my bag the two minutes I wasn’t looking.” She shrugged her apology at him, then grinned.

“Of course this looks great,” she said and nudged his shoulder with hers, “I wrote this, and you initially came up with the idea, so how couldn’t it be great?” With a quirked eyebrow at him, she looked very certain of their upcoming success. “And because I tell you anything you want to know, then my dealings with Charlie is at a point where I can assure you that he is a most brilliant snogger.”

She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and took a moment to just nuzzle his neck. With a soft kiss to his warm skin she moved to sit behind him, and began working the tension in his shoulders and neck out with her fingers. “Want to talk about it, or would you rather we continue with the planning?” she asked, knowing that Oliver would talk when he was ready, and if that wasn’t now, then she would wait until he was ready.


shh_oliver July 4 2007, 18:48:46 UTC
"Oh, thanks there, love." He smiled back at her as she held up the bag of ruined scones. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a bag before he said, "Fortunately, I don't have a dog to slobber over everything I buy."

He reached in and handed her a scone before he replied. "We work well as a team. We always have, you know. I don't think anyone else could have pulled off what we've done here." He grew quiet for a moment before he heard about her speak about Charlie and he grinned. "Why, Alicia Helen Spinnet, you little vixen. Finally got the Captain you always wanted, huh?" He leaned back away from her and teased. "I still think I'm a more brilliant snogger."

She began to touch him, soothing him as her hands worked his tired muscles. He turned when she asked him if he wanted to discuss what was happening. He really didn't want to but he didn't want her to worry about him when she obviously had alot going on with Charlie. Oliver smiled at her. "You really know me way too well." Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to her forehead before he rested his head against hers. "I'm taking Mum in to see a therapist I think. She's fine but I want to make sure."

He pulled away and took her hand, rubbing her palm with his thumbs as he added. "It's nothing for you to worry about, love. Especially when we've got so much left to do here."


shh_alicia July 5 2007, 18:48:20 UTC
Alicia looked at his fingers as he massaged her hand. “Okay, I won’t worry about it then,” she said and looked directly at him, “but I will hex your arse if you wear yourself down because of this, yeah?” She smiled at him, and kissed the corner of his mouth as a way of comfort. He had said he was alright, but she wouldn’t pressure him about it, not now, when he obviously wasn’t ready for it. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t keep and eye on him.

“Alright,” she said, and sat back, still facing him. From her bag she got two cups, and poured them each one, before she bit into the scone Oliver had just given her. “Where should we start today?”


shh_oliver July 5 2007, 20:31:09 UTC
"You know how much of a turnon it is for me when you get all hexy and arsey on me, love," Oliver grinned before he gave her a quick kiss. When he pulled away, he looked into her eyes and brushed his hand through her hair before he said, "This is one time you don't have to be concerned. I'm tired because of all this work." He brought his finger over to touch the corner of her eye before he traced underneath her orb. "And judging from these little bags, you are too. So it's time for me to worry about you now. Understand?"

He kissed her cheek and pulled away before he took the cup of coffee from her. He blew on it and then took a sip and said, "Fleur makes some of the strongest damn coffee you'll ever have. The French must have no taste buds." He chuckled and took a sip. He listened to her question before he stood up and grinned. "Let's take our coffee and go walk around our Quidditch Day setup and see what we see." He took her hand and pulled her up before he laced his fingers through hers and said. "Let's have a little fun."


shh_alicia July 8 2007, 22:21:04 UTC
”Mmm,” Alicia nodded in agreement and rested her head on Oliver’s shoulder as they began their walk, ”I am tired, but it’s nothing a good night’s sleep can’t take care off.” She paused for a moment. “And maybe one or two days of not working twenty hours a day.”

She drank her coffee and looked around the grounds. Fun. The thought alone made her smile. Yes, she had fun with Oliver, but good, old-fashioned Quidditch fun, that didn’t involve paperwork? That sort of fun had been quite a time since they had had. “You. Me. Two brooms,” she grinned, and then pointed to her target. “And the obstacle course.”


shh_oliver July 9 2007, 13:03:35 UTC
"Oi, stop you're whining, woman," Oliver jested, and wrapped his arm around Alicia's waist. This was the beginning of a dream come true and he loved the fact that he was sharing this with her most of all. "But it's almost over and you can sleep for a week after all this is done."

"You know none of this would be even remotely fathomable if it weren't for you joining me. I could have never gotten this off the ground." He shook his head before he turned and kissed her on her crown of her head. He smirked at Alicia. "Are you sure? I mean with your advancing age and hips, I don't want you hurting yourself." He danced away and picked up two brooms from the side of a shed. "Then I don't want you getting distracted while you're in the air if you see a flash of red." Still, he handed her a broom and walked toward the course as he teased. "Did you bring me a basket for when I win, love?"


shh_alicia July 9 2007, 14:15:12 UTC
“Ah, ha ha ha,” Alicia laughed with a roll of her eyes. “You’re funny.” She sent him a too bright smile, before she patted his chest. “Keeper. Sturdy, stabile and moves inside a fixed and limited place.” Then she patted her own chest. “Chaser. Fast, mobile, agile, has to navigate quickly between other players and Bludgers, while keeping enough focus on the Quaffle to catch it, without slowing down.” With a tilt of her head, she winked and finished her speech. “See the difference?”

