RP: Distractions

Apr 13, 2007 19:37

Date: April 13, 2005
Character(s): Blaise Zabini, Terry Boot
Location: Antiquity
Status: Private. Very, very private.
Summary: Terry tries to accomplish some work. Blaise doesn't seem intent on letting him, and Terry reallydoesn't mind.
Completion: Incomplete

Distractions make everything better )

place: private residence, april 2005, terry boot, blaise zabini

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shh_blaise April 13 2007, 23:48:15 UTC
Blaise smirked as Terry gasped and looked around for him. “Inconsiderate?” he asked in a puff of air against Terry’s spine just before darting out of the way. “What exactly have I done that’s inconsiderate?”

Blaise flicked his wand and cast a silent charm that snapped the book away from Terry, levitating it across the room to safety. His eyes moved across Terry’s groin briefly and he grinned with satisfaction.

“I stayed on the edge of the room,” Blaise said in purr, circling Terry, but staying just out of reach. “I hid myself so I would not distract you.” He reached out a hand and let the tips of his fingers stroke down Terry’s arm in a brief teasing caress. “I let you leave my bed. I agreed to let you work. I didn’t interrupt you.”

Still circling, Blaise reached out his other hand and dragged his nails across Terry’s scalp.

“I was restrained. Subtle. The epitome of considerate. Yet all you did was tease me. Fucking little prick tease,” he hissed. “Running your hands over that book. Sucking that quill. Ignoring me.”

Blaise flicked his wand again and silken cords shot out the end, winding there way around Terry’s wrists and binding them to the arms of his chair. Another flick and the Disillusionment charm was gone, and Blaise was in front on Terry. “I don’t like being ignored, pet. Not unless it’s on my terms. And especially not when I want something,” he finished, eyeing Terry, with a heated gaze.


shh_terry April 13 2007, 23:50:18 UTC
Terry groaned as a wisp of air passed over his spine, telling him Blaise was close. But when he tried to reach out and touch his lover, Blaise was gone. "Sneaky," Terry said, glancing around the room as if to try to pinpoint exactly where Blaise was.

Blaise kept talking, and moving around the room, and before long Terry had stopped trying to even think about where Blaise was, or where he would go next. He stayed in the chair, playing with the book, knowing that sooner or later it would drive Blaise mad. He was right, and before long Blaise had uttered some sort of silent Charm and the book went flying across the room.

"I could feel you," Terry said, feeling vulnerable and exposed without the book in his lap. "Whenever you're around my spine itches." He'd never told Blaise that before, but it felt liek the right time. "You don't have to be visible for you to distract me," Terry admitted. "Sometimes you don't even have to be present."

He reached up and tried to capture Blaise's fingers as they stroked down his arm, but Blaise was too fast, and Terry let out a whimper of loss as Blaise's fingers left his skin. He was teasing, Terry realized, playing a game, a role. He bit back a smirk and schooled his features into one of disapproval.

"You're interrupting me now," Terry pointed out. "Keeping me from important research."

He nearly ruined the game and giggled as Blaise accused him of being a cock tease. It was thrilling to know he had such an effect on the other man, even after all these months. "I didn't mean to," Terry said primly. "I was just sitting here, doing my work. It's not my fault that you find me irresistible."

He knew he was provoking Blaise, and his gambit payed off. Before Terry knew what was happening, he was bound to the chair, silken cords winding their way around his wrists, keeping him immobilized. His cock hardened impossibly more in his trousers as Blaise became visible, standing directly in front of Terry, gazing down at him with a smirk-frown on his face.

"What did you do that for?" Terry asked, testing the bonds, his heart beating a rapid rate. "I haven't done anything wrong." He held his breath as he waited for Blaise's response.


shh_blaise April 13 2007, 23:51:42 UTC
“Bloody little liar,” Blaise chastised. “You just said yourself you know when I’m around,” Blaise accused, a smug smirk still on his face at Terry’s admittance that hid the lustful reaction he’d had to it. Because fuck - he felt the same too. “You were provoking me on purpose. Or perhaps -“ Blaise tilted his head back and appraised Terry a moment. “Perhaps you were provoking yourself.”

Blaise stepped closer, his hands reaching down, fingers closing around Terry’s knees, spreading his legs wide. He smoothed them up the inside of his lover’s thighs, but stopped just before he reached Terry’s groin, his fingers dancing away up to Terry’s ribs.

