RP: Keep the eye on the money...erm potion

Dec 30, 2006 03:28

Date: December 29, 2004
Character(s): Millicent, Travers
Location: Their respective homes
Status: Private (very much so)
Summary: In spite of having given her consent, Millicent is distraught about Ella going to live with Gilderoy and Julian. In need of a high and with no more potions and very little money in the house she goes to desperate messures as she seeks out Travers to get what she needs. No matter the price she has to pay.
Completion: Complete

There are situations that are too much to handle, when the brain shuts down because processing information is too much. Having Ella taken from her was such a situation for Millicent - no matter how temporary Avery assured her it was.

Sinking down on the floor with a whimper that turned into a wail, Millicent rocked back and forth. The pain was too much, too excutiating, for her to handle. It was as if everything else in the world vanished. There was only pain. A horribly, mindnumbing pain that had her wishing for nothing more than relief.

That's when another realisation hit her. There were no more pain potion in the house.

Crawling to the bathroom as the pain was too much for her to walk, Millicent ransacked it, throwing everything that wasn't already on the floor down on it, but not finding any potions to help her ease her pain.

She needed pain potion. She needed it so badly she could hardly breathe. Grabbing her money pouch she turned it upside down, counting the coins she still had. Not nearly enough to buy what she needed from Hestia. There was someone else who could give her potions though...even if the thought of the price made her shudder.

Still, nothing could be worse than the pain she was feeling now.

Brasing herself on the wall, she forced herself to stand upright. Then she moved as quickly as possible for the door, grabbed her cloak and Apparated to the area where Travers had said he'd lived. She was surprised she didn't splinch herself, but couldn't have cared less if she had.

A single house looked as if there was someone living in it. Or squating in it more like it as it didn't look much different from the abandoned houses, but there was light coming through the windows.

Walking up to the house, Millicent hesitated only for a moment before knocking.

place: private residence, willis travers, millicent bulstrode, december 2004

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