Picnic amongst the stacks

Apr 05, 2007 19:32

Date: 5th April 2005
Characters: Blaise, Hermione
Location: the library
Status: Private
Summary: Blaise and Hermione catch up.
Completion: complete

Blaise lay back on the floor and looked up at the ceiling, folding his arms behind his head. He shifted, not quite comfortable, and leant forward once more, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders ( Read more... )

april 2005, place: library, blaise zabini, hermione granger

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shh_hermione April 5 2007, 20:51:29 UTC
The morning passed by quickly. Hermione had started to work shortly after dawn and managed to get several things done before the shop opened. It was a bit of a surprise, in fact, to realize that it was nearly time to meet Blaise for lunch.

She was looking forward to the opportunity to inspect the library, which she'd not visited in far too long, and to spend time with one of her closest friends. She and Blaise were both busier now that their different projects had become more time consuming, which meant they didn't have the same amount of free time to get together weekly like they once had. She missed those days, in all honesty, but was pleased when they could fit a meeting into their schedules.

It had been nearly two weeks since she'd taken Blaise to the animal shelter to find a kitten, though they'd not had a chance to really speak since Terry and the boy had been there, too. She supposed the last time they'd really had an opportunity to converse was the day they'd gone to London to buy books, which was far too long ago, in her opinion.

After making sure that Eleanor would be okay for the afternoon, as Hermione had two meetings scheduled after lunch, she walked to the library. When she neared it, she could feel a charm that wasn't one she'd cast. Stopping, she frowned in thought and began to break it, if only to satisfy her curiosity. She'd recast it, of course, but she wanted to know what charm Blaise had added to those around the library.

Once she had finally determined that it was nothing more than a warning charm, she was almost late for their meeting. Blaise's spellwork was complex, which had made it a fascinating challenge. She couldn't determine if her breaking it would alert him anyway, so she went ahead and walked into the library quietly, just in case.


shh_blaise April 5 2007, 21:09:21 UTC

Blaise felt one of the safety precautions that he’d woven into the Trip Wire charm he’d cast downstairs trigger, and he opened his eyes with a smirk.

Hermione had found the charm and no doubt wanted to dissect it before entering or tripping it. It would be what he would do, after all. It was careless to go around tripping unknown charms if you’d been cautious enough to spot them in the first place, plus, he doubted she could resist the challenge it presented or her curiosity. He’d made it particular complex for that very reason.

He sat up, carefully lifting the kitten off his chest and placing her in his lap. She wriggled a little in annoyance at being disturbed, but then settled down again as soon as Blaise started running his hand through the fur on her back, purring contentedly.

Blaise braced himself against the floor with his free hand and waited to see if Hermione caught the second warning charm he’d placed on the stairs. This one was layered in with a far more innocuous one he’d cast to strengthen a wall running parallel to the stairs that was cracked. A sly grin spread across his face in anticipation.


shh_hermione April 5 2007, 21:13:35 UTC
There was another charm on the stairs. She felt it upon approached and considered it silently. Since she had no intention of being late for their meeting, it would just have to wait. She focused on the second floor and Apparated, knowing she'd analyze the charm after lunch.

She arrived in the back and walked quietly through the stacks until she saw Blaise looking far too smug. "You know, one would almost feel unwelcome with all these charms lying about," she said in amusement, idly twirling her wand as she watched him.


shh_blaise April 5 2007, 21:25:45 UTC
A few minutes passed and the second charm failed to trigger, making Blaise raise his eyebrow in his own curiosity.

He was considering the possibility of whether it was Hermione or someone else looking for him when he heard a voice from behind him. His lips curled, and he turned his head to look casually over his shoulder.

“Unwelcome? Really? I don’t know, Granger, I go to all this effort to amuse and challenge you yet you suggest I make you feel almost unwelcome. You’ll be saying the first charm was a piece of cake next and really wounding my pride.”


shh_hermione April 5 2007, 21:38:16 UTC
"I highly doubt that anything I say would wound your price, Zabini," she pointed out. "However, I'll grant that it was somewhat complex as it took me several minutes instead of just a couple to break it."

She walked over and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "While it is nice of you to go to such lengths to amuse me, you should know that I've an issue with arriving tardy to an appointment, so I was unable to analyze the other charm at this time. How are you? No, don't get up. I'll just join you down there."


shh_blaise April 5 2007, 21:50:40 UTC
“Did you expect anything less?” Blaise asked, smirking at the subtle praise and inclining his head. “You shouldn’t underestimate yourself though, Granger, I suspect you have quite the wicked tongue when you want.”

He tilted his head and returned the kiss, unsurprised to learn she’d spotted the second charm. “Ah, so I can aggravate your curiosity through your intense dislike of tardiness, that’s always good to know. Thank you!” he said, chuckling.