“You look so pretty like this. Bound and wanting and far too innocent looking. You always look so innocent. Even when I’m inside you. Even when you are begging me to let you come. Even when my mouth’s around your cock and your knuckles are white from clenching your fists at the feeling.”

“What were you thinking of as you sucked on that quill? Hmm?” Blaise asked, straddling Terry and trailing his fingers up to his neck. “You on your knees? Me at my desk? My cock in your mouth? My hands in your hair? Or something else. Don’t tell me that they were innocent thoughts. You might look innocent, but your mind’s dirty as hell. Dirty and sneaky and sly. Hermione was spot on when she said you weren’t everything you appear on the surface, my little whore.”

At the very moment his hands reached the mark on Terry’s, Blaise smiled, sly and devious.

“You didn’t seem to be concentrating very well,” Blaise mused idly, thumb stroking Terry’s neck and the ink stain. “How much have you read in the past hour? How many notes have you made for Lisa? I was only watching for the last fifteen so you can’t use me as an excuse unless -“ Blaise paused, bringing his other hand up to Terry’s mouth, brushing a finger over his lips. “Unless you were regretting leaving me. Did you regret leaving me, Terry? Upstairs, naked, your come still on my stomach?”


shh_terry April 13 2007, 23:53:28 UTC
Terry bit his lip as Blaise looked him over, his gaze scorching and all too intimate. “Am not a liar,” Terry insisted, poking his lower lip out slightly. “And how was I supposed to know that you’d find me provoking. All I was doing was reading.” He frowned at Blaise’s next statement, as if trying to figure out what Blaise meant, when he knew perfectly well what Blaise was saying. “How could I provoke myself with a book?”

Terry shivered as Blaise’s hands rand up his legs, circling over his knees and spreading his legs wider. He tried to slide down in the chair, hoping that a change in position would bring Blaise’s hands closer to his groin, but the bindings on his wrists kept him from moving as far down as he wished. As Blaise’s hands ran up his stomach, he giggled. “Stop that,” he said, wriggling as best he could within the confines of the bindings. “That tickles.”

He knew he face was red with desire, his eyes shining with mirth and love and lust, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was more of those dirty words from Blaise’s mouth. “I love you inside me,” Terry said, abandoning all thoughts of role-playing for the moment. “Like you belong there, always. Never want you to leave me.”

“You, always thinking of you,” Terry admitted, groaning as Blaise straddled him, fingers trailing up his neck and into his hair. “Thinking of sucking you, of you fucking me. Always, always you.” Blaise’s hands tightened in his hair and he gasped as his lover tugged on his locks. “Love when you play with my hair. Love when you’re rough. Love being your whore.”

He frowned a bit at the mention of Hermione, but not because he was jealous, or upset that Blaise and Hermione had clearly had a conversation about him. “I don’t think mentioning a woman, especially Hermione, while we’re in the middle of dirty talk is conducive to erotic activities,” Terry scolded, smirking up at Blaise, before lowering his eyes and regaining his innocent expression.

Pushing all thoughts of Hermione from his head, Terry focused completely on Blaise, on his hands, his voice, his body. “You’re hell on my concentrating. Couldn’t stop thinking of you upstairs, all warm and cozy in bed, wishing I could just crawl back in there with you. I was thinking of how I’d straddle you and take you inside me, riding you until more of my come mixed with the traces of previous release on your stomach. Would you have liked that? Would you have gripped my hips until I bruised for you?”


shh_blaise April 13 2007, 23:55:20 UTC
Blaise growled and angled his hips forward, rolled them against Terry’s, slid his trouser clad erection against his lover’s. The idea of Terry above him, fucking himself on Blaise was too alluring. “Merlin. You just give as good as you get, don’t you?”

“I doubt mentioning anyone right now could dampen this,” he said covering Terry’s erection with his hand and squeezing.

He pulled back and pushed his finger inside Terry’s mouth. Ran it along the inside of his lip. Stroked it against his tongue. Pulled it back and out dragging Terry’s lip down, letting it bing free and back up. So biteable. So tempting.

“Umm, bruises. My thumbprints all over your hips like this ink stain on your neck. Proclaiming you're mine. Shouldn’t want to mark you so much.”

“You’re so tight around me. So hot. Feel like I’m going to burn up.” Feels like he’s going to drown in him.

Blaise dragged Terry’s head back, angled it to one side and stroked his wet finger over the ink stain, lightening the mark. Blaise paused, eyes fixed on the mark. “But you didn’t come back to bed, did you? So you don’t get to straddle me. Don’t get to have this on your terms.”

