RP: Saturday in the Park

Jun 16, 2007 23:24

Date: 16 June 2005
Characters: Fleur Delacour, Oliver Wood, Napoleon
Location: A Park in Exeter
Status: Private
Summary: Fleur and Oliver enjoy the day together.
Completion: Complete

A walk in the park. He had taken her on a simple walk in the park. At the end of the walk they unpacked the take away lunch they had purchased at the coffee shop and had a ( Read more... )

fleur delacour, oliver wood, june 2005, place: exeter

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shh_oliver June 19 2007, 19:56:12 UTC
Oliver was going as fast as he could given the condition he was in before the football had hit his arse. Still, he tried to keep his tone cheery when he answered, "Coming right along, Fleur love." He shook out his leg before he took her hand. He turned to her and smiled as they ran. "Maybe a leash might be a good idea or he could stay at home like other dogs do on dates."

When they finally found Napoleon, he was dashing to and fro nudging the ball with his nose. He was impressed by the little dog's athletic skills and begrudgingly acknowleded the fact to Fleur as he leaned into her ear and kissed the shell before he said. "I think that you may have a little star out there."

He could have stood there all day with Fleur watching her dog's antics even as a group of kids started to gather around. They all looked to be between the ages of ten and fourteen although there was one curly haired girl who must have been younger than Ilana. But he lost himself in the moment and after brushing his thumb over Fleur's knuckles, he wrapped one arm around her lower waist and pulled her close.

"Right, I think it's time to get it back." Oliver winced after when Napoleon started to hump the football. He walked over and when he was close to the dog, he kicked the ball away from him before he dribbled it to keep it from the now attacking beast. He looked over at Fleur and grinned. "You may have two stars."

He looked back at the ball as he juked Napoleon and didn't pay much attention the laughter and screams approaching him.

Oliver saw a foot between his legs from behind him and the ball was poked away before the foot hooked his ankle and he felt the ground colliding with his backside. The whoosh of air leaving his lungs startled him but when he looked over and saw a young boy with dreads standing up and grinning at him before he took the ball. "Sorry Mister, it was a bad slide tackle."

Oliver laughed back at him. "Why, you..." He glanced over at Napoleon as he stood up and said, "Let's get him."


shh_fleur June 19 2007, 20:27:59 UTC
Fleur was mortified by Napoleon's actions, especially when the gathered group expressed their collective amusement at the dog's actions. Thankfully Oliver got the ball away from the dog somehow (Fleur had turned away from the embarrassment by this time) and then landed on his backside when one of the young boys slid into Oliver to kick the ball away.

Now that was funny...even funnier than Jerry Lewis.

She jogged over to where Oliver lay in a heap and gave him an I-told-you-so look before she suddenly found herself down on the ground beside him after being undercut by an over-anxious Napoleon. She desperately grabbed at the hem of her flowing skirt to keep it from flying up and showing the world her pink knickers. Before she could gather herself Oliver was up and he and the dog were in pursuit of the playing children.

She rolled onto her stomach and propped her elbows in the grass to watch the retreating group, all in chase of the ball.

But the massive withdrawal did not get far...before maneuvering to switch directions and move straight toward her.


shh_oliver June 20 2007, 02:05:01 UTC
Oliver looked back at Fleur after he stood up and asked excitedly, "Are you coming or do Napoleon and I have to take them all on?"

The dog jumped on his leg when he heard his name and when he spotted the ball, he gave an odd grunt and took off.

Fleur was just laying there in the grass and Oliver was bouncing like a little child who had to pee. She looked beautiful and memories of what they shared a few moments ago started to make his blood boil. But she wasn't even looking at him and he saw her blue eyes drift past him to watch the impromtu football match. He finally waved his hand at her and grinned. "If you're just going to lay there, you can at least cheer for me."

He turned and noticed that the boiling mass of children seemed to be running back at them. He then saw the two cups lying out and knew instinctively it was a football goal. He ran over and situated himself between the cups before he yelled at the kids. "Oi, I'm the Keeper!!"


shh_fleur June 22 2007, 01:42:48 UTC
"Goal keeper it is, then!" one of the older boys shouted. Fleur thought if she stayed in her present position in the middle of the field there would be a good chance that she would be trampled. She could hear Napoleon growling excitedly at the football as he dashed back and forth with the young people. Oliver was long gone in a run for some spot toward one side and Fleur did not know what was happening in the game at all. She knew the basics of Quidditch but was clueless when it came to Muggle sports. So she got up before she could be stepped on and jogged over to Oliver.

"So you know zis game?" she asked. "And you intend to keep ze children from kicking ze ball into here?" She gestured toward the two plastic cups on the ground. "Zat does not seem very nice, well, zey are only children! You should let zem score." She walked up to him and looked down the make-shift field while she stood next to him. "I know!" she barked, "I can be on zeir side and distract you! Zat way zey can beat you!" She turned and immediately poked Oliver in the ribs and tickled him before jumping on his back and wrapping herself around him from behind, one arm firmly around his shoulder and chest as she tucked her skirt down so it would not fly up about her bottom. She locked her ankles around his waist, her feet at his navel. One of her sandals slipped off and fell to the ground.