“I didn’t intend to. I fear it would upset the occupant of my lap too much,” Blaise replied, catching Hermione’s hand and pulling her down to join him. “I’m good. How about you?” he asked, looking her over as she joined him on the floor.


shh_hermione April 5 2007, 21:56:53 UTC
"Wicked tongue? Me? Surely you jest," she said, flashing what she hoped was an innocent smile. "Although, underestimating myself has never really been a problem with me."

She glanced down and saw the kitten the boy had chosen. "Ah, I didn't see her. I'm surprised the child, uh, Ben allowed you to actually claim her as yours. He seemed most inclined to be her owner. What's her name?"

After she sat down, she leaned forward to scratch the kitten behind the ears. "I'm doing well. Are you really good or simply being vague so I won't ask specific questions and force you to discuss yourself?"


shh_blaise April 5 2007, 22:10:17 UTC

Blaise’s smirk widened. “Umm, I don’t think you have that innocent look quite down pat yet, or maybe it’s just with those who know you that it fails.”

Blaise followed Hermione’s gaze the kitten who was watching her through half open eyes. He with interest took note of the ‘uh’ and a slight - disproval? Distatste perhaps, that was present in her tone as she mentioned Ben. “Yes, well, I don’t think he had much choice in the end - she claimed me.”

He kitten turned her head to sniff Hermione’s hand as she stretched it out, then, after she’d approved its smell, leant into her fingers. “Really, Hermione, using a kitten as an excuse to get your hands into my lap?” he teased lightly. “I haven’t settled on a name for her yet, actually. Nothing quite seems to suit.”

He watched Hermione fuss the kitten for a few minutes before answering her question. “Honestly, I’m okay. Better than the last time we really spoke. I guess you’d say I’m moving on,” if moving on meant burying stuff down once more because he really couldn’t analyse it any more.


shh_hermione April 5 2007, 22:25:10 UTC
"Smart kitten," she said. "Far better to choose a human for a pet who is quiet and thoughtful instead of a whiny child with grabby hands." She looked at the kitten and confided, "I dislike grabby hands, too."

"As much as I do hate to ruin your obvious daydream, or perhaps fantasy is the more appropriate definition, I highly doubt that Roger would approve of me fondling your lap," she pointed out dryly. "Therefore, please do your best to keep your thoughts suitable for all ages, at least until I've left."

"No name? You've had her nearly weeks, Blaise, and have never been a man incapable of making a decision for yourself. Hmm...let's see. You enjoy wizarding history, so maybe something with meaning in the past. My owl is called Cliodna for that reason, actually, with my own interest in the magical past," she explained. She studied the kitten seriously. "She's pretty, regal, and rather possessive. Perhaps Morganna?"

"Moving on?" she repeated, looking up and arching her brow. "Why do I get the feeling that that means ignoring things in the hope they'll go away instead of actually dealing with things, even if they can't be resolved?" She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Better than last time is good, though, as long as you're satisfied with everything."


shh_blaise April 5 2007, 22:50:10 UTC
Blaise quirked his lips in wry amusement. “Smart doesn’t come into it, Hermione, she just clearly has expensive and rather refined taste.”

“Ah, yes, Roger. I shouldn’t imagine he would and given the job he’s doing on the libraries furniture I’d hate to upset him by allowing him to find out how I had to fight off your roving hands. I promise to control myself.” He paused, tossing Hermione a smile then added, “How are things with him? Cedric too? I’d heard Cedric was spending a lot of time with Katie Bell,” he mentioned the last bit casually, curious to hear Hermione’s feelings.

Blaise wasn’t sure she would have quite fit with Cedric: not from what he knew of them both at any rate, but if she’d been prepared to date him, even if she chose Roger in the end, perhaps there’d been something there.

Cedric on the other hand, he had been surprised to see moving on so quickly. Hermione had either just been a crush, or Katie was a rebound - that’s if the rumours he’d heard circulating were true in the first place. It seemed odd that Cedric would have been willing to jeopardise two friendships for a simple crush and, if that was the case, then he wasn’t sure how that made him feel about the man. If he hadn’t been friends with Hermione, Blaise likely wouldn’t have cared much either way about both wizards’ treatment of her, but he was and that changed things.

“It’s not the decision making that’s been the problem, it’s finding one suitable for her, as I said. I want something that does her justice - she’s already got quite the little personality.” Blaise paused and considered Hermione’s suggestion. “Morganna, hmm. You know that might just work. She’s bright and fairly independent too. I’d been considering famous cats, but nothing seemed to work or was too ‘cute.’ ”

Blaise scratched the kitten behind the ear. “Hmm what do you think of Morganna then?” he asked her. She purred and dug her small claws into his legs.

Blaise rolled his eyes at Hermione’s arched brow. “Whatever works, Hermione. I need to get on and for now this is my way.”


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