His eyes flicked up to Terry’s as he lowered his heard and closed his lips over the ink stain, tongue moving, swiping, coxing it away. Coxing a new mark of his own.


shh_terry April 13 2007, 23:57:41 UTC
Terry arched up as far as he could, pressing himself against Blaise, whimpering as the cloth of their trousers got in the way. “Too many clothes,” he whined, tugging against the bonds, wanting his hands free to strip Blaise of his lounge pants, to run down Blaise’s chest, wanting the feel of his muscles against his palms. “You’re doing pretty good yourself,” he said, his voice hoarse with want and need.

Terry shouted as Blaise’s hand closed around his erection, squeezing with just enough pressure to give Terry optimum pleasure and stave off a premature orgasm. “Bloody hell,” Terry panted, thrusting his hips forward toward Blaise, but the binds on his arms kept him from being able to chase Blaise’s retreating hips. “Torturer,” he groaned.

Terry sucked Blaise’s finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue along the length, nipping at the tip. He whimpered again as Blaise withdrew his finger, biting his lower lip as it popped back into place.

“Yes,” Terry cried, eyes closing at the thought of how Blaise would put marks on him. “I want you to mark me, leave me with bruises that let me know you’re there even when you’re not. Please.” His voice was pleading, his breath coming faster now, his cock pressing painfully against his jeans.

“Feel so full, so complete when you’re in me,” Terry said, locking his eyes on Blaise’s. “So perfect. Never, ever want it to end.”

Terry’s eyes fluttered closed as Blaise dragged his head back and to the side, one long finger making its way down Terry’s throat, lingering on an ink stain. “No, I didn’t. I had to work, had to be responsible.” He groaned as Blaise teased him, made him want, made him whimper.

Terry gasped as Blaise lowered his head and latched onto the ink stained skin of his neck, sucking and biting and bringing blood to the surface. Terry knew it would make a beautiful bruise, one he hoped would last for days, so that everytime he touched it, he’d feel connected to Blaise.

“Please,” he pleaded. “More. Anything. Everything.”


shh_blaise April 13 2007, 23:59:31 UTC
“I’m only wearing slacks,” Blaise countered, finger trailing over Terry’s collarbone, His tong still lapping at the mark he was cleaning/making on his lover’s neck. “Where as you are wearing these-“ Blaise’s tone was vaguely disapproving as he looked down at the offending garment, hooking one finger in the waistband, “-jeans again and a jumper.”

Terry was writhing against Blaise. Arching, wriggling, moaning. And Blaise had never seen anything more beautiful than when Terry was like this. “Merlin, you’re so gorgeous right now. Such a slut. Look at you. You want nothing more than me inside you, don’t you?”

Blaise fastened his lips for the last time over the mark and sucked hard. Making certain it would last. He flicked his tongue over it as he pulled back. Then pushed up out of the chair, away from Terry.

“You haven’t been very responsible though, have you? Haven’t done your work. Ignored me to boot.” Blaise tutted and drew his wand once more. "Can’t have that, Mr Boot.”

He watched Terry a moment. Checked he was okay. Checked there was no doubt. He was just waiting to see doubt with Terry. To see a lack of trust in his eyes. But he kept pushing and so far it had never come. Then, when he was satisfied, he moved. Stepping behind Terry, pushing one hand down over his shoulder and across his chest. Placing his lips at his ear and whispering the spell to banish Terry’s clothes.

“I believe that takes care of that request,” he smirked, sliding his fingers up Terry’s spine, into his hair, pushing his head forward. “Now for the matter of ’anything, everything.’”

Blaise cast another spell and a scarf slid its way out of the wand and wound itself around Terry’s head, binding his eyes.


shh_terry April 14 2007, 04:14:49 UTC
“It’s too much,” Terry complained, aching to see Blaise’s naked form above him, feel his hard cock in his ass. He arched his neck against Blaise’s tongue, gasping as Blaise licked a long stripe up his neck. “I was working,” he said again. “Needed appropriate attire.”

“Only your slut,” Terry whispered, writhing against Blaise, aching for closer contact. “Want you inside me, splitting me open on your cock, making me yours. Make me yours, Blaise. Please.” He felt needy, nearly desperate, as if it was their first time all over again and he couldn’t pinpoint exactly why.

Terry pulled against the bonds, wanting to feel Blaise’s hair against his fingers, wanting to run his hands down every inch of Blaise’s body, relearning parts that he seemed to have forgotten since this morning. He whined high in his throat as Blaise sucked deeply at the mark he was making on his shoulder, and knew that it was turning a wonderful shade of purple.

