RP: Dinner with a side of Socializing

Mar 09, 2007 18:59

Date: March 9, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger, Viktor (and Maire) Krum, anyone else
Location: Socks
Status: Public
Summary: Roger and Hermione go to Socks for dinner.
Completion: Complete

Roger walked with Hermione up the street toward Socks, having decided to grab some dinner out after they'd both finished working. He was, admittedly ( Read more... )

roger davies, place: socks, viktor krum, march 2005, hermione granger

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Comments 24

shh_hermione March 10 2007, 00:31:33 UTC
It was a nice night for a walk. In fact, the newspaper had predicted a sunny day tomorrow, which was awful considering she had to work all day. It would be just their luck for Sunday to be rainy and overcast since that was when they planned to take Lucy for a ride and just explore wherever they wanted.

Hermione smiled as they entered Socks far too quickly. She almost suggested taking the long way, because she loved their conversations when they walked, but there was always the walk home to take leisurely. Right now, she was actually rather hungry, so food would be quite nice.

Once they were seated at a table near the back where she could face the door without worrying about anyone coming up behind her, she sat down and picked up the menu. A house elf arrived for their drink order before she'd had time to open it. "I'd like pineapple juice, I think," she said after a moment of thought.


shh_roger March 10 2007, 00:43:41 UTC
Roger turned to the house elf when Hermione ordered her juice, then requested a butterbeer for himself. The elf disappeared with a crack and he focused on Hermione again. She was looking at the menu, but he didn't much care what he ate, so he was looking at her. "Thanks for coming out with me tonight," he said.

"So what's Ron up to?" He fiddled with the edges of his menu. "I've not seen him since Sunday. Is he recovered from his birthday weekend yet?" He smiled. "It took me a day or so to wind down from that weekend, and it wasn't even my birthday."

The elf came back quickly with their drinks, but gave them a few extra minutes to decide what they wanted to eat.


shh_hermione March 10 2007, 00:49:04 UTC
"You're staring, Davies," she said with a slight smile, not looking up from her menu when she felt the now familiar awareness that accompanied him looking at her. "Look at your menu so you'll know what you want when the house elf returns."

She decided to have bangers and mash because it had been awhile since she'd had it. Once she knew what she wanted, she closed the menu and looked at Roger. "Ron's been busy with work and Lavender. And, yes, I think he finally recovered sometime around mid-week. I swear, his birthday celebrations must have lasted a week."


shh_viktor March 10 2007, 01:00:15 UTC
Viktor had been up wth Maire early, and since it was such a nice day had asked if she wanted to go flying. There hadn't really been the weather to do it for fun up to now, but it was warm and sunny, and she thought that was an excellent idea, so he'd got out his broom and done a round of diagnostic charms, then strapped her both to the broom and to him, and up they'd gone ( ... )


shh_viktor March 10 2007, 02:59:20 UTC
"No," Viktor said. "New business is in, I am think you have said, for build things? But no, he is not tell me of. Perhaps he is forget, behind pretty face." He was glad to see Hermione teasing and not so tense.

"D'you build toys?" Maire asked. She was making a brown stick with one very messy end, which Viktor figured was the broom. She went back to coloring.

"Is good, for less busy," Viktor said. "You are perhaps, then, sleep sometimes." He refrained from adding, now that you've chosen someone to cuddle up with.


shh_roger March 10 2007, 03:14:00 UTC
He laughed softly at Hermione's comment and refrained from reaching over to tuck her hair back on the other side. "Well, I wouldn't think you'd be interested in a fool, so that's encouraging, at least-- even if I should have asked you for that dance," he teased. He'd take her up on that less-crowded dance soon though, definitely.

"Yeah, I'll be building things, furniture and also general woodwork, like I do now," he said to Viktor, squinting a bit at the 'pretty face' comment before he chuckled. Maire's question made him smile, and he thought over it.

"I've never tried toys," he admitted. "I guess I could give it a shot. Might even be easier than furniture."


shh_hermione March 10 2007, 03:23:38 UTC
"At least now you'll know to not make the same mistake next time," she said smartly.

She considered Maire's question and frowned thoughtfully. "You know, you could probably make some simple toys just with lumber that was remaining from other projects. Then there'd not really be any profit loss save for time spent on each item," she told Roger. "With the school and orphanage being local, there'd be a good opportunity for possibly selling small wizarding toys." She trailed off and smiled sheepishly. "Or not, since it's your business, and I'm just thinking aloud."

Turning to Viktor, she smiled. "I'm still pretty busy," she said simply, not mentioning the sleep, or lack thereof.


shh_viktor March 10 2007, 03:28:30 UTC
Viktor chose not to comment on methods of relaxation, and went back to the toys. "This is good idea. Is perhaps, even, I would help with, if you are want help. I have been, sometimes, fix toys which are in house when I am move in, and is not for usual, very complicating."

He chuckled that Hermione was coming up with extra ideas for Rogr's business as well as her own, but he didn't comment on that, either. She was probably always going to have more ideas than time.

"Does the elfs come soon?" Maire asked. "'m starvin'."

Viktor looked about, then reassured her they were probably next.


shh_hermione March 10 2007, 04:39:57 UTC
Considering Viktor's interest in doing something with his time, she rather thought that helping Roger might suit him quite well since it could be done around Maire's schedule and wasn't a daily grind sort of position. At least, it would be good until he figured out what he wanted to do with his life. Of course, that was if Roger decided to bring that into his business.

She bit her lip and deliberately kicked Viktor rather hard beneath the table at his oh-so-innocent expression as he said something rather suggestive. "I'd enjoy looking over the books and discussing business, Roger," she told him, arching a brow at Viktor in warning in much the same way as she would with Ron.

"That's a very nice cat, Maire. You'll have to come over to visit Crookshanks soon, and to meet Harry's new puppy, Cocoa," she suggested. She glanced at Roger and smiled. "We can talk later about your business plan and get some of the pesky details figured out, if you'd like."


shh_roger March 10 2007, 04:53:45 UTC
"No, I know," he said when Viktor mentioned not worrying about profit, "but it's only fair, if you'd be taking the time out, and all. But yeah. Might need to consult Hermione for advice and such." He nodded, smiling slightly.

Roger was still thinking about possibilities for his business and toys and such while Hermione chatted to Maire about her cat drawing. He looked up as Hermione addressed him. "Later sounds good," he said, "for figuring out details."


shh_viktor March 10 2007, 05:04:21 UTC
Viktor winced at the kick, but grinned anyway, because he was mostly impressed with himself for innocent-sounding suggestiveness in English. "I am think, she is like puppy, yes," he said. "I am think, puppy and small child are good for make each other tiring."

The food arrived, and Viktor helped Maire move her picture out of the way and arrange her chips to her liking. She took an immense bite of her sandwich and smiled.


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