RP: Saturday in the Park

Jun 16, 2007 23:24

Date: 16 June 2005
Characters: Fleur Delacour, Oliver Wood, Napoleon
Location: A Park in Exeter
Status: Private
Summary: Fleur and Oliver enjoy the day together.
Completion: Complete

A walk in the park. He had taken her on a simple walk in the park. At the end of the walk they unpacked the take away lunch they had purchased at the coffee shop and had a ( Read more... )

fleur delacour, oliver wood, june 2005, place: exeter

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shh_oliver June 23 2007, 21:24:16 UTC
"I can't argue with you, Fleur." Oliver answered and shook his head after her kiss. "I don't know much about Beauxbaton." He looked at her and said earnestly. "I have so much more I want to learn about you."

"So what do your mother and father do?" Oliver asked, trying to make sure he remembered her parent's name. "Your sister was the one you and Katie were talking about, right? Why don't you see her?" He immediately apologized. "I don't want to pry, sorry." He thought her explanation of how her school worked when in came to student relations was interesting. He nodded before he replied, "It probably would have bred less hatred than the House system." He chuckled at her next comment. "I would have never seen myself with a Ravenclaw since I'm the dumb athlete type. So how does a cocky, confident Gryffindor and a beautiful, intelligent Ravenclaw work?"

He flinched a little at the mention of Bill but this time he didn't pull back, instead he kissed her. Her hands upon his body were stoking the fire again that had cooled within him. He tried not to let his lust overcome him before he answered. "Touching is fine but if you think I'm some easy bloke who's going to just pull down his pants and pounce on you, you've got another thing coming." He teased. "A gal likes to be wined and dined a bit."

His hand wound into her hair and he pulled her closer, the press of her lips, her soft breath caressing him, the lash of her tongue against his, the softness of her blonde locks wrapped around his hand made his need rise and he moaned softly.

"I can't believe you," Oliver acted offended and turned away in a harumph after their kiss. "I make sure I have fresh, minty breath for you and I get told coffee breath is your favorite?" He chuckled when he spun back around in time to see her do that winking thing. He leaned in and kissed her eyelids before he said, "I'm still going to try and teach you one day."


shh_fleur June 23 2007, 22:39:26 UTC
"Mon père is a businessman in Paris," Fleur explained, "Something to do with properties and banks, investments and loans. He sits behind a huge desk and everyone asks him to approve things and meet with men in Muggle business suits or long robes. "Papa made sure zat Dean, Dennis, and I were approved for ze loan to have enough money to get ze businesses at Hammerside Wellness Center started. When you meet him, which will be very soon, by ze way, he will frighten you at first but zen he will pull a prank on you and embarrass you and zen you will be like old roommates. He comes across as superior and intimidating but he is ze furthest thing from it. He loves to laugh and svp, promise me zat you will never pull his finger, no matter how many times he asks you to do so. Whenever I need a Portkey he sends me one...each time a pair of risqué knickers. I theenk Dean Thomas still has ze pair from when we all went to Paris a few weeks ago. Zey were quite a prize."

She could hear the laughter of the children as it ebbed and flowed around them as she settled herself and crossed her legs to face him. She laced her fingers with his and Little Napoleon crawled into her lap with an apologetic gurgle.

"Ma mère," Fleur began, her tone changing to a slightly more serious one, "She is ze most frightening person in ze world, and ze most beautiful. When you meet her you will feel as if you are sitting at ze foot of her throne and you will never be able to hide anything, good or otherwise, from her. She is a mother goddess, a true déesse de mère, and once she lays her hands on you, you will be shrouded in her protection forever. In March, when my miscarriage happened I was alone and ze bébé, it had attached itself to my left fallopian tube," Fleur moved her and Oliver's clasped hands and placed them on the left side of her abdomen, "And even zough it was tiny, it was still too large to be in such a place, so ze tube burst and I 'emorrhaged and lost consciousness. But ma maman, she came to me and stopped ze bleeding until a Veela Healer could arrive. She saved me but it is not only me, she saves everyone zat she loves. I do not know how to explain it better; she is a warrioress. She will take one look at you, Oli-vair Wood, and she will become your guardian, your shield, forever, and you will become as a son to her. Your knees will shake whenever you are in her presence but you will belong to her as her child."

