RP: Lonely Moonlight Nights

Feb 21, 2007 17:17

Date: 21 February 2005 (late evening)
Characters: Sanguini and Rita Skeeter
Location: Streets of Stoatshead
Status: Private
Summary: Sanguini goes on one of his late night walks and meets someone unexpected.
Completion: Incomplete

Lonely Moonlight Nights )

sanguini, february 2005, place: streets of shh, rita skeeter

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shh_rita February 23 2007, 05:05:38 UTC
Rita had noticed his smirk before she looked away, and couldn't help but see the elongated canines the gesture revealed. She was slightly unsettled, but nonetheless intrigued. Merlin, what he could do to someone with those. He was undoubtedly dangerous, and Rita had always liked dangerous men.

"Casually travelling the world?" she smirked and cast a glance upward as they walked, chuckled. "A lot of people would kill for that opportunity. But I can see how it would get tiresome quickly when one has an eternity to do it."

Copper Towers? Interesting. Rita wondered if Irma knew she had a vampire living in her basement. It would be amusing to tell her.

"Where had you been travelling?"


shh_sanguini February 23 2007, 19:23:58 UTC
"Well, after a few centuries, you do run out of legendary places to explore, and visiting the modern wonders of the world can only be done so many times before they become less than wondrous."

He could tell that Rita was still a bit nervous to be around him, but that was to be expected. Almost everyone was a bit unsettled the first time they met a vampire. Sanguini knew the only reason Narcissa hadn't been nervous around him was because she had had a vampiric tutor in her youth.

Sanguini shrugged gallantly in answer to her question.

"I had been in the United States rather recently, and then back to France where I was born to visit some graves."


shh_rita February 25 2007, 15:08:41 UTC
"You were born in France?" she asked, with another quick glance up. "I spent a number of years there in the 70s, and then again during the war. I sort of ran away when my house off Diagon burned in one of the attacks." They hadn't been pleasant months - she had no idea why she was even mentioning them. "I like France. I like the French. I love French food and wine."

She was silent for a few moments as they walked, then spoke again. "If travelling grows tedious, what about people? Seeing how things have changed? Do you ever spend time with... other vampires?"

She chuckled at herself. Merlin, she was interrogating him.


shh_sanguini February 25 2007, 18:50:42 UTC
"Yes, south of Lyons."

A mischievious smirk came to his lips when she mentioned that she loved French cuisine.

"The French are quite delicious, I will admit."

He kept his laughter to himself and focused on her next question. Sanguini didn't mind being questioned; he had opened himself to it anyways, and he had no problem with talking, even to strangers.

"I have had several companions during my existence, people who stand out from all of the rest. It is interesting watching things change, but eventually life seems to start following a pattern."

Sanguini shrugged.

"I don't spend much time around my kind, save for the times I run into them by accident. Some of them can be interesting, but most are stuck in the century they were born in, stagnant."


shh_rita February 27 2007, 15:24:01 UTC
Rita couldn't help but laugh at his humour. "Do people from different countries taste different, then?" she smiled. "I suppose the English - given our general taste in food - are quite bland, then."

She nodded at his next comment and the smile turned wry. "Patterns, yes. I don't think one has to live for centuries to see that, though I imagine it's more apparent."

She glanced up again as they walked, thinking. "Do you know Mr Ollivander, the wandmaker?" she asked. "You'd probably enjoy his company. I know he likes visitors. He's... well, I don't know how old he is, but maybe even older than you."

It was interesting, the places she ended up in this town. The people she spoke to. She chuckled. "I can't believe the number of colourful people that have made their way to this place. It's quite exciting, living here. Seeing who turns up, what they make of it. I like being in the middle of things. I'm glad to be here. It's not quite London - not quite what Diagon Alley was to me, but it's getting there."


shh_sanguini February 27 2007, 19:37:09 UTC
"Yes, actually." Sanguini grinned.

"I have found that they do. Although I drink from flasks from the apothecary these days, I will agree that the English are slightly bland, although wizards taste much better than Muggles. The food they seem to eat now..."

He made a face.

"It's terrible."

Sanguini shook his head when she mentioned Ollivander.

"I have heard of him in various conversations, but I cannot say that I have actually been in his presence."

He laughed softly.