When everything calmed down and she was still piggy-back on him she nestled her chin and face against his shoulder and ear. "Let zem score and I will let you win later," she said huskily, "When we are all alone."


shh_oliver June 22 2007, 02:38:03 UTC
Oliver thought that the woman was exasperating and had no idea that he really couldn't be a Keeper if she was draped all over him. It wasn't that Fleur was heavy, in fact, he could barely feel her but the fact that her breasts were pressed on his back and her breath was warm on his ear as she spoke in that sultry French voice that seemed to make him forget everything around him and just want nothing more than to devour her with a kiss.

He wrapped his arms around her upper thighs and protested. "Bloody Hell woman, don't you understand sports at all?" He spun her around twice while laughing before he said, "I'm planning on winning anyway." He craned his neck to look at her and frowned when he was unsuccessful. He finally lifted one hand away from her thigh and brought it up to take her hand and bring it to his lips before he murmured. "You know, if you hugged me, I'd be kissing you for real right now."

"MISTER!" Oliver heard a scream and lifted his head to see the boy with the dreadlocks yelling at him while a black and white blur flashed toward him as a black furball chased it. He watched in morbid fascination as the seemingly carefully aimed ball took a beeline straight for his groin.

As he fell to his knees and released Fleur, the thought that played in his mind before a wave of agony rolled over him was that he didn't know what had hurt worse, Flint's bludger to the head or the black and white blur to the crotch.


shh_fleur June 22 2007, 03:00:35 UTC
Fleur shrieked as she was literally flipped off Oliver's back and to the side, once again grabbing her skirt and keeping the colour of her knickers a mystery to everyone on the field. Poor Oliver rolled onto the ground beside her, groaning in pain.

"Oh mon Dieu, oh mon Dieu," she wailed, "Oli-vair, oh, Oli-vair! I am so sorry!" She tried to move toward him and touch his shoulder, try to comfort and help him in some way. "I did not mean for zat to 'appen! Oh mon Dieu, Oli-vair, m'a laissé vous aider!" (Oh my God, Oliver, let me help you!)

She had no idea what to do. It was not like she could kiss it and make it all better, well, at least not in front of all the children. She settled for gently rubbing her hand up and down Oliver's back, that, and fighting not to outright laugh at the situation. She leaned down to speak, to try to at least console him in some way.

"Zis is something zat you and I should put inside a Pensieve, non?" she whispered as she bit her lip to keep herself from giggling.


shh_oliver June 22 2007, 05:19:28 UTC
The French really wasn't helping because Oliver couldn't concentrate on that and the throbbing pain from the one testicle his hand cupping his groin could find. He panicked as he rolled on the grass until number two magically dropped into place and he whispered a silent prayer to the gods of fertility for the bounty that he'd been given when his second testicle finally found its way back home.

Still, her hand on his back was quite nice although she seemed to be causing a certain amount of arousal that was becoming a bit painful. He rolled away, not wanting to tempt fate and have testicle number two run away in fear as his excitement became more evident when he fell under the spell of her touch.

"No laughing. I'm dying here." He said through clenched teeth, knowing that wasn't quite true. He looked at her after she mentioned the Pensieve and muttered. "That would be brilliant. We could show everyone the reason Oliver Wood could never have children."


shh_fleur June 23 2007, 02:21:59 UTC
Fleur really did not know what to do. She felt helpless and guilty about distracting Oliver to the point that he could not react in time to avoid this particular disaster. To top that all off, she got the distinct impression that he was not pleased with her in the least at the moment, which, on the one hand, she could not very well begrudge him, but on the other, it was not like she had been the one to kick the football at his unprotected groin.

"How can I help you?" she pleaded, "And do not tell me zat I have already done enough! Grunt, or something, so I know you are still alive."

Then Napoleon arrived on the scene like Peter Sellers in a Pink Panther film, launching himself directly at the back of Oliver's head and landing with an affectionate nuzzle that only served to injure the poor man further.

"NAPOLEON, OFF! OFF ZIS INSTANT!!!" Fleur shouted at the little dog, who read her mood and backed away from Oliver quietly. She stroked Oliver's hair, trying in vain to comfort him. "I love you, but you cannot keep acting like zis! Yes, cher, listen to me, because I do love you."

She looked down into Oliver's pitiful and confused face.

"I was not talking to you!" she said quickly, "I was talking to ze dog!"


shh_oliver June 23 2007, 02:52:41 UTC
Fleur kept talking but before Oliver could reply she'd talk some more but he was glad she'd at least switched to English so he could concentrate on his testicles and try to will them not to swell up to the size of Quaffles. He thought he'd been hit harder there in the past but there was something terribly insidious about that football's path that put it right underneath...and the vector...add trajectory, speed, minus two. He groaned because that was much too confusing.

He rolled over and saw the kids gatherering near them as he tried to hold back from vomiting up his dinner. After Fleur asked is she could help, he took his hand off his groin and eeked out in a fairly high pitched voice. "Could you...umm...tell them to run along. Really nothing to see here." He gestured with his hand once before cupping his privates again as if another football might appear out of nowhere to whack him once more.