She sat quietly and pondered her sister. Gabrielle was difficult to explain.

"Ma soeur, Gabrielle," Fleur began, "Was captured briefly by Death Eaters an I theenk tortured terribly. She escaped and lives on ze streets, hand-to-mouth, wherever she may be. I theenk zat perhaps ze Death Eaters, I do not know exactly everything zey did to her but she was completely changed afterward. She was in my care on ze day she was taken shortly after I was married and I did not see her again until after ze war. It has been since Christmas Day zat I saw her last."

Fleur has said a great deal, and not all of it happy news, which was in turn spoiling the moment of what little time she had with him. She reached up and rubbed one of his shoulders and laughed at his complaints.

"I was mistaken," she said as she grazed his lips with hers, "Ze taste of your kiss is my favorite. How are you feeling now? Are you recovered from ze stray football?"


shh_oliver June 23 2007, 23:57:00 UTC
"Your mum and dad sound like wonderful people," Oliver replied sincerely. He tried to remember everything she told him and gulped a bit when she mentioned meeting her parents. He never really was in relationships long enough for the entire meeting mom and dad thing but the idea that Fleur even considered that step made him smile.

He thought that she'd been through alot in the past few months and he wanted to reach out and protect her. He wondered how she'd survived it all, the miscarriage, her sister going missing, her marriage dissolving and could still be this strong. He shook his head a bit and took her hand. "I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage and your sister. I must have been difficult." He took a deep breath before he ghosted his lips across hers and said quietly. "You're an amazing woman." He smiled sincerely. "I'll be here for you now."

"Good save on your part." Oliver smiled and stood. "I still think you like coffee better than me but I'm going to change your opinion one day." He took a small step, relieved to find the pain gone before he reached down and took her hand. "Seems like a potential disaster for womankind has been averted." He grinned to show he hadn't meant it before he asked, "Do you think the ants have run off with our picnic basket yet?"


shh_fleur June 24 2007, 00:13:51 UTC
Fleur walked, hand-in-hand, with Oliver, back to the tree under which rested their picnic basket. No ants were to be seen but a bluebird was busily finishing off one of the muffins, so engrossed in his meal that he did not see the lovers approach. He flew away instantly when the couple arrived at their blanket.

"So much for our muffins," Fleur laughed, "Ah, I cannot begrudge him. Zey were delicious. Napoleon, do you want ze rest of zis?" She held out the muffin for the dog and Napoleon gingerly took it from her fingers and walked over to the trunk of the tree to consume his prize. Fleur sat on the blanket and stretched out her legs. "Good thing I grabbed my sandal after our tumble or I would be walking home in bare feet. I have a bottle of water. Would you like some?" She retrieved the bottle and poured a bit into Napoleon's collapsible dish before offering it to Oliver.

"So, Oli-vair," she turned to him, "I have never asked you, and you have never told me your thoughts on it. But, how do you...how do you feel about my situation, ze fact zat I am going through a divorce? We have never spoken of it in detail but I theenk it is a subject zat we should address and through which we must work if what we have together is to succeed."


shh_oliver June 24 2007, 03:46:20 UTC
Oliver watched the bluebird flutter off and chuckled as he saw it carried part of a muffin in it mouth. "Smart bird." He really didn't care though. He was pleasantly full and being with Fleur had helped him to ignore the dull throb in groin. So life was good. He watched Fleur bustle around, first handing a part of a muffin to the dog before she poured some water for him. He never really had seem this part of her and he found her domestic side to be oddly fascinating. He shook himself out of his revirie and replied, "I'll take some water, please."

