RP: "So You Really Don't Think It's a Portal Into Another Dimension?"

Mar 18, 2007 11:21

Date: 17 March 2005
Characters: Eleanor Branstone, Dean Thomas
Location: Corner of River Road and D
Status: Private
Summary: Eleanor and Dean look at a very large hole.
Completion: Incomplete

Dean didn't think he'd ever met so many people in one weekend )

eleanor branstone, dean thomas, place: private residence, march 2005

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shh_eleanor March 18 2007, 17:46:18 UTC
After Ernie's letter the night before, Eleanor was feeling a bit better about him being away, and no longer felt the need to fill her time to keep her mind off of things.

She was looking forward to seeing Dean and finally starting the process of getting the rest of the house livable. She'd had plenty of time to think about what she wanted to do with the rooms upstairs, and she was eager to talk to him about it. She just hoped that her savings account would stretch that far.

When the knock came, Eleanor jumped up and jogged over to answer it. "Mr. Thomas," she greeted, shaking the hand he offered. "It's nice to see you again, but please just call me Eleanor."


shh_dean March 18 2007, 19:16:47 UTC
"Okay just call me Eleanor, I'm just Dean then." Dean bowed his head slightly and shook her hand.

He liked her already. She had an easy going grace to her that made Dean comfortable. He chuckled as he thought he'd met several people this weekend he could say the same about now.

But it was strange to feel this way with Eleanor. Normally, Dean was shy with women. Of course, he'd blathered like an idiot with Hermione but to Dean, she was an old friend and he'd always considered her as someone he could trust.

He stepped into the home and saw that it was tastefully decorated which was exactly what he'd expected from someone like Eleanor.

After noddng his head in appreciation at her home, he turned to her and asked, "So do I get a grand tour or do we go straight to work?"


shh_eleanor March 18 2007, 19:37:09 UTC
Eleanor chuckled at Dean's joke. "Alright then, Dean." She was glad he wasn't an uptight sort of person, because Eleanor didn't always know how to act around those types, but he seemed fairly laid back, which helped put her at ease.

She waved him in and shut the door behind him. "I could give you a tour if you'd like. The ground floor is in pretty good shape, but I wouldn't know the difference unless the problem was rather big, like a hole in the wall. Might not be a bad idea to have someone with some experience in that area have a look."

She led him into the kitchen, and then remembered that she had repaired the back door on her own. "Er, the back door was hanging off it's hinges when I moved in. I fixed it myself, though I couldn't quite figure out how to use the screwdriver properly. Is it alright that I used a hammer instead?"

She showed him the rest of the ground floor, explaining her plans to use the bedroom as a study once she was finished, and pointing out the few cracked windows. "Shall we go take a look at the hole then


shh_dean March 18 2007, 20:28:08 UTC
Dean walked around Eleanor's home listening to her speak about her house with pride. The walls seemed to be in good shape but he'd want to cast a few diagnostic spells to test their integrity along with the foundation ( ... )


shh_eleanor March 18 2007, 20:54:44 UTC
Eleanor watched him as he fixed the door, waving away his appology. "It's okay. I really don't know anything about fixing things, and it is why I asked you over. You really don't have to get started now, though."

Honestly, Eleanor was just glad the door was still on it's hinges after all this time, but she didn't use the door much. Just in case. Still, didn't people ususally assess all the damage, and then estimate a price before they started to work on repairs? She thought that was how it worked, but maybe Dean liked to do things differently.

She shook her head when he asked about the cracked windows. She had thought about trying to cast a reparo on them, but she didn't want to make them worse. A cracked window was not the same as a back door that wasn't properly on it's hinges ( ... )


shh_dean March 19 2007, 00:11:27 UTC
Dean cast a reparo spell and a strengthening charm on the spots where the cracks in the windows sealed themselves. He walked over and inspected his work before he nodded his approval ( ... )


shh_eleanor March 19 2007, 04:54:29 UTC
It was a relief to have the windows fixed, even if she hadn't been expecting that today. It did concern her that an over eager owl (most likely her own) would tap a little to hard on one of them and really break it. She watched him carefully with a slightly furrowed brow. Mostly because she didn't have much confidence in her own magical abilities, and she found it interesting to watch people who completely at ease with theirs. Which Dean seemed to be. And also because she was still a bit taken aback that he was doing it at all so early on.