“I have, I’ve been terribly irresponsible,” Terry admitted, as Blaise drew back, missing his warmth already. “Haven’t done my work, ignored you. I should be punished.” Terry looked up at Blaise through his lashes, trust shining in his eyes, blushing as the thrill of the game washed over him. “How can I show my apologies, Mr. Zabini?”

Terry looked up at Blaise as his lover watched him, knowing what he was looking for and knowing that the only thing shining in his eyes was love and trust. “I trust you,” Terry whispered as Blaise moved behind him. “Always.”

He sighed, relieved, as Blaise Banished his clothes, Blaise’s breath washing over his ear and making him shiver. “Yes, anything, Blaise. Anything you want. I’m yours.” And you’re mine. He nearly purred as Blaise’s fingers walked up his spine, melting into the caress.

The purr turned into a gasp, and the gasp into a whine, as Blaise whispered another spell, and a silk scarf wound itself around Terry’s eyes. “This doesn’t help me see you,” Terry pouted, but didn’t protest.

He’d realized by now that loved being blindfolded, loved handing over complete control to Blaise. The blindfold intensified every other sense, making him feel and taste and touch more, deeper, better. Every touch was a thousand times more intense, every smell, every taste electrifying along his skin. The anticipation about what Blaise would do next was nearly unbearable, but even that made everything all the more thrilling.

“Please, Blaise,” he whispered. “Do something.”


shh_blaise April 14 2007, 09:50:24 UTC
“So appropriate you neglected to wear pants?” Blaise whispered, stalking his way around Terry.

Blaise let out a long low groan at the pleas spilling from Terry’s mouth. Fuck he lo - adored that mouth. “Who would have thought you’d have such a dirty little mouth, pet. Merlin, look at you. Begging for me to fuck you. Begging for me to do anything.” Blaise stopped in front of Terry, hooked his fingers in the waistband of his slacks and pushed them down off his hip to pool on the floor. Gathered himself together because of everything Terry had said there had been four little words that had almost broke him. Make me yours, Blaise.

His chest felt tight. Throat thick.

Blaise dropped to the floor. He fastened his hands around Terry’s feet, thumb stroking his instep. “You are mine. All of you,” he said, his voice husky. “I don’t have to make you mine -” Blaise hands moved up, stroking over Terry’s calves, knees, thighs hips. “- because you already are.”

And he was. Completely. Opened himself totally to Blaise. So much so that Blaise sometimes felt heady from the experience. Terry didn’t hold back at all with him anymore. And it was so often this intense between them. Blaise didn’t think that should be the case after five months. Given how many times they had had each other in that time. Given his history.

Had each other.

It wasn’t just him having Terry. Hadn’t been for a long time, though that could have been true at the start. This was more equal. Terry was equal. Took as much of Blaise as he took of Terry. And that scared Blaise just a little. Because he was giving willingly of himself, and he didn’t do that.

One of Blaise’s hands flattened, splaying over Terry’s abdomen and pressing him back into his seat. With his other he claimed the quill that Terry had been sucking earlier from where it was abandoned on the seat.

Blaise pressed the nib lightly against his lover’s stomach and smirked, head dipping and kissing Terry’s hip, his check brushing his erection as he leant in. “How long have you been mine?” he asked, starting to sign his name over Terry’s skin.

“Should I punish you, Terry?”Blaise asked, drawing back. “For being so neglectful?” He dropped the quill to the floor and admired his handiwork a moment “Should I bend you over my desk and spank you perhaps? Would that be suitable?”

Blaise stretched up on his legs, moving his hands higher, scratching his nails over Terry’s nipples and past them, up to his shoulders.

“You legs spread shoulder width apart. Cock pressed against the wood of my desk. Nipples scratching against my papers. Me hard and leaking against your hip from the sight of you.” Blaise paused and place a trail of butterfly kisses over Terry’s jaw, pressing himself further between his legs, leaning that bit closer so that their cocks were almost touching.

“My hand coming down so hard, that I would almost feel bad. Almost. I would have to ease the sting with a stroke of my palm - a kiss of my lips against the nape of your neck - just here.” Blaise’s fingers brushed over the mark he’d left. At the same time he pressed closer still, and his free hand wrapped around their cocks and pressed them together, drawing a hiss from Blaise at the warmth, the feel.

“Because you’re asking me to do anything, pet, and that leaves me a hell of a lot of scope.”


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