Her next question floored him and as he drank the water he thought about it since he'd carefully avoided the topic in his mind. He could have lied but she'd been truthful with him and she deserved the same. He frowned before he said, "I wonder about it. I know that you're still technically married but I can't stop being around you. I want to see you and see how the story of us goes." Oliver reached over and pulled Fleur to him before he hugged her and asked, "If that's okay with you?"


shh_fleur June 24 2007, 04:08:02 UTC
"What is it zat you wonder about my divorce?" she asked, "I only ask because, well, I want to know. I know zat many in town, when zey find out about you and I, or even some who may already know, will pass judgment on both of us...you for being ze man who came between Bill Weasley and his wife, me for being loose enough to allow another man to pursue me so soon after I left my husband. Saying zat it does not matter to me will not make ze prejudice go away; it only shows zat I do not give a rat's arse about ze town prudes." She took the bottle from him and drank. "Fuck zose bitches and bastards, I say," she muttered before looking at Oliver to gauge his reaction.

"Do you ever wonder why?" she asked, "Why it was zat we separated? Does ze thought ever cross your mind? You seem like ze type of man who can control his curiosity of such subjects, but do you not think zat perhaps zis knowledge needs to be open between us, so zat you may be prepared for any effects zat may linger? I know it is a pointed question zat I ask but you have told me zat you will not run away, zat I am more zan just one day in ze park, zat you want to learn everything about me." She stopped and searched his hazel eyes. "Do you want to know even about ze bad things as well?"


shh_oliver June 24 2007, 05:00:49 UTC
Oliver sighed and looked at Fleur. "Maybe we ought to sit if we're going to talk about this." He really had tried to put off this subject until he had a better idea of what he really wanted to say but now was as good a time as ever. After he sat, she spoke and it was almost as if she were challenging him. He had to think for a moment before he answered bluntly. "Truthfully, I don't give a fuck what other people think about me except for my mum, my sister and a few friends who I'm close to. You've met one and Katie loved you and the other one is Alicia Spinnet. She's my best mate." He wrinkled his brow in concentration. "If others decide that I should tossed out, then that's their choice. I didn't need them anyway." Oliver gazed at her and added. "Lots of people will be bitches and bastards. They'll go behind our backs and talk about us or try to ruin us both around town for seeing each other." He shrugged. "In the end, I still want to be with you as long as you want me around."

"I wondered why you were seperated but it was not my place to force it out of you. I reckoned when you were comfortable, you'd tell me." He replied to her line of questions. He smiled and tried to get comfortable despite the slight twinge of pain before he added. "So I guess you're ready to tell me."


shh_fleur June 24 2007, 15:08:08 UTC
"If you do not feel comfortable talking about it," she replied, wondering if she were being forceful again, "We will talk about something else. I do not know...sometimes it seems like you become nervous when I become serious. I do not want to pressure you into doing something with which you are uncomfortable. I would not want to do zat to you."

Fleur listened to him talk of his family and friends and how he only cared about the thoughts and opinions of those close to him. It was reassuring to hear such words from him concerning their relationship.

"Merci," she whispered, "Your words are comforting, because sometimes...it is just difficult...leaving a Weasley in a town full of Weasleys and zeir friends. Do you believe me, zat we do not have to discuss it now, not if you want to wait for a better time? I will not become upset, I promise. I just want you to feel at ease with me and around me."


shh_oliver June 24 2007, 16:27:02 UTC
Oliver really wondered now about this change in her demeanor. He didn't understand why she was questioning him and her hesitancy told him that Fleur didn't trust him. He had a slightly perplexed look when he said, "I'm fine and I want to hear what you say." He chuckled. "If not, I wouldn't be sitting next to you waiting anxiously for you to speak." He reached over and curved his hand around her neck before pulling her to him and sharing an all too short but passionate kiss with her.

