RP: Family Reunion

Apr 14, 2007 16:34

Date: April 14, 2005
Characters: Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey
Location: Colin's home
Status: Private
Summary: Dennis finally makes it to Stoatshead
Completion: Incomplete

Homecoming )

dennis creevey, april 2005, colin creevey

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shh_dennis April 15 2007, 03:37:15 UTC
"Liam, how old is he?"

Dennis smiled when Colin talked about the boy asking about them. It would be all right, wouldn't it? Sooner or later, their parents would get in touch from wherever they were, and they would be a family; Grandparents and all. In the meantime, they could be a family as they were.

And Dennis would be all right too. He'd never had an attack while at school, so maybe there was magic or a potion that would help. If not, as long as he did what he was supposed to and didn't let himself get run down, he'd be all right. There was 1 thing, 3 actually, that he needed to tell Colin, or ask him about.

When Colin finished talking about how wonderful Romilda was with Potions, which Dennis found easy to believe, and how Cormac was an Auror, a bit hard for him to fathom, he broached the subjects.

"Colin, we might as well get caught up altogether. So..."

He took a deep breath;

"I'm gay." There, he said it. He knew Colin would accept it, and now he was fairly sure that Romilda wouldn't have a problem with it either, but still, he needed the assurance. "And that's not all. I want to go back to school, some sort of magical school. I don't know how to apparate, or anything." He felt his heart drop, when he realized how little he knew and how out of place he was now in a magical community. "And, I mentioned in my letter that I sold my collection? I walked away with about 50,000 pounds, so half is yours, or my nephew, start a school fund for him, or her. The other half, I'll use to pay rent and live off of while I'm in school, and to pay my own fees. I owled Dean Thomas before I left London and he has a flat I can rent. We're going to meet Monday evening."

Dennis knew he was rambling and talking way to fast, but he wanted to get it all out, have everything taken care of.


shh_colin April 15 2007, 03:52:39 UTC
Colin was more than happy to ramble on and on about Cormac and Romilda and most of all Liam. He really wanted Dennis to adore them all as much as he did. Soon he he had decided he'd rambled on enough about them, and it was probably about time he stopped monopolizing the conversation.

He could tell Dennis had something he needed to say so he took a sip of tea and waited.

When Dennis announced that he was gay, Colin had to bite back a laugh. He had suspected for sometime that his brother probably fancied blokes, but he had never jumped to conclusions. Now though, the way Dennis told him, very seriously made Colin want to chuckle.

"So are you seeing anyone then?" Colin grinned and saw his brother's relief, that he didn't mind. Like he could actually say anything about his brother being gay, Colin rolled his eyes.

He nodded when Dennis said he wanted to go back to school. He really had missed out on alot when their parents had pulled him out during his third year. And as much as Colin hated not having Dennis around, he was glad his brother was safe in those last years of Hogwarts.

"Romilda was taking classes so she could earn her OWLS in potions, I'm sure there's something you could do if you wanted to finish school. There are alot of people who never finished, me included."

When Dennis brought up the money he'd made when he sold his collection, Colin shook his head and held up his hand. "Now do you really think I'm going to take your money Dennis? You earned all of that yourself and I'm not going to take it from you. Now if you'd like to give it to your Nephew that's another matter, and you'll have to talk to Romilda about that. But for now, it's yours and I won't tell you no again." He smirked to take the harshness out of his words.

He was still a bit disappointed that Dennis would be finding his own place. He would have gladly offered him a place there at the house, but he knew Dennis was probably after a bit of freedom, so he wouldn't push it ... too much.

"You know you can stay here with us until you find your own place, yeah?" He just wanted to make sure Dennis knew he was always welcome there. He was glad to let Dennis ramble, it did him good to listen to his brother.

Colin could tell Dennis was excited about finding his new place and settling down in Stoats and all that came with starting a new life. And he loved hearing the excitement and energy in his voice.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 04:09:14 UTC
Seeing anyone? Dennis gawped.

"No, no one. I just figured it out a couple of years ago, when I realized my liking Ron and Seamus," no way was he telling Colin that he had found Draco Malfoy attractive, "were more than just liking." And really that had been all there was, except for that Auror he'd seen around the castle very briefly, but he'd never learned his name. And Sting, but he figured that didn't count since he'd never seen him in person.

"There are classes? Good. And you at least made it to O.W.L.S"

Taking another biscuit, and really he knew he should stop, he rolled his own eyes at Colin.

"Yeah, I should have known you wouldn't take half even though I paid, what a Quid for each of them, if that. But I will ask Romilda, sometime. And if you and Romilda, and Cormac of course, don't mind, yeah I'd like to kip here for a couple of nights till I can get my flat" He had to admit to himself, he was looking forward to having the river view that Dean had said they could work out. But Sedona had worked it's spell too, and he knew he'd miss the desert. He still wanted to go back to the States and see Santa Fe and some of the areas Georgia O'Keefe had painted, maybe sleep under the stars. And then he remembered.

"I have an air mattress I can kip on. It's outside with my bike. It was alright to leave them there, right?"


shh_colin April 15 2007, 04:28:39 UTC
Colin smirked seeing Dennis flush when he asked if he was seeing anyone, and as much as he might have enjoyed teasing him about it. Colin decided he would leave him be for now.

"Yeah they're classes. You should owl McGonagall, she'd know best about classes and the like to get you up to at least OWL level."

When Colin tried to give him a hard time about not taking the money Colin just shook his head and grinned. "Of course I wouldn't take it, does it look like I need it?" Colin gestured to the house. With the three of them working they never had any real trouble getting by.

"Of course we don't mind, and I'd love to have you as long as you'll stay. And do you really think I'd let me own brother sleep on an air mattress in my house? We've got plenty of beds. We'll figure something out, alright?" Colin gave him a look that said he wouldn't take no for an answer, so Dennis had better not even bother.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 04:39:53 UTC
Dennis had been giving Milne a rest for the past couple of days.

And Colin had done very well about not teasing him for naming his OWL after his favorite children's author since he couldn't name him after the character, it was a bit redundant to name and owl "OWL. Still, Dennis made a mental note to send the Headmistress an OWL Sunday or Monday night. There were somethings that shouldn't be put off, and going back to school was one of them.

"I didn't bring the air mattress so much to sleep on here. I brought it because I wasn't sure how soon I'd be able to furnish the flat, if I got it, and even then how I'd manage getting the furniture here. The cab driver seemed to think the town was full of toxic waste or something. I just offered cause I wasn't sure how many spare rooms you had."

He looked round the kitchen again. This was the type of room he was used to, homey and kind of family feeling like.

"So when do I get to meet Liam? I need to start practicing so I can claim my place as most favorite Uncle"


shh_colin April 15 2007, 04:55:13 UTC
"Well I'm glad you knew I would let you sleep on it while you're here." Colin nodded and grinned.

"I'm not sure about getting your place furnished. The flat I had before we moved here was furnished when I moved in. Seems all the muggles left in a hurry, didn't even bother cleaning out the cupboards let alone taking their furniture. But if you're in those flats that Dean's been working on I don't know if those will be furnished or not."

He shrugged and thought for a moment. "I suppose we can always go looking through vacant houses to find you some furniture though, that's what most people have been doing if they needed something for their homes."

He was glad to see that Dennis was ready to meet Liam. He knew Liam would love Dennis, and would probably ask him all sorts of questions about being a little brother.

"I'm sure they'll be home soon, I can introduce you then." He wasn't really sure how long Romilda and Liam would be gone.


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