"Dog, dog, dog, dog." He said quietly but really meaning to yell as he saw Napoleon flying straight toward him, the slobbering, shitting ball of fur looking as if he were going to eat him. There was nothing he could do as the dog nuzzled him and dragged it's long, grass and dirt covered tongue across his face.

He appreciated that Fleur sent the dog away and protected him from her beast. He was going to thank her when he suddenly felt a third something or other where only two should exist and tried to run a quick inventory. He sighed as he felt around the area because he was happy to find out he'd picked up a rock in his front jeans pocket that led to all his confusion.

When she said she wasn't talking to him, he didn't even know what she had been saying. Finally, the last wave of agony washed away from him and he relaxed just a bit, uncupping his testicles while he said, "Fleur." He gave her a small smile, thankful his voice was back to normal. "Will you shut up and just sit?" He reached up and took her arm and he pulled her down. "I want to lay my head in your lap until this ache is gone and until then, you can kiss me and make the pain go away."


shh_fleur June 23 2007, 03:27:21 UTC
"Will you just shut up and sit?"

She wanted to act as if she had just been terribly insulted but the next words he said melted her heart and she found herself being pulled down abruptly next to him. He still had his strength even considering the horrible trauma he had just experienced, which was impressive in a way that was slightly naughty. She had to find a way to force herself to NOT think about sexual intimacy with Oliver Wood every time she was in his presence, especially when in public, when on a date, when they were with others, after him being injured, when they were alone together...she had to figure out a way of controlling herself, which was not easy considering she was a Veela and she had not had sex since January...and all she had to do was think of Oliver and she became distracted. It was difficult.

But alas, her mind was wandering again...

"We should go back and sit beneath the trees again," she suggested but soon realized that even though he had recovered slightly, Oliver was still in no shape to move just yet. So she settled beside him and offered him her lap before looking up at the boy with dreadlocks, giving the child a menacing stare. With no words she gestured with her head that he should leave and the youth took a few steps backward before turning and walking away.

"Nigel, you're a fucking arsehole," one of the other children muttered before they all began to disperse to resume play. "I don't care if you're the best player out here, we don't wanna play with you no more." Fleur glared at the back of Nigel's head as he retreated. He turned back once and found her still staring him down; then he disappeared down a path. "We're awful sorry about him. He's a right bastard." Then the children were gone and Fleur returned her attention to Oliver, who now rested his head in her lap once more.

"I am very sorry," she whispered down to him, "It was my fault." She played her fingers along the hair at his temple. "How can I make it up to you? Anything you want, you choose." She reached over and took his hand in hers. "I like it very much when we hold hands...I like to touch. I hope it is something zat you do not mind." She squeezed his hand lightly. "You have strong hands. I like zat in a man." She stopped and laughed at herself, looking into his eyes.

"But you are right," she admitted, "I talk too much, and also, I am too forceful and demanding with you at times."


shh_oliver June 23 2007, 16:27:58 UTC
Oliver couldn't help but find himself looking at Fleur constantly. Even when he felt as if he were going to die, it was oddly comforting to glance at her through his hazy, unfocused eyes and feel reassured or hear her lilted French accent as she voiced her concern for him. He was beguilded by her. There was no other way to put it and he didn't think it had much if anything to do with any type of magic she had. He thirsted for knowledge of her, to understand who she was because he had so many questions. He only had wanted to know this much about one woman before and that was because he and Alicia were best friends. But the problem with Fleur was that he hadn't known her since he was thirteen. He'd only just met her a little over a month ago and since they first kissed, they'd spent time together but it normally ended up in wonderful snogging sessions that he never wanted to end. That was the problem. He had an idea that he wanted a relationship with her and for the first time in his life, he wanted this to move far beyond the physical.

Of course, he wanted that too. She was intoxicating and there was something about becoming lost in the beauty that was Fleur Delacour that made him shiver thinking about her body wrapped around his. He knew it would happen very soon because neither of them was a blushing virgin but he didn't want it to be a random shag in the middle of a park. He wanted it to mean alot more.

He heard the children in the background and truthfully, he didn't blame Nigel for doing that. It was a game and Oliver had chosen to play. He would have celebrated a victory and conversely, he would take the agony of defeat or even detesticles. It was part of the game.

"Don't worry about him. He tried to score." He grinned. "And I actually got a save." He chuckled as he scooted back into her lap and closed his eyes when she ran her fingers through his hair. "It's not your fault. I chose to look away and you can't blame yourself for being seductive and beautiful, you know?" He squeezed her hand back and smiled up at her as he opened his eyes. "I'll take a raincheck on you making it up to me once the boys down under are in better shape." He winked and added. "I like your hands too. They're long and elegant. Beautiful like the rest of you."

He frowned at her next words before he took her hand and brought it to his lips. After kissing her palm, he replied, "I want you to talk. I want to learn everything about you because I'd like this to be more than just a walk in the park." He reached up to run his hand through her long blonde hair and said quietly. "You mean alot to me already, Fleur and I think I'd like to see if I could see more of you because I want to see where we go."


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