Once the broom was resting on her shoulder she caught up with Oliver. “Oh, before we get up there, you need to refresh my memory; when your old, fragile bones break, is it Episkey or Evanesco that puts them back together? I’d hate to just leave you there like a pile of broken Keeper while I get a Healer here, old man.” She snuggled herself under his arm and steered them towards the startline. “This way, or am I going to have to find you a seeing-eye-Krupp, too?”


shh_oliver July 9 2007, 19:40:07 UTC
Oliver smirked at Alicia's humor before he patted his chest. "Keeper. Agile, Fast, Quick Thinking. Has a game plan already." He smiled warmly before he went to pat her chest and hesitated. His smile became wider as he decided to pat her chest anyway and said, "Chaser. Avoids big Bludgery objects, stays clean and pristine. Not very bright." He smiled at her as he brought his hand up to her chin and said, "It'll be a fun race, love."

He kissed her quickly before he patted her bottom and said, "Love, I can outfly any eighteen year old around and you'd better save your little charms for your dragon boy who's already well past thirty." Oliver wrapped his arm around her and grinned. "Besides, I think I've kept up with you in all kinds of physical activities just fine."

When they reached the finish line, Oliver mounted his broom and began to hover before he looked over at Alicia and said grumpily. "Will you please hurry up, it's almost time for my midday nap."


shh_alicia July 9 2007, 20:22:36 UTC
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Alicia bickered back and mounted her broom right next to him, “Would be a shame to break my fragile hips before we’d even gotten on the course, right?” She winked at him, and pushed off the ground to hover right beside him.

“Alright, babe,” she said and nodded towards the agility course in front of them, “I’ll be putting up a bonnet on Saturday, and I’ll promise you a picnic that will blow your mind, with wine, beer and lemonade to drink. It’ll be fair game; You beat my dragon boy, that picnic is yours. Ready?”


shh_oliver July 9 2007, 21:37:43 UTC
He thought about making a crack about her word usage and him hearing that at one time or another but instead just gave her a knowing smirk before he asked, "Do you need a hand up there, missy? I know that you might be overcompensating for the spread of your hips over the years." He bent over and made a little stirrup with his hands to help her. "Come on, Granny."

He ticked off on his fingers. "Sweetheart. First of all, you should be flying. Secondly, you don't own a bonnet. I know. I've looked. Thirdly, if I were to go after yours, I know someone who would use her mad ninja Veela skills on me." He grinned as they hovered. "Fourthly, there's a certain redhaired bloke who is going to be gasping and wheezing to get into your goodies." Oliver winked before he said. "And fourthly...wait, didn't I just used fourthly. I think I did." His hands clapped onto his broom as he thought. "Wait, I think I was on thirdly or sixthly..." He flashed her a devilish grin before he added, "No matter. GO!"

Oliver's broom leapt forward as he sped down the course.


shh_alicia July 9 2007, 21:52:39 UTC
Despite having been ready for a sudden ‘GO!’ by wrapping her hands firmly around the handle of her broomstick, and leaning slightly forward, Alicia was still left behind when Oliver took off.

She didn’t bother with calling out after him, but instead leaned all the way forward, and shot after him like an arrow, flying under him, until she was flying next to him on his left side. “So you’re saying your fat arse has weakened my hips? Oi! Look out!” she warned, before making the hard left turn into the S-part of the course.


shh_oliver July 9 2007, 23:53:13 UTC
Oliver sped down the straightaway knowing that Alicia would catch him. She and Katie were nearly equal speed wise although he could out manuvuer the both of them in the tight turns. He grinned when she pulled even with him. She'd always been good on a broom from the time he'd first seen her as a second year before her injury but Alicia outworked everyone and by the time she tried out in her third year again, Oliver knew she had to be on the team.

"My fat arse! My arse is as pert and ripe as the day we first met." He eeked out before she yelled about the S Curve. He yanked his broom to the right, riding the outside of the turn before he ramped it over and flew nearly vertically through the mid-portion of the S. He smiled when he saw Alicia next to him, her short blonde hair waving haphazardly around her head. He flipped his broom again while he yelled. "No more screaming like that. You almost gave me a heart attack."

They left the S turn side-by-side and when he looked up, he grinned as he saw the slaloms. Oliver leaned forward on his broom and howled. "Let's go, Alicia!!"


shh_alicia July 10 2007, 15:29:18 UTC
“WOOOOHOOOO!!” Alicia cheered and dived down abruptly to literally start the slalom from the bottom and work her way up. She zigzagged her way between the poles, all the while ascending at a steep angle to be able to make better use of her talent for speed.

“Sorry, old man, I forgot how people at your age can’t take the excitement of a proper scream.” She was laughing with the delight of the free feeling of flying like this when she finished the slalom part high above the ground, shifting her hold on her broom to begin the descent through the Dead Man’s Curve, once more using her speed and ability to think three-dimensionally to make up for what she was lacking in making tight turns. “Come on, Wood!”


shh_oliver July 12 2007, 04:12:07 UTC
Oliver heard Alicia's battle whoop and grinned at her before she dropped down to take on the slaloms. He veered around the first post before he whipped his broom back and darted around the second pole. His vector was a bit wide and he had to readjust going around the third pole. He realized that he needed to watch himself on the course Saturday or he could lose this thing.

"Oh, you're screams don't bother me much, Ali. I've heard them more than enough when we..." He yelled but his words trailed off as he twisted his head up to look at her before he swung his broom hard to the left and went nearly vertically into the Deadman's Curve slightly ahead of Alicia. He craned his head back just a bit to see her above him before he laughed. "I'm already here, Spinnet."


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