He dragged his lips away from her and leaned his forehead against Fleur's while he smiled. "I told you I wanted to hear everything about you. Don't take the fact that I want to wait for you to be comfortable to talk to me as my disinterest or the fact that I get nervous for you when you're going to tell me about something that hurt you as me being hesitant." He pulled away. "When I said everything, I meant everything."

"I know the Weasleys, Fleur. Most of them longer than you have." He leaned back on his hands. "I know most of their friends too because I wasn't a wallflower at Hogwarts. But if any of them decide that you shouldn't be able to move on with your life, then they are sad, pathetic people." Oliver smiled sympathetically. "But you shouldn't worry about them, love." He brought his body forward again and took her hand while he said quietly, "Now, you said you have something to tell me?"


shh_fleur June 24 2007, 16:56:57 UTC
Fleur felt relieved when Oliver reassured her about whether or not she should talk to him about the situation.

"Um," she hesitated, "Well, you heard about Bill being attacked and mauled by Fenrir Greyback in ze summer of '97, ze summer in which we were later married?" She nodded as she watched Oliver's response. "Well, Bill was changed by zat. He was not a full werewolf but he would become very agitated near ze Full Moon, quick to anger. Like I said, he sometimes could not stand to be touched. It was like he had two personalities inside of him zat could not find a way to compromise and become one."

Fleur placed her hand on her forehead to wipe away the perspiration that had gathered. She looked at Oliver and took a deep breath.

"During ze war Bill's baser instincts, his more aggressive tendencies, zey were occupied by ze intensity of strategy and fighting and battle in ze Order," she continued, "Zere was an outlet for his more violent behaviour. Hell, during zose years we all lived with a healthy dose of adrenaline in our systems and slept with one eye open."

She paused, thinking back to the years of her marriage, the years of war.

"Sometimes I theenk he would get a kind of wander-lust," Fleur sighed, "As if he were afraid of being around me too much for fear of what he might do or say zat would hurt me. I do not know, he never told me why he would stay away when he did so. We both pretended it was for ze war effort and I asked no questions, hoping zat if I wished hard enough, it would be so. But I knew, really, we both knew ze truth of ze matter."

Here came the difficult part of the story.

"But unfortunately for us ze war did not last forever," she said with a sad smile and a shake of her head. "Oliver, what I am about to tell you, I do not want you to think badly of Bill because of it. I should also tell you zat, zat...well, you may not want to have anything to do with me again after you hear it."


shh_oliver June 24 2007, 17:15:28 UTC
Oliver listened quietly as Fleur wove her tale. He had heard about Bill's injuries but really didn't understand the extent of what had happened to him. The aggressiveness, the primal instincts, the stress of the war that they'd all faced, and the wanderlust which he surmised led him to spend large chunks of time away from Fleur.

He squeezed her hand when she shook her head and tried to reassure her before she began the next part of her story. He wanted to be there for her and he was going to be no matter what but the tiny thought in the back of his mind that he hadn't heard that she didn't love her ex-husband past companionship or that it was truly over and there wouldn't be anything else between them. Those were his fears now that he needed to overcome and he'd need to find reassurance in what she said.

He nodded his head and waited.


shh_fleur June 24 2007, 18:46:50 UTC
"Well, in ze euphoria following ze end of ze war we decided to start a family," Fleur smiled weakly, "And for a very short time we were very happy. Zen he began spending time without me, and truthfully, I spent time away from him as well. He would confide in Remus more and more often and stay away from me and not talk to me about ze difficulties he was having with his injuries and change. He became extremely violent during ze Full Moons, so much so zat we had to have ze basement warded and locked down and zat is where he would stay once ze moon started its affect on him. It was 'orrible; he would hurt himself, scratch himself, pull bones from zeir sockets, rip his own flesh and required medical treatment after every Full, sometimes even needing to stay at ze 'ospital."

Fleur looked over to Oliver and reached up to touch his face. "I know zis must be hard for you, I am so sorry. I will make it up to you if you will allow me. I promise." She softly kissed him and sat back once more.

