(no subject)

Dec 01, 2006 01:58

Date: November 30, 2006
Character(s): Hestia Jones, Narcissa Malfoy
Location: 1A Hillview, Shop at 2nd and Gamma
Status: Private
Summary: Hestia sends an overdue messages
Completion: Incomplete

Ms. Malfoy,

I am not sure if you are aware that my shop was broken into and much of my supplies were stolen or ruined. I have enclosed a partial first payment. I will soon be restocking my shop and will have the facilities to fulfill our agreement.

If you feel this breaks our contract, you should keep Gustav. If you would be so kind as to owl me that you are doing so. Then I could return his cage to you also.

enclosed : 1 healing potion, 1 healing salve

Hestia Jones

Shrinking her payment,spelling them not to break she enclosed them in her note. Hestia attached the missive to Gustav's leg. Running her hand over his soft feathers for what could be the last time, she most definitely did not have tears in her eyes.

Having the owl for such a short time surely meant that she wasn't attached to it. She fed it an owl treat and sent him off. Perhaps Narcissa wouldn't see it as breaking their contract. Sometimes she had to shake her head at herself, since when did she live in hope?

Turning her back on the window she sipped her tea, and tried to squelch her feelings of powerlessness. She would get through this just like she had got through everything else, by moving on. Once her shop was back together perhaps she could just return and buy Gustav outright, if Narcissa kept him.

owl, narcissa malfoy, november 2004, hestia jones

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