RP: Going For A Dip

Jun 06, 2007 08:30

Date: 5 June 2005
Characters: Greg Goyle, Terry Boot, Ben Boot, Bob the dog, Anyone
Location: The Shelter
Status: Public
Summary: Greg investigates the lake out the back of the shelter.
Completion: Incomplete

Greg walked out the back of the shelter and down to the lake. He’d hadn’t been sure if he should classify it as a large pond or a small lake but either way, he finally had some time to investigate it and see whether it would be suitable for some of the aquatic magical animals. He was hoping it would be or if not that it would only take a small amount of adjustment. He could always set up an enclosure in the river itself but it was always easier to have a more controlled environment, especially if he was going to be dealing with injured, sick or pregnant animals. With the building work that was in the pipeline for the Shelter, it would convenient if he could ask about the added difficulty of doing any work on the pond as well.

When he got down to the pond, he walked around the edges, pleased to see that there was a good variety of aquatic plant life. That boded well for its use as an enclosure. He suspected it was fed by the river as well as rainwater though he couldn’t find any obvious signs. There was also a run-off channel that led down to the river for any overflow. All in all, from the surface it looked pretty good, now to check out the underwater side of things.

He stripped down to his boxers and waded into the water, wand in hand and swearing under his breath at the cold. That confirmed his thought that it was probably being fed in part by the river. It was just a shame that he couldn’t palm this off onto someone else but he suspected there probably wasn’t anyone else who knew what they were supposed to be looking for. He took a moment to cast a Bubblehead Charm then tossed his wand back onto his clothes. He then dived under the wand, gasping at the shocking cold and heartily glad that he knew the Bubblehead so well or he might have just gone a long way to drowning himself.

He swam down to the bottom and was pleased to see that the signs of health he’d seen above also existed below. He did a slow examination, criss-crossing the pond several times. On the opposite side of where he’d dived in, he was pleased to find a thick and fairly extensive patch of Gillyweed. He’d been a bit worried about what he could use to trade for various things the clinic would need on a day-to-day basis. But Gillyweed could certainly be used to trade for potions if nothing else. He’d have to find out who in town would be interested in getting their hands on some of this.

He swam back up to the surface, dismissing the Bubblehead Charm with one of the few pieces of wandless magic he could do. He then swam vigorously back over to where he’d entered the pond, using the exercise to warm up a little.

place: animal shelter, greg goyle, terry boot, june 2005

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