"Zen everything fell apart for us," she resumed, "In late January, I theenk. At ze time I was pregnant but did not know. I started having doubts zat a child would be safe in our home. Bill withdrew from me and turned to Remus for help. I was angry, resentful, and I began sleeping in a separate bedroom. Bill and I seldom talked and I avoided him. His reactions to ze Full Moon were becoming progressively worse. It was then zat I lost ze bébé, in ze middle of mars. I was gone for a month with ma mère and I left no word for Bill at all, ze whole time I was away."

Fleur reached over to touch Oliver's knee, absently rubbing it in circles, trying to reassure both him and herself.

"When I came back things were strained between us but we tried to work through our differences," she whispered, recalling the terrible night that ended her marriage. "On ze last day of April, a few days before ze Full Moon, Remus came to our home for a visit. Bill was extremely agitated and when we were alone we bickered. He lost control and threw me across ze room. I hit a wall very hard and lost consciousness for a moment."

Fleur stopped and looked directly at Oliver. "You went to ze World Cup in 1994? You saw ze Veela with ze Bulgarian team, non?" she waited for his reply. "Zat 'appened to me. I transformed into one of zose women, a Harpy. I quickly grew wings, my nose became beak-like, and my skin, my skin turned to a pale blue color. I was still myself, still Fleur, but I was also something else, a warrioress. And I would have killed zem both, Remus and Bill, had I not been so badly injured. I left ze scene and came back to myself. I had to go to ze 'ospital for a few days; a girl, Luna Lovegood took me zere. Bill almost killed himself during zat Moon and by ze time he was released from ze 'ospital himself, I had moved to Hammerside and was filing for a divorce."

"Earlier zis month I went to our house," she finally said, "To retrieve Babette's nest box. I saw Bill zat night. Zere was an opportunity for he and I to reconcile. But I did not want to so...because I thought of you. I do not love him anymore."

She watched Oliver's expression


shh_oliver June 24 2007, 19:34:41 UTC
Oliver listened to her story and the tragedy that been Fleur's life since the New Year. She'd given him bits and pieces of what had happened before but as the complete story unfolded, he felt himself wanting to reach out for her and to make things better. But he knew that one hug or one kiss wasn't what she needed. She needed someone to be there. He tried to understand what Bill had been through to nearly abandon this beautiful woman and felt a sense of pity for him.

That was until the tale of his beating of Fleur and the stark horror of what she'd been through. He stared at her, a bit wide-eyed when she spoke about her transformation and he had a difficult time picturing her as one of those Harpies who he'd seen the beautiful Veela women change into at the World Cup. He tried to imagine her life since then, the injuries, the hospital, the move to Hammerside, the dance studio, having to start again with the fear that no one would be there for her, that all she knew and had relied upon had been changed in one night.

He pulled her to him and hugged her closely, running his hands through the curtain of her long, blonde hair, trying to provide some bit of comfort as she spoke about her visit to Bill. His heart clenched and he tensed when she spoke of reconciliation but when she said she thought of him, he found himself smiling despite what she'd just told him. He sat there holding her for a few more moments before he pulled away and searched her blue eyes before he gave her a small smile and said, "You just made me a happy man, Fleur Delacour and I'm going to make sure you don't regret that decision."


shh_fleur June 25 2007, 01:07:41 UTC
Fleur sank into him once more, relieved at his reply. She felt like she had been keeping secrets from him about herself and her failed marriage, but now she had nothing to hide from him. She breathed out slowly, purposefully, as if expelling the last remnants of her self-doubt. She made him happy. She made him happy, and it had been so very long since she had been able to do that for a man, one she cared for and who openly returned that affection to her.

His hand stroking her hair felt wonderful. She closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation of his touch, and she smiled as well.