"Yes, I have met several colourful people as well. It seems that this town attracts them in droves. In fact, I've run into a man that I believed to be dead, which is certainly more than I'm used to, even being a vampire."


shh_rita March 1 2007, 16:01:27 UTC
"What about pureblood, half-blood and muggleborn?" she asked, more out of insatiable, morbid curiosity than anything else. "Since that has often been such a huge issue in our culture... do they taste different, or is magic magic?"

She glanced up at him. "He has a shop here in town. You should visit him. You might find you have a lot to talk about." She smiled.

The Five Alarm had come into view as they walked, and there still appeared to be lights burning in the windows. "It looks like we're in luck," she said, approaching the door. "Do you drink anything they sell here?"


shh_sanguini March 1 2007, 18:23:34 UTC
Sanguini shrugged.

"Magic is magic. People from all walks of life are different, but the magic in their blood is just the same."

He chuckled to himself, never having discussed such a subject with a human before. It sometimes came up in the company of the other vampires, but most mortals didn't want to know about his feeding habits.

"I believe I may do so." Sanguini said, referring to Ollivander. It would be interesting meeting a mortal, especially one so old. The interesting ones he seemed to meet tended to be young, but there were always exceptions.

When they reached the Five Alarm, the vampire shook his head and patted his pocket. "I drink from flasks I recieve from the local apothecary, although I can handle a few swallows of anything else."


shh_rita March 5 2007, 12:19:13 UTC
Rita nodded. She heard his chuckle, and couldn't help but smile. "You'll have to forgive me," she murmured, "I'm rather curious. It's a requirement of the job that I've internalised." Or that she'd always had. One of the two.

She hoped he would see Ollivander. Surely they'd get along, find things to talk about. Nostalgia, at least - and they'd had very different lives.

"Ah, well," she said, pushing the door open. "We can find a warm corner, anyway, and I'll buy you a glass of something if you want to sip at it."

Rita was usually a dry martini sort of person, but something about the night and the company made her order a rich, French red. "Anything?" she asked him.


shh_sanguini March 5 2007, 23:45:50 UTC
"No, it's not a problem. I'm used to people running for the pitchforks and torches, so being questioned is a pleasant alternative."

Sanguini followed her inside the Five Alarm, privately pleased that it wasn't too busy. Not everyone was a night owl, after all. He followed her to a table in the back and sat down across from her, patiently waiting for the waitress to arrive. He raised an eyebrow in amusement at Rita's choice.

"I'll take one of the same." He replied, and the barmaid wandered off.

He looked at Rita with a small smile on his lips.

"So any other burning questions about the mystery of vampiricism?"


shh_rita March 9 2007, 02:44:03 UTC
The waitress returned quickly with their drinks, and Rita pondered Sanguini's question as she took a sip. Did she have any other burnin gquestions?

"I don't know," she answered finally, with a smile. "Are there any other questions I should be asking that have interesting answers?"

She waved a hand. "Just... tell me something, some story about... your favourite period in history. Or anything. Shock me. I love stories."


shh_sanguini March 12 2007, 22:08:52 UTC
"Plenty of questions have interesting answers."

He said, smiling and briefly baring his fangs before he took a miniscule sip of his drink.

"Well, I was at the storming of the Bastille during the most famous of the French revolutions. I am a pureblood, but I ended up being on the side of the lower classes more out of curiosity than anything else. I mostly stayed by the sidelines, but such rebellion can always be interesting."

Sanguini shrugged.

"I was born south of Lyons in French in a small wizarding village. Nothing very interesting happened in my life until I decided to become an Auror and ended up captured by a vampire named Josephine. She became rather fond of me and ended up changing me rather than snapping my neck."


shh_rita March 14 2007, 14:47:39 UTC
Rita listened with genuine interest, drinking in the stories ... well, not being able to avoid a hideous cliche, in the same way that he would blood.

Stories were like food. Like chocolate. Like sex.

She cradled the glass in her hand, sipping again. It was a very rich wine, heady. Delicious.

"This might be a difficult, or perhaps a pointless and redundant question, but if you had the choice, if you'd ever had the choice - would you have chosen a mortal life? It must be... I can't imagine walking a road that doesn't end. I think we live with..." she lifted her hand again, trying to find the words, "Some sort of understanding of our own mortality, some way of measuring and feeling time. To not have that... I don't know whether it would make me feel liberated or bereft."

There was more than one question in there somewhere, she knew. Perhaps he would be able to find the ones that interested him.


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