OWLs: To Ginny, Lavender, Parvati, Susan, Caradoc, and Adrian

Jun 22, 2007 20:31

Date: June 22, 2005
Character(s): Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Susan Bones, Caradoc Dearborn, Adrian Pucey
Location: Hospital; Wherever everyone else is
Status: Private
Summary: Now that she has an idea for the hospital fundraiser, Luna sends owls to appeal for help.
Completion: InComplete

After her trip to Bookworm yesterday, Luna felt a lot better about the progress on the hospital. Hermione's suggestion of a music festival had been a good one, and when she'd presented it to the committee this morning, they'd agreed. Now, of course, there was the matter of pulling it off. Her knowledge of music festivals and what it took to organise them was minimal, considering that she'd never even been to one.

She would contact Stubby Boardman at Xanadu, to find out if he still had contacts in Wizarding music, and she had Hermione's contacts yet to get in touch with to try and gauge foreign interest in the hospital effort. She had friends and coworkers who had offered to help, and that was also invaluable. On break from her shift, Luna sat in the cramped employees' area to pen some letters. The sooner she got started, the better.

Dear Ginny,

How are you? Are classes going well, or have they finished for now? It's been a while since we've been able to talk, so I'm a bit out of touch with things, though I'm trying to work on that.

I'm not sure if you've heard about the committee that's formed for the rebuilding of the hospital, but I've joined it, and we're finally making progress. There's money to at least start on the building, and we're planning a fundraiser to raise the rest. It's going to be a music festival,  Would you be at all interested in joining the committee and help to organise that? I'd be so grateful for any help you can give.



Dear Lavender,

How are things with you? Well, I hope. I'm writing to see if you remember the conversation we had at the pub a bit ago about the hospital. I'm not sure if you've heard about it at work, but we're finally making some progress and a committee's been formed by the administration and I finally have an idea for the fundraiser -- it's going to be a music festival featuring different Wizarding musicians. Assuming I can pull them in, of course. Would you want to join the committee and help to organise that? I'm pretty excited about it, and we'll need lots of help getting everything together as things go. Let me know.



Dear Parvati,

I know we don't see each other terribly often at work what with our schedules being so different, but I'm glad to at least hear that you're able to be around more now, and I hope things are well with you. I'm not sure if you've heard any noise about it, but there's a committee dedicated to rebuilding the hospital now, and we're finally making progress. Building can start soon, and we'll be having a fundraiser in August, a music festival. It should be a good chance to get the community together to listen to some good Wizarding acts, and it'll be great for  the hospital. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be at all interested in helping us to organise that? I can imagine things are pretty busy for you, but you'd just need to join the committee, and everyone on it would have a job if they want it. What do you say?

Thanks a lot and let me know,


Dear Susan,

I hope things are alright with you. I've missed you the last few times you've been by to drop off your potions. Are you staying busy?

I need to thank you, it seems. Do you remember when we talked a few months ago about the state of the hospital, and you mentioned a fundraiser? We're finally making progress on that, thanks to that first idea. In August, we're planning to hold a music festival that will feature Wizarding music acts from all over. Hopefully, it'll be a great opportunity to get people together for a bit of fun.

Anyway, back when we talked about it, you'd said you'd be willing to help out with things, and I was wondering if you were still interested. If it goes well, we'd need all the help we can to get things organised. Let me know if you'd like to get together and talk about it.



Dear Mr. Dearborn,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Luna Lovegood, and I'm a mediwitch at the temporary hospital. I saw a notice recently about your music club here in Stoatshead, and that's why I'm contacting you. The hospital rebuilding committee are planning a fundraiser for August, and it's going be a music festival. I was wondering if you might be able to help promote it with your club members. We'd also love to have volunteers if anyone in your group is interested. And if you know of any music acts that we could contact to perform, that would be fantastic. Any help you could give us would really be appreciated. Please let me know if this would be something you'd be interested in helping with at all. Thank you.


Luna Lovegood

Dear Mr. Pucey,

Thank you for your recent letter. I've seen you about the hospital, and you do excellent potions work. Things are finally moving forward with the rebuilding effort, and so I wanted to get in touch with you about your offer of a meeting, if you're still interested. A committee has been formed and building will be moving forward soon. We'll  also be holding a music festival in August in order to raise funds. We are always looking for volunteers to help in any way they can. If you would still like to meet and discuss that, please let me know. Thank you again for taking an interest in the hospital effort and contacting me about helping.


Luna Lovegood

caradoc dearborn, owl, parvati patil, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, susan bones, lavender brown, june 2005, adrian pucey

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