"I want to make you happy," she said, her eyes still closed, "And I would never regret you...kiss me." She opened her eyes now and focused on Oliver before they kissed. This time the kiss was filled with more than just lust and need and want. It was filled with fondness and warmth and care. There was a reverence present between them that had not been there before and she sighed in contentment as they parted and she snuggled up to his embrace.

"I want to meet all of your friends," she said as she curled into the crook of his neck, "You were telling me about zem when I began to darken ze mood with my terribly sad story."


shh_oliver June 25 2007, 15:25:44 UTC
His hand tightened in her hair as he kissed her, the wanton need still present but now he felt closer to her and she had allayed many of his doubts with her words. When she opened to him, he didn't feel the need to devour her, to put every bit of his passion into that one kiss, to try to prove to her that he was the right choice. Instead, for the first time, he let himself be lost in the sheer joy of what they shared.

Oliver's tongue swept against hers, the desire intermixed with a want to be closer to Fleur and experience everything she had to offer. When they pulled away, he let his lips linger for a moment upon hers, a plantive whine sounding deep in his throat before he took her lower lip before his teeth and nibbled at it.

He felt at ease with her now, the last vestige of fear that he had of letting himself fall for this amazing woman gone. He trailed his lips along her jawline as she spoke, her words sending him into a spiral as he thought for the first time of something more with Fleur that was not fraught with his own misgivings and misconceptions.

Her quesition about his friends made him pause as he reached the shell of her ear. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, oblivious to his worries as he thought about how to explain his relationships to her. He wanted to share his life with her and everything that it involved. But if he were to be honest then, she needed to know about Alicia and what they shared and had shared in the past.

He breathed deeply before he sighed and pulled away slightly. His eyes lifted to meet hers, the brilliant blue of her orbs seemingly compelling him to speak to her. He worried on the inside of his bottom lip before his brow furrowed a bit and he said, "I have lots of friends who you'll meet but like I said, only two I consider myself close too." He smiled. "Katie, who you've met is like having a sister. She's sassy, brave and smart. I love her to death but she fights just about everything I say. She's so special to me and I trust her with my life."

He paused as he thought for a moment about how to explain his best friend before he began. "My other friend is Alicia. She's been my best mate since we were at Hogwarts and we've been through alot together. She's brilliant, amazing, driven and has helped me through so much. It's why we're partners on bringing back Quidditch." He hesitated before he added. "and one more thing, until you and I kissed, we slept together."


shh_fleur June 25 2007, 16:16:57 UTC
"...and one more thing, until you and I kissed, we slept together."

Now his hesitation made more sense. Fleur did not mind that Oliver's close friends were women; all of her close friends were men. However, the quick inclusion of that little bit of information about Oliver sleeping with his best mate until he first kissed Fleur had her trying to count out the days since that time.

"So," she replied very slowly, thoughtfully, "What you are telling me is zat Alicia, whom you have known most of your life and who is now your business partner, is also your best friend...and until a week ago ze two of you slept together?" Fleur was quiet for a few moments, trying to think of a way to word what she had to say and not end up sounding like the Harpy she knew she had the capacity to become.

"Oliver?" she asked, hope and confusion in her voice, "How is it zat I should feel about zis information? I do not wish to sound as a jealous or desperate woman and I want you to know zat I am not upset, only concerned. Zis is a large thing you have told me about you and your friend and ze closeness you share." Fleur was quiet, torn between wanting to be upset and knowing she had no right.

"Oliver?" she looked up into his eyes, "How would you feel if Bill and I were best friends still and I had continued to sleep with him until a week ago?" She was scared Oliver would respond defensively but she had to ask. "If you are so close and, well, close to each other, perhaps you should be with her instead of me. I am not angry, just, well, it would make sense. Do you not theenk?"

"So?" she asked with a mischievous grin, "Ze two of you, you were copains de baise? Fuck buddies?" Fleur reached up and pinched his upper arm very hard. "You are going to be very good in bed with me, I theenk." She laughed.


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