OWL: Three's a Charm

Nov 30, 2006 17:15

Date: November 29, 2004 (late afternoon).
Character(s): Jack Sloper, Roger Davies, Narcissa Malfoy, Ginny Weasley
Location: Second and River
Status: Private
Summary: Writing and Reflection.
Completion: Complete.

He sat at his desk in the flat above his workshop, a pad of paper and a ballpoint pen in front of him as he surveyed his afternoon's work. He'd brought most of the furnishings from his old flat in London over to Stoatshead now. Several spotlights illuminated the corners, whilst various plants were sat on the windows and surfaces, reflected in the glass of the paintings and framed memorabilia that hung on his walls. He grinned at his copy of an original "Forbidden Planet" theatrical advert poster - nobody in the muggle world had understood his obsession with classic sci-fi or horror films, and he rather got the feeling nobody here would either. But it didn't matter to him, as he glanced fondly at his television, walking over and flicking it on before inserting his copy of the film in question into the DVD player. He'd designated this room magic-free so his electrical devices would work without...well...exploding, and he was all the more glad for it now.

He made his way back to his desk, picking up his biro as he began to write on the pad. He'd never thought to go back to quills and parchment after his stint in the city and elsewhere - it just seemed so anachronistic now that there were much more reliable and less time-consuming methods available. Thinking of Roger, he set pen to paper.


No worries about the owl incident mate, it was my own fool fault. I was just pissed is all. Listen, you did a great job on the shop with me, and it looks like Lockhart might have some work for us, you game? Drop by at some point and I'll give you your pay, and we'll have those beers we talked about. Still play cards? My poker skills need a bit of sharpening, if we can get anyone else involved.

Cigars and scotch sound like a plan?

- Jack.

He set the letter aside, starting on the next as a familiar head of red hair drifted through his mind.

Hey Ginny,

Just thought I'd owl, since we haven't spoken in a couple of days. I met your co-worker yesterday, Andromeda Tonks? Had a bit of an accident with Roger and an owl in the morning, but it's all good. Hey, the flat's pretty much furnished properly now - looks like an actual home, as opposed to just a room with stuff in it.

Listen, I feel pretty awkward about the other day, and the way we left things. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea or anything, I genuinely was concerned and I didn't have any ulterior motives, you know? If you fancy it, I'm not too bad with a pan and fire, and I'd like the chance to show off. Because, you know, my ego needs stroking every now and again. Heh, kidding, but seriously, I'd like it if you came for dinner maybe tonight or tomorrow? If you don't have plans, of course.

Kali will wait for a reply if you're not busy, just leave it with her and she'll do the rest.

Yours affectionately,

- Jack.

Reading through several times, he started on the letter so his employer.

Mrs. Malfoy,

My thanks again for Kali - she's proving useful already - and for the instruction yesterday. If you find any problems with the work we've done, let me know and I'll come by the shop. Otherwise, just owl me as to when you'd like me to assess the flat above, and we can discuss what you wanted to do with it.


- Jack Sloper, Carpentry and Shopfitting.

He folded all three and addressed them before making his way over to the peregrine falcon sat on the perch he'd built for her that afternoon, preening her feathers and glancing up at him as he approached.

"Hey, girl." He said softly, stroking the back of her head lightly before attaching the messages to her leg. "Go to the Malfoy woman first, then Roger. Save Ginny for last and wait for a reply, if she isn't doing something important." The bird almost seemed to nod then as she unfurled her great wings, flying out of the large window to his left. He'd had his pick of the owls from Familiar Ground once the refurbishment had been finished, but she'd caught his eye almost instantly. The deal had been cemented when she'd flown to his arm - something he'd read years ago about familiars hypothesised that it was generally the animal that chose the wizard if the selection was done correctly. He couldn't think of a plainer sign than that.

He watched her form recede into the distance, before he picked his cup of tea up off the desk and made his way over to the sofa, pressing play on the controller and relaxing into the soft seats as the opening credits rolled.

owl, narcissa malfoy, november 2004, jack sloper, roger davies, ginny weasley

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