RP: Lonely Thoughts

Mar 18, 2007 13:22

Date: 18 March 2005
Character(s): Daphne
Location: Near the River.
Status: Private
Summary: Daphne's feeling lonely and goes for a walk.
Completion: Complete

Daphne was feeling bored and depressed. She tried passing the time by cleaning her house, but since it wasn't exactly untidy to begin with the amount of time she could pass this way was quite limited.

Before she would simply just have Owled Theo and invited him for tea, and sometimes he might even accept the invitation, but who could she invite now? She didn't know anybody that well. To think that while she was in France she had felt homesick because it was so difficult to make friends when you couldn't talk to people. Now she could talk to people but she still hadn't really made any friends.

She put on her coat and went out for a walk, hoping that a bit of fresh air could clear her thoughts a little bit. As she wandered aimlessly through the streets she discovered, however, that this was not the case. People she saw on the street all seemed to know where they were going, looking like they had places to be and people to see. Other people that waited for them somewhere and were looking forward to seeing them, and just like the night before at the Five Alarm, Daphne's feeling of loneliness only grew.

She had always defined herself by who she was to others. Before moving to France, she had been Daddy's girl. When he had been killed and Maman had taken her to Nice she had been Madame Greengrass' daughter (and still was, but with Maman so far away it didn't count). Returning to Britain, she had been Theo's girlfriend. Now she was nothing to nobody and she didn't know how to be that. She didn't even feel she knew who she was any more.

She found a bench near the river and sat quietly for a long while watching a couple of ducks swimming around in the water, wishing she had brought a bit of bread or something to feed them with. Daphne found herself wishing she had been a duck. Then she could just fly away from all this, and all her worries would be if she could survive long enough to raise another nestful of ducklings. Ducks didn't get lonely or heartbroken or betrayed. Ducks merely lived.

The chill of the early spring was creeping through her coat and she shivered. She probably ought to cast some sort of warming charm or go home but she didn't do either.

Daphne missed Theo desperately. Not Theo himself, really, she knew he was no good for her, but the idea of him. The idea of being held and made to feel protected, cared for and appreciated.


Even if it was all just pretend.

daphne greengrass, place: by the river, march 2005

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