When he told her that he didn't intend to charge her Eleanor's mouth dropped open slightly, and she gaped at him for a few moments. "Er, that is very generous of you, Dean, and while I appreciate the offer, I still feel like I should do something in return. I've been very careful about saving my money the last few years, so I'm fairly certain that covering the builder and the cost of matieriaks won't be a problem. And even if you don't want to charge me monetarily, I'm sure that we can work ( ... )


shh_dean March 20 2007, 00:57:51 UTC
"Something?" Dean mused as he tapped his chin with his index finger. "No need to pay but if you feel bad, we'll find something for trade ( ... )


shh_eleanor March 20 2007, 15:55:10 UTC
Eleanor shook her head slightly with an amused look on her face. "Yes I insist, you're going to starve if you keep offering to do jobs for free," she pointed out. "I like a good bargain as much as the next girl, but I don't feel that you owe me anything. I really don't blame you for having to leave town. I could have hired someone else, but as I said in my letter, I had to leave town for a while myself for a while, and a lot of things got put off. However, if you feel badly, we can definately work something out so niether of us feels like we're cheating the other ( ... )


shh_dean March 20 2007, 21:36:40 UTC
"Oh, so what do you want to do in the workshop then?" Dean asked, curious about what Eleanor wanted to do with the space ( ... )


shh_eleanor March 20 2007, 22:49:23 UTC
"It will mostly be used for curing and packaging. I'll need a lot of space once I really get going, which is why I've decided to devote those two rooms to it," she thought for a moment and added. "I'll probably need some storage space, and a lot of shelving ( ... )


shh_dean March 21 2007, 01:09:01 UTC
"So, you'll need ventalation then. Maybe we can take that hole there and turn it into a vent." Dean's mind was in overdrive as he imagined the room. "Some type of fans and drainage. It would probably be a good idea to put in some type of no-slip surface in here also."

He listened to her speak about soapmaking and when she stopped, he made circles in the air before he smiled, "Can you make swirly soap?"

He understood her nervousness about working in front of others. Dean was the same way with his art although he needed to go out and find a suitable building to paint for Hermione.

"Cooking is something I never quite understood. My dear old mum tried but all I've learned to do is boil eggs." Dean sighed.

"You've been baking alot? Good way to fill up your time," Dean commented. He winked as he said, "I definitely won't turn down free food."


shh_eleanor March 21 2007, 01:33:04 UTC
Eleanor smiled as he made suggestions. "Those are great ideas, I hadn't even thought about most of them. Ventilation, yes, because I don't want to be knocking myself out with the fumes from the lye fumes ( ... )


shh_dean March 21 2007, 16:03:10 UTC
Dean grinned when Eleanor agreed with his suggestions. He'd draw up plans and try to make the space as functional as possible. He enjoyed projects like this and he wanted to make it right for her. There was so much that could be done with the rooms.

"I can have plans for you next week. Would you just like me to owl them to you?"

She talked about swirly soap and marble cake and his tummy rumbled. There was nothing better that marble cake and milk.

"Ha, well, you make is sound easy just like I can make drawing sound easy. Lunch sounds good. I need to get one decent meal in me a month," Dean winked.

Dean's mouth dropped open when she mentioned the biscuits going stale. He took a bite of his before taking a sip of milk. After he was done chewing, he shook his head and said, "It would be a crying shame that those lovely biscuits would go to waste."


shh_eleanor March 21 2007, 21:22:19 UTC
Eleanor nodded. "That would be fine. If I have any questions about them I'll let you know."

She shook her head and smiled slightly when his stomach rumbled. "Merlin, did you even eat before you came over?" she asked. "I have some left over stew in the 'fridge, if you'd like something more substantial than biscuits."

She scoffed when he told her he could make drawing sound easy. "Drawing is not easy. I can't even manage proper stick people. But lunch I can handle."

"It would be a shame. My mum would not be pleased if I let food go to waste. Besides, someone may as well enjoy them. I've just been baking to keep busy. It's mindless, you don't have to focus to do it." She smirked. "Unless you can't cook, that is."


shh_dean March 21 2007, 23:51:51 UTC
"Um...no, I wasn't much up to eating this morning." Dean blushed as he answered her question about breakfast.

"Well, I enjoy drawing. Cooking seems to be out of my league. But I can teach you to draw proper stick figures if you want," he chuckled and thought that he hadn't had much time to start painting and drawing again and would have to find a way to squeeze a few hours in.

"Why's a lovely woman like you need to keep busy? There's a town full of things to do." Dean replied as he finished off his biscuit. He leaned back and patted his stomach before he said, "But as long as you need to stay mindless, I reckon blokes like me who can't cook won't starve."


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