RP: Family Matters

Nov 30, 2006 17:29

Date: November 30, 2004
Characters: Dean
Location: Hammerside (Dean’s Building).
Status: Private.
Summary: Dean comes back after visiting his family.
Completion: Complete

Dean apperated back into his flat with a faint pop and took a look around. He could not believe that he missed his place, but he had. He loved his family, and being able to see them was something that he always looked forward to, but this visit was particularly tough.

His mom was the happiest he had seen her in years, he figured that being a new grandmother would do that to a person. The whole point of his visit was that his little sister Maggie had had a baby, William Michael Anderson Jr. It was the first time that he would be meeting his nephew, since Maggie had given birth just after he reached Stoatshead, and he had been looking forward to it. Deans other younger sister, Maggie’s twin Jane, was going to be down from Scotland and his younger brother Stuart, still lived at home so the while family would be there.

The only shadow over the even was the fact that Dean did not know whether to tell his mother what he had discovered about his real father, Charles Randolph. Dean’s father left his mother when Dean was about two years old. His mother, Michelle, remarried James Thomas and they had three children the girls who had just turned 22 and Stuart who was a few weeks shy of 17. Charles, who never told Michelle that he was a wizard, also never left an explanation for his abandonment of his family and from the time Dean found out about his real father he hated him for it. Dean’s mother did not tell him his step father was not his real father until 2003 when another wizard in the order mentioned that Dean’s father had been a big help to the wizarding community during Voldermort’s first rise.

Dean remembered telling the other wizard that he must be mistaken, but when an old picture was produced, there was no mistaking it. Dean looked just like his father. He asked around and discovered that his father left the family because there were Death Eaters after him and he was trying to protect his them. The revelation had shocked Dean to his core. Did his mother know that his father had been a wizard? Why didn’t she ever tell Dean about him before? Did she know that he had been killed shortly after he left them?

These were some of the questions that had haunted Dean through the last year of the war, when he was underground fighting so that his family would not be affected. Isn’t it funny where life’s parallels present themselves? His family, or at least his mother and father, or rather step-father, had been told the truth about why he was gone for so long and had covered for him. When he had come home after Voldermort’s defeat he had been quiet and very introverted and they chalked it up to what he had been through, but a lot of it was the fact that he did not know whether or not to tell them what he had learned about Charles Randolph.

He ended up not telling them, they were so preoccupied with visiting Maggie and Bill before the baby was born and so happy, that he could not bring himself to tell them. Now, however, after thinking about it for a few weeks he realized that they needed to know. It was going to do no one any good to keep his discoveries hidden, but when he arrived at his family home, he had still not yet decided how he was going to tell them.

Maggie’s baby was beautiful and Dean wasted no time in telling Bill, his brother in law, that it must have been the mother’s genes. After dinner, while the girls were occupied cooing little William and Bill and Stuart had gone out to kick around a football, Dean told his parents that he had something that he needed to talk to them about. The seriousness in his voice was unmistakable and so they followed him in to James’s office. He did not know how to begin, so he just started from what he knew. By the time he was finished the silence in the room was only matched by the tension in the air.

James spoke first, “Well that would explain a lot,” he said calmly, but then there was another long silence.

Dean could tell that his mother was still trying to process what she had just heard and he was trying his best not to jump right to the question about not telling him. It was after all, a lot for her to take in. For more than twenty years, Michelle had been under the impression that Charles left her and their young son because he did not care about them, but the truth was ironically different. He had left them to ensure their safety, which had apparently been in jeopardy considering he was killed shortly there after.

The rest of their conversation was filled with explanations. Michelle told Dean why she had hid the information about his father from him for so long, even after he was accepted to Hogwarts. It was the classic tale of a mother trying to protect her child from the way that people can talk. She had never thought that Dean would find out, especially in that way.

Through the whole conversation James sat quiet listening to mother and son go back and forth wondering how this revelation would affect the positive relationship that he had always enjoyed with his oldest son. He thought about how he felt when Michelle initially told him that she was not going to tell her son about her first husband and that she would prefer it if he never knew. James had respected her decision, though he did not necessarily agree with it. Now here it was coming out twenty three years later.

When all the reasoning and explanations were over there was another long silence. Dean looked at James, suddenly realizing how uncomfortable this whole conversation must be making him. It did not matter to Dean that James was not his real father because he was the dad that Dean had always known, relied on and loved. However, the new information about Charles was also important to him.

Dean broke the silence addressing his mother, “I am sorry that I brought it up, I just needed to know. I am not saying this to hurt either you or Dad. I didn’t know if you knew about Charles, but I thought you should, since I am sure that… well… there was some closure needed I guess.”

“You were right to tell us,” James said a little choked up, “And you deserved to know the truth. We love you… son, we just hope that you know that.”

Dean got up and hugged both his parents and there was a pact made to not tell any of his siblings, not for any particular reason, but just because now was not the time. They may know eventually, but it did not make a difference. When the three of them emerged the boys were still outside and the girls had joined them so the house was quiet. The rest of the visit was pleasant and before Dean left they made him promise to come home again for Christmas.

Dean now stood in his flat thinking. He moved to put his stuff away and looked around for some parchment, he had been gone longer than he thought he would be and he had some owls to send.
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